
Ivan is the weak king

King Anusapati works on his desk. He is reading a paper. Suddenly he remembers that he should go breakfast with his queen. Then he keeps the paper and prepares to go pavilion east. But his butler (Karso) entered the king's room.

"Karso is here", said the butler.

"come in", answered the king.

Karso brought a food tray.

"What is that, I will get breakfast with my queen". Said the king.

"Her majesty is already eaten, she sent this food for you, your majesty". Said Karso.

"What? Why she left me alone" The King was disappointed.

"Her majesty cooked it by her self, please try it". Said Karso.

"Really? I don't know if my queen can cook, but might be she made it with effort, so I will try it". Said the king.

The butler put the food on the table.

"What kind of food is this?" asked the king.

"Her Majesty said that this is Nasi Padang with Rendang, Rendang is a beef curry that cooked with coconut milk. It's food from Sumatra island" answered Karso.

"Woww.. we have an amazing queen, I never travel to Sumatra, but she had been there" said the king.

King Anusapati tried that food and he eats with a smile. He ate all without left any rice on his plate. His butler is surprised because King Anusapati likes the food.

"Mmmmm.... the tastes so good... I like this food so muchhhh.." said the King.

"Wah, I happy to hear that", said Karso.

"I need to thank my queen for this food, let's go to the queen's room", said the king.

"Ah.. forgive me, my king, Price Toh Jaya is waiting for you for archery exercises", said karso.

"Ohh I see, I will visit my queen later".

Tania walks into the palace garden. She is really happy after she cooked Nasi Padang with rendang. Since she came to Singhasari, she only eats Javanese foods which spicy but sweet. Different from Sumatra foods, they have many kinds of foods cooked with coconut milk.

Then Ratri told her that King Anusapati like Nasi Padang which was made by Tania.

"His majesty likes the Nasi Padang. His valet told me", said Ratri.

"Oh I know, I think nobody who doesn't like Nasi Padang", said Tania.

"As I know, you are never traveling to Sumatra, how can you know the recipe of that food?", asked Ratri.

"Hmm.. I found it in my dream", answered Tania.


Ratri is confused with her queen because Tania is different from the real queen. But she loves Tania more because Tania is more energic and seems happy every day.

The Palace Garden is close to the archery field. Tania saw King Anusapati now doing battle archery with Prince Toh Jaya. She saw them from the back of a tree. Both of them are good as archery players until Bagaskara ( King's guard) told that the queen is looking at the king behind the tree.

"Forgive me, your majesty, the queen is looking at you", said Bagaskara.

"Really? where is she?" asked the king.

"She is stay behind that tree", answered Bagaskara.

"Oh, I can see her", said the king with a smile.

Prince Toh Jaya heard that the queen is there. He should play better and win against the king. And King Anusapati lost his archery shoot. Then Prince Toh Jaya won the game.

"Ahh.. he is really weak, Ivan is always weak however in the past" said Tania.

"Might be when his majesty saw us, he feels nervous" said Ratri.

"Ah not interested, let's go back to our room" said Tania.

"Yes, your majesty".

Tania is leaving the garden palace. Bagaskara tells the king that the queen has left the garden palace. He is disappointed because he can't show his queen a good game.

"I need to play better next game", said the king.

"Your majesty, thanks for the nice game, I will back to my home", said Prince Toh Jaya.

"You are the best archery player I've ever met, let's play again if you have free time", said the King.

"Thank you very much, your majesty", said Prince Toh Jaya.

The King is back to his palace with his guard. And in the queen's room, Tania feels boring. She doesn't know what she should do in the 13th century. There is no handphone, internet, and social media.

"Hwaaaaa... I can't update status.. I can't watch a movie...". shouted Tania.

Tania is lying on his bed. Ratri comes and enters the queen's room.

"Your majesty, the sunlight still on the sky, why you lay on your bed". said Ratri.

"What can I do instead of sleep, I can't do anything in this era,, I am so bored". said Tania.

"Ah, let's go to see pavilion west, there are some dancers who prepare for the king's birthday". said Ratri.

"Wow,, great idea.. I can see everything that I can't see in the modern era,, let's go!!".

Tania and Ratri have arrived at Pavilion west. everyone stands up to greet her.

"Welcome your majesty", said the dance instructor.

"Ya.. ya.. may I follow you dancing?", asked Tania.

"Oh,, With pleasure,, your majesty", said the instructor.

Then the dance Instructor asked the dancer to give Tania a place.

"Please give her majesty place".

"Yes my lady".

In King's workroom, he couldn't concentrate because he always thinks about the queen. He thought about her smile, her laugh, and her angry face. It seems like he loves the queen more than before. But He still afraid of his half-brother. He knows that Prince Toh Jaya loves his queen. But He doesn't know who is the man that queen loves. He should confirm it.

Karso comes to the king and he said that the queen is in the pavilion west. She is dancing with all dancers. Then King Anusapati going to the pavilion west.

"Let's go to see my queen". The king's ordered.

"Yes your majesty".

Tania looks happy. She smiled and laughed. At this time, she looks beautiful in King's eyes. Then the king smiled when seeing her and says:

"She is the beautiful woman I've ever met, I love her more than myself". Said the king.

Today is getting dark. Tania is already in her bedroom. Karso came to enter her room.

"Karso is here"

"Yes, come in"

Karso gives her a letter from King Anusapati. But the contents of the letter use ancient Javanese script. Tania can't understand how to read the letter.

"Because I lost my memory, then I lost my ability to read, please read it for me". said Tania.

"I am sorry your majesty, that is a personal letter, I can't read for you". said Karso.

"Ah.. ok lah, you can go".

"Yes your majesty".

Karso has left the queen's room.

"How can I read this letter". said Tania.

Tania asked Ratri to read the letter, then Ratri read the letter.

"My queen, I wait for you in pavilion east to see the stars together".

King Anusapati wants to meet Tania at Pavilion east. But Tania feels lazy and wants to sleep early.

"Ahh.. I tired after the dance,, go and tell him I will go sleep". ordered Tania.

"But king already in pavilion east" said Ratri.

"Ah.. Ivan is annoying.. ok lah, let's go".

Tania and Ratri going to the pavilion east, but someone with a mask takes Tania's hand. Tania and Ratri were screamed.
