
Traveling To The World Of Anime With The Dark Souls System

Hikaru Hiroaki, a big fan of Dark Souls. Even though he only played the first one, he still loved the entire trilogy because of the lore that Vaatividya kindly explained in his videos. But Hikaru's future was not bright, his mother works 2 jobs a day just to feed him and his 2 siblings. His father works at a construction site to pay their rent. That's why Hikaru didn't have enough time to play around, he works to save up for his college tuition. He is currently at the end of his high school life and he would enter college soon. But unfortunately, as he traverses through the road while the traffic lights were still red, a drunk driver riding a lamborghini ignored the red lights and hits him directly. He died instantly. He woke up in a place covered in white fogs, and an old voice spoke to him. "I shall give thou the power of Dark Souls, please use it wisely." ________________________________________________________________ Alright, I didn't plan this fanfic at all. I just daydream everyday and write what's inside my head. You may see some paragraphs that you are not able to understand and that's fine. Just report it to me and I'll fix it. Plot holes and plot armor, yeah, I have many of those in my fanfic. If you don't like plot holes and such, please don't read this. I don't like people just messing my ratings just because they don't like plot holes. Also, don't read this fanfic if you don't know Dark Souls, I promise you, you won't understand a thing about this fanfic. Don't write a review if you don't know what you are talking about, it's seriously messing up my rating and I'll have to delete it if it's really bad. Just criticize it in the review, write something that's asking the author to write better. Honestly, reviews that are trying to put the author down are just downright bad. Many people out there gave up writing just because of those reviews, please don't do that to other fanfics or novels out there. I feel sorry for the author. Anyway, thank you for giving your time in reading this. Enjoy the fanfic. Also, I accept people criticizing my fanfic since it helps me grow as a writer. You can do that. _______________ Also, before you post a review, please read at least to 50 chapters. If you don't like it, then you can criticize me for my really bad world building and character development. Trust me, I've had too many people stating that my MC is really bad, and they've only read like what, less than 10 chapters? I know I made too many mistakes in the early chapters, but you don't have to keep shoving it right into my face for god's sake.

Miko_Sayaki · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
147 Chs

Chapter 67: Goodbye, for now.

After taking care of Tsunade and her apprentice, Hikaru went back to Azumi and Jiraiya with Tsunade still unconscious.

After having done all that, they all went back to Konoha.

By the time they returned to the village, it was already at dusk. Hikaru and Azumi decide to return to their house after stepping foot on the village while Jiraiya and Tsunade will be meeting their sensei, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Two people were there, respectfully bowing down their heads. Tayuya and Kin were waiting for their safe return.

Just as they returned, Azumi dragged him to their room since she couldn't hold her urges anymore. They made out until she was satisfied.

That night, Hikaru left his house to do some training. He has been practicing a new jutsu after copying Azumi's rasengan. It's basically the upgraded version of Rasengan, he's gonna combine elements to his rasengan. Not just one element, but all 7 elements. He's just doing this for Azumi, since no one in this village has ever finished the Fourth's Technique.

Of course, with such prodigious talents, he has already finished the technique. All he needs now is perfect timing and faster technique formation. After he's done with this, he will give the scroll for this technique to Azumi on her birthday.

This will also be his parting gift for her, he will leave this village after a few days have passed after her birthday. Right now, he is still too weak. Chaortos, the Olden God, is not just strong. She has a lot of amazing techniques, but the one that stood out the most was her ability to control the darkness. Once he starts fighting her, she is not the only one he will be fighting but also all the servants she created through the darkness.

He will also need a lot of techniques, that's why he needs to leave this village to discover a lot of things in this world. There are too many mysteries in this world, and all of it was caused by his predecessors.

Only when he is powerful enough, he will be able to protect Azumi better. By defeating all Olden Gods, he will be able to have children with Azumi and start a peaceful life with her.

A dream that he can achieve through his own hands.

(Scene Break)

A few days had passed since the return of Tsunade and it is now Azumi's birthday. A lot of people came for her birthday and brought tons of gifts for her.

Hikaru had thrown one of the largest events in Konoha, all for her birthday. He practically bought the entire Konoha just for her birthday party and all the villagers that hated her had no choice but to congratulate her.

With his ability to make gold, not only is he the strongest person in the whole world right now, he is also the richest person. Even if someone takes dozens of billions in his bank account, that will only be compared to a drop of water. Of course, he also has a lot of connections throughout the entire world. Whether they be underground bosses or nobles of a major country, they were all connected to Hikaru somehow.

Basically, Hikaru is the most influential person and also the strongest in the entire world right now. For other people, this would've been a great achievement for them but not for Hikaru since he had realized earlier that this is just one world, There is still an infinite universe just right around the corner.

But all of his connections were all built in fear, if he were to leave this world, all of them would just move on their own accord. He cannot have that. So, he killed most of the dangerous ones to prove an example to the others that they are nothing but expendable tools.

He had done all of this just this month.

For the whole day, the entire village of Konoha celebrated Azumi's birthday.

Unfortunately, the Kazekage and his children already returned to their village and he and Azumi couldn't go to Suna for their vacation because of other reasons, mainly because Azumi suddenly got sick at the time.

Seeing the whole village celebrate her birthday, Azumi couldn't help but get shy. In just three years since she met Hikaru, her life changed completely. Back then, she had to dig through the trash of other people and sell them to junk buyers just to get by, every single day. Especially at that time, when she met Hikaru for the first time. She was starving at the time and couldn't afford to buy food for herself but her darling invited her to eat with him. He was the one who protected her when she was being attacked by those bullies back then. He gave her everything she could ever want.

She just wishes she could do the same to him.

(A Few Days Later)

And here comes the day she dreaded the most.

Her darling is leaving the village without her by his side.

They are now outside the gate of the village as they stared at each other in the eyes.

They were alone, just the two of them.

"Don't worry, Azumi. I'll be back after I finished the things I needed to do. By then, I will acquire every power out there. I will return in less than three years, I hope you can train yourself, too." Hikaru said with a warm smile on his face.

Azumi, on the other hand, had her face full of tears and snot, " B-but I-I w-won't b-be a-able to see you every day. A-AND who will make love to me every night? Who will comfort me every time I'm hurt? Why can;t you just stay by my side forever?!" Azumi cried in her sadness.

Sadness was also vivid in his eyes but this is a must so that he can grow even stronger, "I don't want to leave you, I really don't. But I have a duty I must fulfill. You cannot understand me right now because you are still inexperienced. Train with Jiraiya and Tsunade-san." He warmly patted her head and said, "I hope, by the time I return, you will have grown stronger by then. Emotionally and physically."

Azumi wiped her tears and snots. She straightened herself and forcefully did a happy voice, "U-un! Return soon a-and safe!" She looked down towards the ground before she stared straight into his eyes and said, "I love you, Darling." She hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

He had already told Jiraiya and Tsunade what to do, it's only a matter of time before she is ready to become a full-grown sage.

He could destroy Akatsuki very easily but he is not the one who's supposed to do that. Azumi is still the Child of the Prophecy, so it is her destiny to bring peace to the world and he cannot destroy that destiny of hers, or the future will be uncertain.

The Major Gods have contacted him before to not interfere, so he couldn't do anything. At least, until he surpasses them all.

'Just you wait, I'll break this destiny of yours. I don't want you to suffer for the sin of this world. If given the chance, I will gladly destroy this entire world just for you. As long as I can grow stronger, nothing will be able to stand in my way.'

"Goodbye, for now." Hikaru whispered into her ear before he kissed her in the lips. He then vanished without any traces.

Azumi cried to herself as she felt Hikaru leave her.

But she understood that if she just cried like this, nothing would happen, nothing will change. She wiped her tears and came back with determined eyes.

"One day, I promise, I will reach you with my own hands."

( A Year Later )

It's been a year since the day he started wandering the entire elemental nation. He had already maxed out his stats and it's stuck to just [99]. It seems like he cannot level up anymore until he defeats the Olden God in this world. So, he spent his time wandering and grinding for souls. He became careful of dying, since he cannot lose all of his souls permanently. He has just been grinding in the lower levels so that the enemies will be just enough for him. After grinding for souls and items every day, he can now summon 10 Black knights and 2 NPCs to fight for him. The second NPC summon he chose was Greirat the Thief.

Greirat is just as trustworthy as Solaire, so all is good.

But his sun bro has been weird lately. He'll ignore it for now, something must be happening on the other side right now.

Along the way, he has been destroying bandit camps left and right. They were as common as bugs but they were as weak as bugs.

And right now, he is massacring a large bandit camp. There were at least a hundred bandits here, some were even shinobis. But he killed them all except for the leader.

"Y-you monster! D-don't come!!" The bandit leader screamed in terror as Hikaru slowly walked towards him.

"I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is, I won't kill you. The bad news is, I won't kill you." Hikaru said to him with a sadistic smile on his face.

"You know, sometimes in life, death can be a luxury."

For the rest of the day, he tortured the bandit leader until his mind broke. And yet, he healed the broken mind of the bandit leader time and time again with his mana. But soon, the bandit leader just broke and his mind can no longer be restored.

These bandits are the worst ones he's seen yet. Not only did they kidnap women and children from small towns, they are also cannibals that feasts upon human flesh. The other bandits got it easier than the leader since Hikaru decided to kill them although they received a quite painful death.

Thankfully, he managed to rescue most of the people that the bandits kidnapped. They were all in horrible states, even young children weren't spared from their disgusting hobbies.

'At least in this way, I can be of help to other people. I'll give them enough money to start off a new life, I just hope they won't take their own lives because of this.' Hikaru said inside his mind as he saw the states of the people here.

Some of you might think that I'm doing this too fast and you're right. I want to do this fast but not that fast. I don't want this novel to become a thousand chapters long fanfic like the endless paths of something(Sorry, I don't remember the name).

Either way, the shippuden arc starts a few chapters from now, so stay tuned.

And as always, thank you for reading.

Also, leave a review if you can that would really help me but by a lot.

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