

<p>copyright© 2023 Favour Inegbedion<br/><br/><br/> This is a work of friction . Names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination, Any resemblance to actual persona living or dead,events or localities is entirely coincidental.<br/><br/><br/>  All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced , transmitted or stored in a retrieval system or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission in writing from the publisher or the author.<br/><br/>ACKNOWLEDGEMENT<br/> <br/> I want to thank GOD Almighty for inspiration and perfection for the completion of this novel, i want to thank God almighty for the breath of life,,and for giving me the opportunity to be able to start this story and finish it,,so also I want to thank my mother for giving me basic education and also for her encouragement.<br/> <br/> <br/> DEDICATION<br/> I dedicate this book to the Almighty and to my loving mother.<br/><br/> <br/><br/> ABOUT THE AUTHOR<br/>Inegbedion Favour is a novel and poem, fairy tale books and motivation passages.<br/>she is also a model in making and an upcoming actress.<br/>She obtained a Bachelors of science Degree in International Relations from Espam Formation University,Republic du Benin (Cotonou).<br/><br/> CHARACTERS<br/>Nini<br/>Job<br/>Kathy<br/><br/><br/> (1)<br/><br/><br/> CHAPTER ONE(1)<br/>You don't walk out on me , am still talking to you, job shouted again, oh you don't tell me if am to walk out on you or not, nini turned and replied, yea its the relationship again and I feel like am getting tired she said within herself, I see you have no manners and respect, how about you learn how to talk nini fired back at him,that's me and my guy always fighting and it freaks me out , like I should strangle him at times, all he cares about are worthless things and he always feels too right like my opinion counts as nothing.<br/>you know what am done ok ,do whatever you like am done with this relationship nini said while crying and entering inside to pack up her things, am the emotional type I've got plenty of tears, am sorry babe, job followed mini to the room, I don't just like it when you walk out on me it pisses me off, am sorry too ok just that the words you say to me makes me loose it at times nini said looking sober, let's just stop fighting ok, they both agreed,,Anyways am Nini and my love life was full of ups and down. I grew up to be this loyal girl and not moved by material lifestyles I mean fake life,<br/> (2)<br/>before I entered into the relationship I was age 20 so I could practically say I was old enough to date a guy. I grew up to understand I never liked guys like I wasn't interested in what they had all I cared about was me going to school, cause I was the book type. Not sure I had someone to call my friend cause my face was always looking scary, not like I don't like friends I wasn't just the laughing type.<br/>Take a look at it congratulations my baby, my aunt was presenting a paper to me, I opened it looking confused, oh!! my God couldn't hold back my happiness, I finally got my admission which gave me so much joy, how else can I say thank you am so greatfull I told my aunt and uncle crying, they took me like their child and I always pray I make them happy,the perfect way.<br/>Hey babe guess what, that's me to job, he's one best friend I always tell my all bad and good. you know am very bad at guessing just tell me what happened, I just got my admission I said loudly, tell me you are joking right, I could sense that internal joy from him wanting to burst, congratulations my love am so proud of you, my baby is finally going to be a graduate he tissed.<br/><br/> (3)<br/>I could say things were turning up good for me at that point in my life, things were working so perfectly well, my education, family and relationship was healthy, so I had little cause to worry.<br/>I had just two roommates and I could say they made life practically the best for me, but everything about the guys just got me angry, I know am a pretty lady no doubt they are all buzzing around me, like bees who need honey,Pascal I've told you my mind even if you go to space and come back am still not going to date you, that was me to this one stubborn guy, at a point I felt he wanted to use me, because he had the money he was every girls dream I mean why me of all people when I simply have nothing to offer, hey come on don't be like that, I just like you and I want to have you not for fun but we could benefit from each other positively he said smiling, and my answer still is No I don't need your positive benefits give it to those on the street, actually that wasn't from me I have feelings for pascal but I consider it cheating to job, I just want to be loyal to my guy nothing more, I'll still be waiting for you anytime you are ready I'll be willing to accept you in my arms he shouted from his car, I heard that quite clear,<br/><br/> (4)<br/> sounds sweet and annoying I just smiled to myself with my back facing him and left for home I had a long day at school.<br/> Hey baby girls am back home , I shouted from the door, Tessy my first Roomie was always the social media type she's always on her phone doesn't Cook , she loves dressing and loves partying, she's nice and funny and a baddie, then my second was spiritual, I mean she's the opposite of Tessy, Bella loved TikTok too but only to watch, she doesn't like going out, approximately she wasn't a baddie she's just Bella. <br/>Guess what happened today babes, I always loved jisting my roomies kind of a ladies life, seeing them ready to hear , i met pascal again, I guess he came to look for you at school Bella said, but why won't you just say yes to this guy I mean he's one in a town Tessy chipped in, come on guys I know he's cute and all but I have a guy I really don't want to hurt him, I was trying to be emotional not until Tessy bursted a huge laugh mimicking me, what's so funny I asked her am trying to be considerate here, considerate my foot she jumped in, putting your hope on this guy will only make you weep at the end , what do you mean by that I asked.<br/><br/> (5)<br/>Look baby girl putting all your trust in a guy, I mean job is a good guy but don't be too sure he's right for you, take it slow ok Tessy sort of advised me, madam all you do is to sit down there and stare at me like am some alien, Tessy tissed Bella and we all laughed, I loved my girls so much cause they would never hurt me.<br/>Time into hours, days into weeks, weeks into months until tragedy strucked me down so deep, it all happened while I went to school to snap my results, I had call from this strange number, I wasn't interested in picking at first but I just decided to, oh my God it's a lie that was all I could say and fainted,<br/><br/> (6)<br/> I woke up about 30mins later, I felt this sharp pain inside of me, I had received a call eairler , Hey girl can you see me I recognized Tessy's voice, I felt like fainting again but my eyes were wide open as tears began to roll down fast and hot from my checks, talk me girl you are beginning to scare us , I felt the tears waiting to come out from their eyes, they were the one I was about sending this to holding the paper in her hands , you need to talk straight cause you are confusing us, Tessy was already crying, I got a call that my uncle and aunty were involved in a ghostly accident and non survived it, by then the tears were becoming faster and hotter, am so sorry I kept on hearing those words from my roomies, I wanted to run out but they pinned me down like they knew I was about doing something crazy, you don't understand you don't I said screaming and crying, they were all I had, they took care of me even when my parents died, they paid my school fees and made me live large, ohh God why me, I read so hard I was about sending my results to surprise them before the call came in, I said all this hitting my head hard, How do I start it, where will I go , who will pay for my fees , at this time I was already crazy cause I kept walking round the room non-stop, did I ever deserve this God , thought you said you love me I was screaming so loud and crying heavily, my roomies were trying to catch me cause I was already looking for a sharp object I wanted to end it that moment, they were quick enough to get me I tied me to the chair, I cried for hours and that kept on crying along with me.<br/><br/> (7)<br/> <br/> CHAPTER TWO(2)<br/>I almost had brain tumor for two months, the day of that accident pascal was the first to call, then my roomies explained what happened to him, he came over immediately to my house and stayed with me till I slept. It was a painful one for me cause my friends Called job to inform him about what happened the only thing he said was he was busy with his game and he would call me back , that hurt more than my family that just passed away, I really had it though those period, I had to travel back to prepare a burial ritual for them.<br/>please put more candle sticks around the frame, I told tessy, we were all on black that day, I had nobody else just me and my roomies along side pascal, I passed by the door and heard conversations that drew my attention back, actually they were whispering,I wanted to open the door then I decided to eves drop, how could you be so heartless man, why would you treat her that way, you were never there for her all you do is to pretend, that was Pascal talking to job, look I get it man, I fucked up ok and that's why am here to make things right with her, I mean she can't let go of me, job bragged.<br/> <br/> (8)<br/>I couldn't believe my ears that moment, I would never expect job to do such a thing to me, Nini where are you! bella was already looking for me, I wiped my eyes and went to attend to her, am here mama I called out from the kitchen, the drinks are finished so I'll go get some at the store I'll be back shortly, ok dear I waved with a smile I turned back and saw job and pascal standing side by side while job went on his knees to ask for forgiveness, should I forgive for leaving me for games at my lowest, or should I forgive you for never replying texts , or should I forgive you for bragging with my name, I said all that down in my heart, it's fine get up I totally understand you were busy, gosh I didn't know how that came out of my mouth, I initially wanted to yell at him, but the words got twisted up and came out wrongly, I knew you would forgive me he said standing up to hug me, as my eyes locked up with pascal's own, I was greatful not because of their death, but because I had people to call my family again, I still don't get something clear, the way those two I mean job and pascal talked to each other sounded like they knew each other before, Or is that how boys communicate, don't bother about things that are not necessary, they don't know each other I concluded and went to have my bath, it's being a long day.<br/><br/> (9)<br/> It was a long and tiring journey back to school, the tears ,the preparation, the speech, the text from my course mate and also my HOD, everything literally made me so tired, I just want to rest am so exhausted, I was talking to job who was driving me to my hostel, when you get to the hostel you will rest better he said calmly and sweet, I bet he was true , could I really do anything without him, babe job said tapping me, what are thinking that got you carried away, I've being tapping you,we are at your hostel already, I realized myself, ok dear I'll get going now please stay safe ok , I told him with a kiss on his forehead,<br/>I walked so tiredly to my room, ignored my roommates and lay on my bed like a log of wood and dozed off, poor me!!.<br/><br/> (10)<br/>please see me when you are done with class, <br/>my bursar told me from a distance while I was about entering my class, I will ma I replied, my heart was already racing, but I just had to calm myself down, so I could focus properly in class. My class got finished and I headed straight to the bursar's office , this came in for you she said handing over a receipt to me, keep them carefully, I will ma I said and collected it, I stood there and opened it, ok I think I need glasses cause what I was holding was bigger than me, who paid for my tution fee till I graduate, am sorry ma please who did this, I don't know dear I saw the message and did as I was asked, ensure you keep that receipt well, there are thousands of money there, I will ma I replied , thank you so much am greatful, I was having this thought if it would be nice to faint again cause I was extremely happy, a stranger just took care of my fees for me, how strange .<br/> I got home later that evening cause i went to get things at the market, hellooo I called out bouncing to my doorstep, I opened the door and met my roomies eating spaghetti, ok girls I've got good news.<br/><br/> (11)<br/><br/> <br/>I could see the excitement on their faces wanting to hear another jist, I handed over the receipt to them while they just stared at it for about thirty sec, don't tell me you don't understand what's Witten on that receipt, they noded negative while staring at the receipt, ok some good Samaritan just payed for my fees till ending of school I said that shouting, are you serious they said shouting, they looked at the receipt I think they finally understood what was written there, congrats baby girl tessy said to me, at least you have little to worry about for now and don't bother looking for work your worries have already been settled.<br/> I called job later that evening to share the good news to him, which he was happy for me, we spoke at length and I felt sleepy, babe we will continue tomorrow have a good night rest ok, I love you I said hanging up the call, Not like I wanted to sleep though just that the way I saw job and pascal behaving during my family's burial, I could practically senses something is between those two, cause I still find it hard to believe they don't know each other.<br/><br/> (12)<br/><br/> CHAPTER 3<br/><br/> I woke up one certain night, I couldn't sleep I checked my time and it was just past eleven, I looked around me , I saw just bella sleeping I couldn't find tessy , where has she gone to again she doesn't stay in one place I mummered to myself, I got up and was heading straight to the fridge to get something to eat, I was walking with one eye closed my yawning, I opened the fridge to get bread and bama then I was overhearing wisphers from downstairs, I moved closer but I couldn't hear anything, is that not Tessys voice I said to myself, hope she's fine, I dropped what I was holding and walked quitely downstairs, I got downstairs and saw three people discussing or perhaps whispering, I moved closer quitely with my heart beating fast, i peeped but couldn't see clearly at all, and I still couldn't hear what they were talking about , I think they saw me coming and went separate ways, I didn't know who to follow, I just want upstairs hurriedly, I got upstairs and met tessy coming out of the bathroom with sleep all over her eyes, where are you coming from by this time of the night Nini , tessy questioned me looking confused, I just stammered looking more confused, I thought you were downstairs,<br/><br/> (13)<br/>did you sleep walk , are you having headache she said touching my forehead, I touched my head also to make sure I was fine, I saw you taking bread out of the fridge I was sitting at the sofa looking at you, guess you are hungry, go and sit let me make noodles for you ok, she said pushing me to the palour, ohh not again what has gotten into me father Lord, but what were those three people discussing about or was it my imagination, I just hit my head so hard everything is becoming confusing, I don't know how to explain it but I feel alot of this going on in this house, I don't know what It is but I can sense it and I can also feel it. Here is your noodles mama she said handing over a bowl to me while she took one to herself, just to me Nini what happened what's going on with your mind , you look carried over over something, I don't know I just feel weird about so many things lately, it's like I don't trust anyone, it's always okay to feel insure with the people around you most times, always trust your instincts, but be careful before you make decisions, they might be for your good, and I always tell you don't ever trust anyone not even sure shadow, cause humans will only make you hear what they want you to hear and make you believe what they want you to see, be careful life Is full of up's and down, am going to sleep now , Good night tessy said and went to bed,<br/><br/> (14)<br/> was it just me that heard all that from tessy or I imagined it again, I could perceive the acholic odour from her mouth while she was talking, she always tell me not to trust anyone, and I simply don't understand why she said that cause I trust her and job so much, they have always been there for me, my phone beeped it was a WhatsApp message, I just hissed and dropped the phone back it was Pascal, on a second thought I was bored and didn't feel like sleeping, I took my phone and replied this chats, we started talking little until we went deep, the conversation was going well, I checked my time and it was already past two so I ended the conversation and went to sleep smiling, for some reasons I didn't understand , he's so sweet I said while sleeping, no doubt pascal must have brainwashed me that evening , but I think I loved it.<br/>I woke up pretty late the next morning, I smelt that aroma coming from the kitchen, I stood up and went to the kitchen immediately, bella was breakfast and it was fried rice, good morning bella I greeted while looking for spoon and plate, I guess your night was fine because all you did was to keep saying you are sweet, I love you while you were sleeping,<br/><br/> (15)<br/><br/>I dropped the plate I was holding, did I really do that or you are whining me , I think you are inlove with pascal, bella said teasing me , am so happy for you dear at least finally you can finally mention his name and smile , I just hissed loud what rubbish I said to myself, please am so famished serve my food please I said handing over the bowl in my hands to her, the thought of pascal wouldn't leave my mind while I kept eating, am I inlove with pascal, or was I carried away I thought to myself while eating, I brought out my phone and texted job, as far as am concerned it's only job I love and am not going to cheat on him no matter what.<br/> I later went to school that day and saw pascal driving at the other end , I wanted to hide but he already saw me and was driving towards my direction, hello pretty he said whyning down his car glass, Look am not in for a chit chat ok, I told him angrily, calm down Nini am not here to chit chat with you also I just came to tell you, I will stop bothering you, I won't even text or call, and whenever I see you I will just act like Ive never seen you, I just wanted you to know in person, bye and take care of yourself .<br/><br/> (16)<br/>ohh lord I felt my heart racing so fast, the guy I fell inlove with three days back just brushed me off, am supposed to be happy but I can't explain it anymore, I really wished he wouldn't go, I wish that never came from him, I got home looking all sad, I met tessy, Bella already went to church, she noticed the mood on my face and asked what was wrong, I just had to fake up the smile and told her I was perfectly fine and I wanted to be alone, I couldn't read or eat my mind kept on thinking about him I never wanted him to leave , I took my phone and wanted to text him but I stopped half way, I was really sorry for all I said to him then, I really never meant those words, I was so heart broken and so down.<br/> My life was becoming normal the way it was before not with the fact that pascal left me, the only issue I had was job, he never picks my call neither does he call back, he texts so lightly there wasn't attention again, I complained to him so many times but he just apologize and go back to the same thing , babe I really don't like the way you have been behaving recently, you don't call or text and when I do you never reply any, have I done something again to offend you, let's just talk it out, that was me to Job using voice note.<br/><br/> (17)<br/> I really don't like the way you treat me anymore, I was having a conversation with job, you really don't have my time anymore all you focus on is your game don't you have any other plans in life apart from that stupid game of yours, you are never serious about your future, all you care to do is to club and spend money like.... hey hold it in there young lady, Job cuts in, and who are you to dictate how how I live my life now, what do you think you are to just call me and talk trash about my future, I felt really so confused at that point, I looked at my phone and who was I speaking cause I wasn't expecting job to shout at me all say all manner of those words,I mean I was trying to be a caring girlfriend and a wife to him, look if you don't have something reasonable to say , am hanging up now he said,I literally got angry at that point and fired back at him, am your girlfriend and your wife to be I have everything right to correct you when you are wrong and speak about our future cause it's our future, I heard him laughed out loud, in a kind of mimicking manner, what did you just say now he asked in a joking manner, there is no ring on your finger yet and you are calling yourself my wife,. even the married get divorced don't be faster than your shadow madam, he said and hunged up on me.<br/><br/> (18)<br/> <br/> CHAPTER THREE<br/><br/> Ever since that day I had that hetic conversation with job, I had been in pain and tears, this is somebody I was ready to do all for , I was willing to sacrifice anything possible to make him happy, I drank all night and kept on drinking alcohol which was my first time, I said things that were not even meaningful to my roomies, I was taking my seventh shot when someone i was never expecting all my life entered inside, it's was Pascal, the shot glass fell of my hands as my mouth were wide open, pascal I managed to say softly, I ran towards where he was and hugged him while I let out the cry I have been holding back in ever since that night, I loved him so much, I was just trying to be caring, he didn't have to say those words to me, I kept on saying this words softly while I fell asleep cause I was already tipsy. I still can't find a better reason why he always come around when am at my lowest, I woke up later in the evening , though I was still feeling dizzy, I smelt nice delicious aroma, I saw pascal coming towards me with a plate in his hands, it felt like I was in a Korea movie cause everything was looking funny to me.<br/><br/> (19)<br/>what is this I asked pascal as he dropped a plate on my table, I repeated myself though he didn't give me a reply and just walked out on me looking angry and that made me even more confused cause we haven't had a conversation yet so why is he snubbing me, looks like he went to a phone call outside, when you are done we need to talk when you are done eating ma he said dropping his phone next to me with his face booming with anger, it is fine we can talk now I said to him, what is your problem he asked me direct with a thick face, I do not understand you I replied immediately, what part of the problem don't you understand tell me, what is your problem, ok it's fine let me ask you this, how old are you, twenty two I replied sarcastically, what level are you, My finals I also replied thinking about what would have brought such a question, do you think you are getting any younger, do you think if you keeping putting up this attitude it would lead you any where,<br/><br/> (20)<br/>Why won't you grow up, what are you not smart enough to notice situations around you,ok am totally confused what are you talking about I asked him, must all this be said with the mouth or can't you notice there is something suspicious going on around you, I looked at Pascal so deep to try and get his message, oh my gosh I said holding my chest, I should not have spoken to him in that manner I was rude to him, thank you so much pascal I said telling and making move to leave the house, where are you going to, he asked me looking confused am going to see job, I was really rude to him that night, can you calm down first I was not talking about that he said while I tried to open the door, I didn't even give him space you conclude what he was saying,I got out immediately and looked good a can you take me to my guys house, I was willing to make things right at that moment, I took a can to his place I wanted you tell him I was coming but I decided to surprise him, I branched the super market to get fruit and his favorite drink, it was about an hour drive, I started feeling sleepy on the road cause the journey was boring and tiring, but what has to be done had to be done .<br/><br/> (21)<br/>I got to his place came down and paid the cab man, I got to the door though it was locked but I had spare with me so I opened it quitely, he was at home, I went straight to the kitchen and I met food in the pot, since when did he started cooking I said to myself and chuckled, I served myself and placed to dribks into the freezer, I dropped my bag in the living room while I made way to the bedroom to take a nap while I was waiting, whatttt I screamed untop of my voice, oh Lord tell me am dreaming please, I said taking few steps closing my mouth with my hands, I ran as fast as I could to the living room took my bag and left the house immediately, I really did know where I was going to I just kept on running fast crying so loud and hard, I noticed a car was following me behind, I was so scared to death, but that did not stop the fact that I kept crying hard and running fast, Nini can you please stop am begging you, I paused at first turned back slowly , I clearly heard pascal voice , I turned to make sure I wasn't hearing things, I mean how did he know I came how did he know I was crying cause I can not remember him following me, everything looked so strange to me at that moment, everybody became suspicious, I could not trust any body not even myself.<br/><br/> (22)<br/>So you knew all this time along and you hid it from me, you knew job was cheating on me with my roommate Tessy and you kept it for so long I shouted on top of my voice, you told me you didn't know job, how come you know you his place and knew this would happen, Nini you need to calm down okay, I will explain all to you I promise, what is there to explain to me again I cut in, job cheated on me, Tessy betrayed me and you lied to me, what more can I ask of again, I broke down in tears it was all too much for me carry, why would you guys have to do this to me, why do I have to be misfortune in this life, this time pascal was able to reach out me slowly and persuaded me follow him home, then he could explain all that happened to me.<br/>the journey back home was so slow, there was silence in the car, I just kept on crying cause it was still like a shock to me, my phone rang, and I checked who was calling it was Tessy I ended the call and hissed loud.<br/><br/> (22)<br/>After about two hours we got to pascal place, which I reluctantly came down from the car, you just need to take things slow okay, everything will be sorted out with time, he assured me, I came down went straight inside and sat on the sofa, I want to hear all that had been happening at my back I said to him like I was threatening him, job and Tessy have been dating for about five years, I couldn't even interrupt cause the tears would not let me talk, I mean they have been in a serious relationship and when you got admitted into the school you happened to meet Tessy and became roommates, meanwhile she already knew your face all this whole time but never found a proper way or courage to tell you, job and Tessy are my friends and I really liked you and was not happy with the way you were being treated, so the plan was to make you fall for me then job gets to know about it and breaks up with you, when your parents died Tessy was the person to pay your fees, she tried linking you with me cause she wanted you to be happy, you never deserved any guy like job, she always tells you never to put all your trust in guys she was referring to job,<br/><br/> (23)<br/>the night you woke up and came downstairs to spy on who was talking, it was three of us, all she was after was your happiness and never wanted to hurt you in any way, am deeply sorry he said while going on his knees, I tried telling you today but you were to Forward and would not listen to me, Tessy and I really love you , at this point I was speechless if I was to cry or laugh , I have been dating myself for three good years, this was someone that promised me marriage and all, she could have just told me earlier, she tried to tell you but you were not smart enough to understand pascal replied softly, not until the door opened it was job and Tessy, I stood up to excuse to the room but pascal held me back and whispered to me, we need to clear this out now once and for all please you can't keep hiding, I am never the brave type and do not know how to express myself I could only do that with tears, I opened my mouth to talk but Tessy stopped me, please before you say anything am really sorry I would never hurt you no matter what please give me a chance to explain, you could have just told me all this years why break me this much I said holding my chest crying hard, please I can make it up to you she said coming close to me while I stepped back , do not try to come close to me I said with my face away.<br/><br/> (24)<br/>wait I need to get things clear and straight here, was this the reason why you have always advised me not to trust guys especially job, I asked not waiting for a reply, so what you mean is the night I saw three people down the stairs, it was the three of you, is that why you always set me up with pascal all this years so he could find an excuse to live,so my question is who amongst you paid my school fees, it was Tessy , pascal replied me, was I suppose to take that as a bribe or compresation, that was not why I intended to do she replied me with a pity face, I did that as a friend and a sister but the fact that job told me all about you even before we met,was something that was the hardest thing for me to keep up with, I was never happy seeing you cry all those nights, I was fine when I get to look into your eyes and know fully well I betrayed your trust, that was why I had to set you up with pascal cause you deserve someone better , someone that actually really loves you ok, am so sorry Nini and I promise to make it up to you in whatever way, job was about talking when I shut him down, cause I don't want to talk to him or even listen to more lies, cause am already full of betrayals around me, am stronger than this,I can cope I said within myself to encourage me.<br/><br/> (25)<br/><br/> CHAPTER FOUR(4)<br/><br/>Everything about life has been so sad for me, those I trusted with my heart stabbed me at my back and use tissue to wipe my tears, the thought of job and tessy could not leave my head and it gave me hard times, I ended up dating pascal which made it even worse cause each time I see his face I remember the tragedy.<br/>I was at my finals writing my final exams, and then Tessy walked up to me during my signing out and hugged me very tight, am sorry Nini I really wish you could see how sorry I am and how i have missed talking to you this past few months, didn't know the miracle that happened that moment but I found myself hugging her back and crying, it's ok Tessy I can hold grudges for too long, besides I wouldn't have made it to my finals if not with your assistance, so I should be saying thank you, I really did not want a guy to come in between our friendship, could we please put all that happened in the past and look further for a better future, she said folding her lips like a baby, we will always be friends no matter what happens ok I said laughing and hugging her back, I can practically say talking and forgiving is one way to live a better life in this present world.<br/><br/> (26)<br/><br/>Sometimes you just have to takes others fault because, you also have been at fault somehow and somewhere, that was Tessy talking to me while we were on our way to the supermarket market, After graduation we decided to come back together and had the face the fact she is dating my ex and am dating my dream guy, I need to get some cabbage we don't have anymore I said to Tessy while we entered the groceries store, grab a basket I told tessy while I do the picking of snacks, at a point I felt so weird I mean I got tensed up but nothing was around me, It was all quite which even made me felt so scared , I will be right back I told tessy, I need to use the rest room, holy molly I screamed and feel down, while Tessy ran towards me opening her mouth wide, I tried getting up but couldn't stop staring, was it just me or am having sight issues lately.<br/>it is not what you think I can explain Bella said while coming close to us, I caught her and job kissing each other in the groceries store, like who in the hell does that publicly and how come bella and job were together, Tessy walked up angrily to Job and slapped him hard, that is for making me Believe you, them she turned to Bella and slapped her hard, that is for betraying me, I thought you said you were moving to Chicago last week, or am I in Chicago and am not aware she said turning round sarcastically .<br/><br/> (27)<br/>This is so fucked up man, and you such an asshole she said pointing to both of them and left angrily, Bella tried coming close to me and was trying to talk, but I Just shuned her up, it is ok babe let them go, Job said to Bella softly and I walked up to him pulled him to the ground and gave him the hardest punch I could, this is for me and this is for Tessy I said screaming with all my veins coming out and it attracted the crowd, I never believed you of all people would do such things, you are so fucked up Bella I said panting hard and storming out if the store angrily.<br/>I was able to get home quick to help Tessy out, I saw her crying so hard outside, that was the first time I saw her cry, she has always been the hard type and does not care, so there must be something attached to the tears, I really understand how you feel Tessy come inside so we can talk about it, you don't feel anything she screamed at me so hard with anger and tears, he is so fucked up, so what am going to do now, how do I start explaining, that was never the plan, she kept on saying those words and i just stood there looking confused cause I really did not get what she was talking about, Tessy what are you talking about I said her calmly, am pregnant for Job she fired back like she was going to beat me, my bag fell of my hands while it took my brain to interpret am pregnant for Job, sorry which job I asked staring at her eyes passionately, while she just kept on weeping, wait you are pregnant for Job, what I screamed how come I never knew about it, since when, is he aware of it I just kept on asking numerous questions, if you are going to question me why not take a knife and stab me she said, am so sorry everything is going to be fine I said going close to her slowly so I could doge her slap , Tessy can be so unpredictable most times,<br/><br/> (28)<br/>Hey take this it will cool your brain I said handing her a bowl of soup, I really felt for Tessy so much, her parents must not find out she is two months pregnant and she doesn't want to risk her life taking out the baby, he needs to be aware of this ok, I mean that is his child and he needs to take responsibility of the baby, I said to Tessy, but he won't pick my calls she said , that is the more reason why we need to go to his place, this is not something you discuss on the phone ok, so we set out to go see Job the next day while pascal drove us to his house, we got there and we knocked the door while Bella came to attend to us, Tessy pushed her out of the way and entered inside seeing job eating furits and watch Netflix, she picked up the place and threw it on bella, that is for stabbing me at the back Tessy said, Job wanted to react but Bella stopped him, I deserve it she said lowly, am sorry Bella tried to apologize to Tessy who cut in the conversation, I am not here for a reunion party,I came to tell you am crying your baby Tessy said pointing to Job who looked at her shocked, please do not make that face like you do not understand English anymore, I said I am carrying your baby and stop looking at me like we Just met, you are joking right he said with the fruit stucked in his mouth, you want evidence I will give you evidence she said showing him the test results, am also pregnant Bella said showing him the test results also, the room just got tensed up,<br/><br/> (29)<br/>There was this heat in the room even when the A.C was on, everywhere was tensed up, he just got two friends pregnant, what Is going on here are you girls trying to play me or what, I think you were the one who played them, I replied, am so sorry ladies but there must be a misunderstanding somewhere, I can't father one child talk more of two, that is the more reason why you should have sticked to one, I replied, I would appreciate if you stop interfering Job said, what if I do not I replied sharply, what are we going to do bella said looking scared, I can not take this baby home talk more without a father, my dad is a preist and he is going to disown me, so next time let that keep ringing in the head when you snatch other ladies husband Tessy told her angrily, look the only option here now is the two of you need to remove the baby I mean am so not ready to be called daddy for now, I didn't know when I took the plate when his furit were and stoned it at him, how dare you I said moving close to him, do you not think, you played three friends and got to pregnant and you want then to take it out, I think you are going nuts , nobody is taking anything out, you are going to father those babies and said pointing my fingers very close to his face with disgust, bella ran out of the house crying and tessy walked away with tears filling her face, I ran after Tessy and we went home together, I gave her one week space so she could regain herself before breaking the news to her that job ran to another country changed his line and everything, and there was no way to get to him.<br/><br/> (30)<br/>I really felt for those two, because they were all alone and felt greatly depressed, am sorry it had to happen this way, but this is not the end ok, many more life awaits you Tessy, you don't get it she said lamenting my parents are expecting me tomorrow for a conference meeting how can I go like this, what will I say she said looking so worried, you just need to break the news to them am sure they will understand with you, you made a mistake besides we are not all perfect, am sure your mom will understand ok, am so sorry I said hugging her so tight, she made arrangements for departure the next day, while I excorted her the airport, call me when you get home ok and whatever happens let me know, an sure you can handle it ok, I said looking at face while she nodded positively, I went back home, and it was just me alone, I don't know the where about of Bella and Tessy has travelled back to U.K to meet her parents, I applied at a company, a news reporting company, I got the job and started work the next day, my relationship with Pascal grew intensed, I got engaged that same week, and I have been trying to get through to Tessy but her number was never connecting ever since she left and it made me worried so also I could not share the good news to her.<br/><br/> (31)<br/>I was happy with my job and I made new friends, I became the successful woman and the version of myself I have always dreamt of, I got promoted at work and was making money while I was also planning my marriage that was coming up soon, but I was so worried I never heard from any of my friends I mean Tessy and Bella , their lines were never going and it gave me much concern , I had to do findings about where they stayed and I was able to locate them, at first I went to see bella to make things right with her, I got to their house and knocked the door, the mom came out to attend to me, good day ma ,am Nini a very good friend of Bella, the mom looked at me from head to toe and I was surprised cause I was not expecting the look at all, come inside she said dryly while I followed her and pascal followed me, she offered me a sit which I did , and handed over a letter to me which read thus:<br/>"𝙞 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 , 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤 𝙞 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙮 ,𝙏𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙞 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙣𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧, 𝙞 𝙚𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙩, 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙜𝙪𝙮𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙟𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨 , 𝙟𝙤𝙗 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙜𝙪𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞 𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙗𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙏𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙮, 𝙞 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 <br/>𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩, 𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙞 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙞 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨, 𝙞 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙖𝙢 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙, 𝙄 𝘼𝙈 𝘿𝙀𝙀𝙋𝙇𝙔 𝙎𝙊𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝘽𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙀𝙎.<br/><br/><br/>𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙚<br/>𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇𝘼 𝙉𝙀𝙒𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙒𝙎𝙄𝙉<br/> I finished reading the letter, please can I see her ma I said asking the old lady, come with me she said and I followed her .<br/><br/> (32)<br/> CHAPTER FIVE (5)<br/>The old day took me to the back of the house and pointed at a grave, there she is, I was shocked, panting and moving tears, what happened to her I asked the old lady, she tried to get rid of the child and died during the process, I screamed so loud pascal held me from the back, I touched her grave and cried so pitifully, am sorry I came this late, this was not supposed to be your ending, am sorry I was never there when you needed me, am sorry for being a bad friend, I kept on saying this words with tears goshing out my eyes , am sorry I was never here to pay my last respect, I said rolling on the floor, I miss you Bella, I missed your food, I missed how you teased me, I missed the fun, am sorry Bella, I said all that staring at her picture placed in the grave, honey that is ok am sure her spirit will be at rest now he said dragging me out of the grave, it was never your fault she was not patient enough Pascal said while driving, don't take it hard on yourself you tried your best.<br/><br/> (33)<br/>I set out with job the next week going to look for Tessy and I prayed for a positive results, I got to the house and a young lady opened the door for me, am Nini I am Tessy roommate and best friend please am here to see her, the mom welcomed me inside and offered me and pascal a sit, she will be with you shortly, and that Gave me peace of mind, I just wanted to see my best friend once again, Holy Christ I screamed while I jumped out of the chair, I looked at Tessy and I could barely recognize her , chains all over her body, she was not looking normal, what happened to her I asked, after she came home and explained to her parents who were disappointed in her and sent her out, she started taking hard drugs that affected her negatively, and affected her baby that died prematurely, after the operating she went mad, and had been like this, I tried going close to her but she reacted she doesn't even remember me anymore, please you need to take your leave now her parents will be here anytime soon, we left the house got to the car I screamed so loudly holding my invitation card with me, I got home and cried so hard because I got the information that Tessy died of shock after I left, I really missed my buddies, I mean they have offended me but I never wished them death, <br/><br/> (34)<br/>job who later got married and his having two kids, while my friends are in the grave regretting, sometimes the person you think you are ending up with might be your enemy, I took job like he was my forever I gave myself to him because he promised me a life together, sometimes this life learn to forgive people cause you might never tell what might happen next, my only friends died because of a guy who is happily married somewhere, the word "love" and "relationship" are more large and hetic than the words, I really wish to bring my friends back to life and show them it was never worth dying for, who ever comes across this story a guy or girl, before doing something drastic ask yourself if that person is really worth it, I said and cleaned my tears while I went inside to make dinner for my family.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> THE END<br/><br/><br/><br/> </p>

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