
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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59 Chs

Starting School

Raheem sat upon his bed meditating.


Two silver tipped arrows flew at his blind spots. He caught them both without opening his eyes. He felt his hands start to numb and knew what poison it was, before his hands could turn numb he bit his tongue so his body would not think about the numbing.

Rolling off the bed and on to the floor, he put his hands into a pouch and grabbed a hand full of purple powder. Instantly he felt relieved, the numbing and burning sensation was gone.


Raheem saw the circular object rolling towards him. He threw it across the room before it exploded. His ears were ringing, his eyes blinded, and his nose was suffering as well.

Raheem couldn't see, smell, or hear anything. "Ok I give up!" He understood he was beat, there was no way for him to fight back. A woman's laughter echoed in the room. "Haha, Raheem you have improved immensely in these past two months."

Raheem sighed. "The only thing I heard was you laughing, everything else sounded muffled." He sat on the floor waiting for his senses to comeback to him. The woman walked away.

Eventually he was able to see enough to get himself dress, and go down for breakfast.

"Raheem, we will be enrolling you into the local highschool. It's called Beacon Hills." Raheem paused his hand, that held a begal. "Why? There is nothing they can teach me." Tatiana stayed silent and drank her coffee.

Frank looked towards Raheem. "You have been here for two months and have not made anymore progress in your training, perhaps interacting with the people around the area will broaden your perspective."

Raheem wanted to argue, but Frank's face left no opportunity. "Remember you are here for training and to complete tasks, you can't do those things by staying in the house."

Raheem was not thrilled to go back to school, they had taught him most of the subjects the kids learn on this planet. Tatiana spoke up.

"Raheem, although we have told you information, that's all it is. You have not experienced it yourself. Frank is right to enroll you in the school."

Raheem frowned. He hated when they both agreed on something, it meant whatever they agreed on, would either be painful, or beneficial.

"Fine. I will go to the school. When do I start?" Tatiana smiled. "The school year has already started so you will be transferring in January."

Frank grunted at Tatiana. She rolled her eyes. "One more thing, the school will think you are our son we adopted." The air grew heavier in the kitchen. Raheem did not like to be reminded of his past life, he sometimes wish he was sent here without knowing his past.

Frank and Tatiana were not surprised by his reaction. Raheem's parents were his reverse scale, or his bottom line no one crossed. She reached out and put her hand over his. "Raheem you know we mean nothing by it, it's a cover for you and us. I can assure you Frank was not so fond of this idea either."

Raheem breathed and relaxed. "I'm sorry for overreacting. I know you only did it to get me into the school." He got up from the table and went outside.

"System show me my current stats."

*Ding* [Showing hosts current stats.]

Name: Raheem Judas


Powers: Empathy (stronger towards animals)

Techniques: Brules Hunter

Pressure: Rank 3

Weapons: None

Currency: one hundred thousand dollars

Bloodlines: Primordial Wolf and True Human (both awakened)

Class: D

Rank: 5

*Ding* [System would like to remind host still has two rewards in his inventory unused, also the task menu had been updated.]

Raheem smiled as he saw his class directly skip the D- stage and was a D instead. "System, claim the two rewards in the inventory and show me the task menu"

*Ding* [Host has successfully learned the Pressure control technique and has received the B+ meditation technique]

A flood of information pertaining to breathing and controlling pressure, swept through his mind. His body automatically did one rotation of meditation. For, the first time he felt his pressure around him, it was like another limb he had just discovered.

He sat there marveling at what he was feeling, he tried to control it, but it didn't budge. He stopped and decided he would try later, he had two weeks before he started school again.

" Pull up the task menu system."

*Ding* [Showing the task menu]

1. Understand the world you are in (completed)

2. Learn at least two languages (completed)

3. Awaken at least one of your bloodlines (completed)

4. Rescue the hybrids

5. Find the temple of Luna

6. Help the animals evolve to fight back against the humans

7. Create or purchase three safe havens for the wildlife of this planet

8. Bring back one extinct plant (completed)

9. Expose the hybrids to the world

Raheem saw he had succeeded in bring back one plant from extinction and ran to the small garden. The purple powder came from one of the fortism plants that didn't make it. He reached the garden and saw two plants that were completely purple from their roots to their petals. He saw the stems were already trying to produce more seeds.

*Ding* [Would host like to collect the rewards now?]

The systems question brought him back to reality. He was focused of this plant, this plant was the reason why he was killed. He had no negative feelings for his father, because he would have turned the man in as well.

"Yes collect the rewards."

*Ding* [Host has gained 60 tons of heavens dirt.]

Raheem was at a lost, but that soon went away. "System, this dirt can it successfully bring back more than one extinct plant?"

[Host, heavens dirt can bring an entire person from the brink of death as long as they get buried and watered.]

Raheem had a huge smile on his face. He was worried about money, he hadn't checked the systems store out, because he just knew the things in there were expensive. "Tatiana! Frank! They both walked outside at a slow pace.

Raheem faced them. " I need you both to by as many seeds as possible and open up a pharmaceutical company." He waved his hand and about 20 tons of dirt appeared piled up in bags. "This is heavens dirt, please use this for the plants." Frank's and Tatiana's eyes widened.

Raheem walked away from them to do his usual workout. He came back to see a greenhouse full of plants, some he had never heard of. Tatiana was doing inventory of the plants. "Tatiana where did these other plants come from?"

"I bought them from the system." Raheem paused in his tracks. Tatiana turned and laughed at his face. "Raheem, Frank and I only have access to the shop. We can only by support items, like healing ailments, plants, information, and miscellaneous things." She turned back around and ignored him.

Raheem passed his two weeks by meditating outside and helping take care of the plants.

"Raheem here is your ID and driver's license." "Tatiana, I don't own a car." "Buy a cheap one from the system, you still have the one hundred thousand dollars, I gave you?"

"Yes, but aren't items from the system crazy expensive?" Tatiana gave him a weird look. "Are thinking of buying a car from your planet? If so, then stop just by a regular non enchanted vehicle."

Raheem opened up the shop and went to the motorcycles. After looking for almost a hour he found the motorcycle he was looking for.

*Ding* [Is host sure he wants this motorcycle?]

Raheem didn't answer and directly clicked on yes. The motorcycle appeared and he hopped on. He watched hundreds of videos on how to drive them and back on his old planet they motorcycles too, it's just the energy source was different and shape too. He started it with a smile. Grabbed his backpack off the ground put it on and headed to his new school.