
untimely death, and a new start.

"Mindy, I've liked you for awhile now. I was wondering if we cam go out" Allen said nervously

"Allen.... I'm sorry I don't know how to say this I'm already dating someone" Mindy said in a sorry tone

"Oh I...I see" Allen hurriedly left.

Walking home Allen was frustrated with himself with how he was unable to find someone he can fall in love with he said

" my day can't get any worse"

When he turned the cornerdown the street from his house, Allen noticed a police car in front of his house. The officer, at the door to allens house, noticed Allen coming close and walked towards Allen.

"Excuse me are you Allen francis?" The officer asked in a sorrowful tone.

"Yes I am Allen Francis, what's going on. Where's my mom and dad?"

" they were in a bad accident and I'm here to regretfully tell you they didn't make it. They passed away at the scene"

Allen, in disbelief couldn't believe what the officer said, and broke down crying. The neighbors next door came out to see what was wrong heard what the officer said, came by to comfort Allen as he was crying on the ground.

Allen's classmates soon heard of what happend to Allen's parents rather quick, as Allen lived in a small town. He was comforted by all his classmates and teachers. 4 months later he graduated and left the small town he once loved and called home.

2 years later Allen returned to this town he once called home. Allen drove past the school he went to. Remembering all the bad and good memories, Allen drive to his parents house.

After his parents died Allen received a hefty sum of money from their will and from the truck company that killed his parents. Since Allen was the only family he had remaining, the house he lived in was his.

Opening the door to his old house he hasn't been in for 2 years. He felt nostalgia. The memories of his parents and the memories of the sadness of what happened afterwards rushed at him all at once.

Intending to sell the house, Allen started to rummage through everything to see what he wants to keep and what he wants to sell.

When he got done with the living room Allen started walking towards his old room. Seeing the door at the end of the hallway, Allen stopped. Thinking back to when his dad and mom would go in the room and would keep telling Allen to never go into the room.

Opening the door, Allen discovered a room full of boxes labeled with different things. From Christmas to Halloween. His parents stored the decorations in this room.

Walking deeper into the room, Allen noticed aother door. This door was unknown to Allen as he didn't know where the door went to. Allen walked outside to where the door lead to and discuss that the door lead to a wall. With no door on the outside.

Confused, Allen walked back into the house and back into the room. Standing infront of the door Allen decided to open the door to see where it went.

Upon opening the door, he discovered a forest. Confused he closes the door and opens it again. Again the same thing, he opened it to a forest.

this is my first time trying this. feedback would be helpful.

don't be mean.

zach_sammonscreators' thoughts