
Traversing through time to find you

This is officially R-18 starting chapter 75. You have been warned. —- Michelle Lui, a married woman in her 30s, woke up in her old bedroom only to find out that she was back to June 2006. Her first day in college. First thing she thought of doing? Well, not exactly the first but amongst other things. Anyway, back in her 18 year old body, she decided to go find her future husband and get him to become her campus boyfriend. Only to discover that her future husband was not who she thought he was. Now add to the mix, the nation’s husband, and her ‘the one who got away’. — With the butterfly effect, will the future Michelle originally had still be the same? Will she still marry the same man? Will her family still suffer the same fate? Only one way to find out! Hop in and join Michelle as she traverse through time! ~~~And yes, this means time for some toki doki romance! ~~~ Get ready for a trip down to memory lane. College life at its finest! The start focus mostly on Michelle’s thoughts but later starting the party things get awesome. We’ll get lots of fun. Imagine college party, friendship, outings, and so much more! — This novel POV shifts between first and 3rd. — old Cover photo: Made by Stephanie Santos Thank you so much for this!!!

champilyn · Urbain
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Chapter 35: Ride back home

"Hello, mama?" I asked. At first, she did not reply. "Hello, Mama? This is me, Michelle." I repeated.

Finally recognizing my voice, she spoke, "Michelle? I have been trying to call you, but your phone just kept on ringing, and then suddenly I can't reach you. I was getting worried. Where are you and what's going on?"

"Ah… I'm with a friend now and my phone ran out of battery earlier."

"I see…"

"Uh… Ma, I can't seem to find Mr. Matt and we've been looking for him for a while now."

"Yes, that's why I have been trying to call you. About an hour and a half ago, I asked Matt to pick up the shampoo and conditioner I reserved from the salon we often visit as it's near your university. Now, he called me to say that the car got a flat tire, so it would take a while before he can get back to fetch you."

"Oh… ok… then I will just wait for him to get back."

"I can send Dan to fetch you instead."

"Ok… I will wait here then, please tell him to fetch me at the Sec A school building... Thank you."

"Alright." My mama replied.

Then, we hanged up. I turned to face Anthony who was looking at me in askance. "My mother asked the driver to pick up something and along the way, he got a flat tire. Now, I will just wait for our other driver to come fetch me." I explained.

He nodded his head as I handed his phone back.

"Thank you very much for this… uhm… and sorry for the inconvenience." I said.

"No, It's alright. So, you will just wait here for your driver to arrive?"

"Well, that's the plan."' I replied as I smiled at him.

Anthony looked at the time which displayed 5:35. Then, he looked outside. Since it has been raining the sky was already dark.

"It's getting late. Where do you live?"

Ok, did I just hit jackpot today? Like seriously????? You know Anthony, home is not the only place you can take me. Ok, never mind.

"In Rishuan district… uh, you don't have to…"

Anthony shook his head, "I can't possibly make you wait here alone. It's getting late and you don't have your phone. Anyway, Rishuan district is near my place, so it's no trouble."

How could I say no to that? Plus, I never want to say no at all. Anthony, just say the words and I'm all yours. In fact, you don't even have to say anything at all.

"Then… thank you in advance." I said shyly. Trying hard to keep my ass planted on my seat. I really wanted to just jump him! Stop Michelle. Just stop!

"Here, you can call your mom again to tell her no need to send a driver." He reminded as he handed me his phone back.


The drive to my house was a bit silent. Anthony was focused on driving, and I didn't want to disturb him. Inside though, I was feeling giddy with happiness, wishing to just save this time in a bottle to immortalize it.

When we reached Rishuan district, it has already stopped raining.

He asked me the exact location of my house and I started giving him directions. We entered the exclusive subdivision where my house was at, until finally we arrived in front of my house.

Uh, was this the part I give him a kiss for sending me home? HAHA! I WISH! Hmm… should I invite him inside for dinner or something? Won't it be impolite to just thank him and go my merry way?

Ok, honestly, I just wanted to spend more time with him. However, to invite him in, my trouble was if my papa was home. Ugh, would he give me a lecture? But papa, I want boys before books! I mean, I'm done with books already. Whatever, I'm willing to risk it! Lecture be damned!

"Thank you so much Anthony. Ah… could I invite you to dinner? My mother would like to thank you…" I asked, part nervous part hopeful while praising myself for the genius of using my mom as alibi.

Anthony shook his head, "It's ok, perhaps next time. It's getting late. Just say Hi to auntie for me." he replied.

I was about to be disappointed until I heard the words next time. What? Next time? There's a next time? When!? Let it be as soon as tomorrow! Ok, stop fooling yourself now Michelle.

"Then… I will go ahead. Thank you again."

Anthony just nodded his head and smiled at me.

I unfastened the seatbelt and opened the door to step down from the car. Then, I walked to our front gate and pressed the doorbell. While this was happening, I noticed that Anthony did not leave just yet. He even pulled down the window beside him while waiting for me to get in. What a considerate person. A real gentleman through and through.

When the gate finally opened, I turned to give him a wave. Anthony waved back before closing his window and driving his car to leave.



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