
Travelling through fandom world.

I worked for an illegal company as an entrainment district office. After attempting to avoid the sun for at least 20 years, I finally closed my tired eyes one night and discovered myself in a world that was illuminated and had a ringing voice in my head. Reborn in the new world, and facing new hardship, Yotarou found that this new world was a million time much better than the company, he had been working for. As he decided to work his ass out, and live a comfortable life as a shinobi raised in the village in the hidden leaf.

Montenlord · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Training and Guy.

'That was really dangerous.' Yotarou was finally able to take a breather. As he stared at the glowing body that transformed into a glowing light before disappearing from his line of sight and being replaced by a branch of a tree.

"Congratulations, host, for getting 5Kp for killing the first opponent inside the Battle Dungeon ground."

"Reminder: The host will get 1 to 5 Kp after defeating each opponent inside the dungeon, so the host should try to kill more of them each day."

"The host can use the Kp to buy things from the system dungeon shop."

'At least my luck is better.' Yotarou, though, as he recalled how saving Hinata from those bullies events had given him a hidden status modifier. So, this luck of his might be the result of completing that event.

"Indeed, it is the status modifier that has raised your luck attribute to maximum, and you will get the best reward from each kill inside this dungeon." As the system voice spoke, clearing up any confusion in Yotarou's mind, he smiled and wondered if that little girl Hinata might be his lucky charm.

Before the time had passed, Yotarou encountered the same enemy again and was killed in a flash, this time without any of the pain or sense of death that Yotarou could recall from his previous life.

"It was a copy of your body and had little impact on you after you entered that world; it will only temporarily deplete your spiritual energy after body death."

The system informed Yotarou about the Dungeon World entrance effect and other details that he needed to remember, as if anticipating what Yotarou was contemplating.

"So, I can still enter, but each time it will deplete my spiritual energy, and I had to wait for a long time to let it replenish my spiritual energy."

Yotarou asked, as he felt a little dizzy through the adventure and knew that he had to take the time to digest his gains.

"Yes!" the system replied.

"But there are spiritual replenishment methods too. And the most basic is to satisfy the desire of the body and will." Yotarou was stunned.

But as he reflected on how his fundamental combat skills had failed to even defeat a level 1 beast, he began to feel a twinge of self-reproach and made the decision to go out and train first.

"That beast's flexibility was not at SSS-Grade, but it was at A-Grade."

When the system voice rang, Yotarou nearly felt sorry for himself because he believed he could not even defeat a common monster who was not even at S-grade and beat him to pulp in this manner.

"Tell me, are you trying to make me feel more miserable or what?" Yotarou muttered as he looked at the blue screen and asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"Do you think you have time to feel miserable when monsters inside the dungeon will be growing more and more powerful on a daily basis?"

"Keep in mind that dungeons are growth types, so the monsters inside will not level up, but their strength in terms of combat sense will develop over time."

"Plus, think if that monster had overcome your level to put you in such a state. What kind of reason could be behind such combat talent? That is the field that you are currently lacking in at this very moment."

After a week...

Yotarou looked around the store and examined every item he could buy with 5Kp, given that other customers were not there and that the total value of the items he could buy with 5Kp was already between 10 and 20K at the very least.

However, none of them had much of an impact on him, and the ones that can increase his strength cost at least 20 Kp in the system shop and sometimes even millions of Kp.

"There is no bloodline limit that can be bought, Huh!" Yotarou murmurs as he examines the response provided by the system because it is unlikely to have the bloodline restrictions he was hoping for.

But there were countless items he could purchase to increase his strength far beyond that of any other character in this world.

"Here is your Yakisoba Pan." Yotarou grabbed the bread and walked toward the deserted park, where he planned to eat it before returning to the practice area to continue honing his skills.

Yotarou looked at the shopkeeper as he did so.

"What should I do? There is no set way to practice combat sense and skills, and I can only enter that world twice per day without losing all of my spiritual energy, which severely restricts the growth of my chakra."

"Well, all I can do right now is hone my combat skills with practice." Yotarou exited the store and was heading toward the park when someone appeared to have noticed him and began to follow him. They continued to follow him silently until they reached the training area, where they watched Yotarou train for about four hours before shaking their heads and jumping down from the tree.

"Who is it?" Yotarou was startled by the sudden entrance of a person, and when he turned to look, he saw a man with a broad smile on his face, dressed in what looked like a track suit full of green color. The man was smiling broadly while maintaining a nodding gaze as he continued to look at Yotarou for a while before speaking.

"You look naturally strong and rare among people of your age, but why did you look so desperate to get strong to this point?" Yotarou thought the man in front of him was really strong and that he appeared to be really tall from the perspective of a 7-year-old boy. He was one of the few anime characters who was actually very powerful in the show, after all. "I want to be free, and for that, I need to be very strong."

Hearing it from a child, the man was astounded. "You mean to be free is like being the strongest guy out there or something." In this world of shinobi, where war killing and facility are things those with strength can have, it was the first time that guy had heard a consoling yet different response that was difficult to find.

Yotarou nodded his head.

"Haha!" Guy eventually started laughing aloud and made the decision to teach the youngster simply because he thought the youngster in front of him was a very interesting and refreshing character that he had not yet encountered in his life as a shinobi.

"So, let me be blunt about it... I tell you that your body is in the worst state it could be and will get you injured for the worst if you continue to practice for more than this." Guy was very direct, which caused Yotarou's brow to rise. He immediately stopped and packed his bag with the water bottle and other equipment as he turned to speak. "Thank you; I will stop practicing then. But how long will it take for me to recover from those injuries, and what should I eat to do it?"

"Clever kid! Additionally, if you want to learn more, you must join my practice. I will train your body to become a Taijutsu specialist; however, if you want to learn chakra and jutsu, you may need to be admitted to a ninja academy."

"Really!" Yotarou was taken aback when he saw Guy because he knew how Guy could be the ideal instructor for his training in advanced Tai-jutsu.

"Of course, I have grown to appreciate your focused training, which I have been observing from a distance for the past few months."

"Eh! You were observing me all this time. However, I am just a young orphan, and nothing about me makes me stand out from other children." Yotarou was surprised, as he was sure that he did not act that suspiciously or that hardworking to the outside world.

"Haha! Your house is beside one of my friends rooms. And he noticed your hard work and changes on a daily basis, so he told me about it."

Yotarou suddenly recalled that his neighbor was also a shinobi, which is how he must have noticed it. He must have also noticed that his daily jogging training consisted of about 30 Km of running and dashing, which can be overwhelming to the perception of most people.
