
Traveling through worlds with a nano suit

A man dies and was given a chance to live again for a price and thanks to the limited power of the god the best choice of the three abilities he could choose from was the nano suit from the Crysis series game first world will be a zombie world. no surprise there since the god needs him to grow strong enough to accomplish his tasks

Rauon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Omake with some slight spoilers for the future~

A young yet gravely injured child who had lost everything was trying to change her fate, and she wanted someone to be there, even if it WAS a servant, someone who will not suddenly disappear without saying anything, nor will this person control her life.

With her house now left in ruins, unable to escape the secret basement that was blocked by the debris from the destruction caused by those that sought to use her, as a vessel, to grant their wishes

With the countless enemies of her family coming close to use her body as the catalyst for the holy grail, the bloodied and tired child had no choice but to chant and hope that her life can change for the better from now on.

Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone.

The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulates.

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

I announce.

Your self is under me, my (ɯoop)ǝʇɐɟ is in your sword.

In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance.

Yet, thou serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos.

Thou, bound in the cage of madness. I am she who commands those chains.

Rather than white light, a dark mist took form while the place began to rumble as a horned being with sliver wings 'crawled' from out of the ground.

As a low growl echoed out.

It was 8 feet tall, with a beast-like snout full of fangs that craved blood as a low growl escaped its mouth. It was skinny unnaturally so, as orange markings that looked like lava was coursing through its body from the heat that was being emitted, the ground shook slightly from each step it made while it scanned the surroundings. Its four limbs were covered in sinister spikes and looked monstrous. Its three obsidian eyes separately scanned the area before it locked onto her with a flicker of emotions of reminisces and longing before it gained a cruel light.

Not towards her but to someone else!

Servant sheet

True name: Jack Anderson/Khan

Class: Berserker/Archer

Type: Psuedo Demon/Spirit

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: EX

Agility: EX

Endurance: EX

Charisma: B++

Mana: EX

Luck: C+

Noble Phantasm: EX

Class skills

Madness enhancement: EX

raising basic parameters and strengthens one's physical abilities in exchange of hindering mental capacities and/or in exchange for their sense of reason.

Personal skills

Another world's Knowledge: A++

From the numerous worlds, he had ventured to, and the information gathered that surpassed that of the heaven's library, many power sources fall under his control. His numerous fields can bring envy to any expert.

Battle Continuation: A++

is a Skill that allows for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. It will also reduce the mortality rate from injury.

Mana Eater: EX

Because of his unique body make-up, no mana-based abilities can be activated within a certain range.

Independent Manifestation: EX

is a special Skill that permits unsupported manifestation into reality, without the necessity of energy cost or summoning by a Master.

Assimilator: EX

is a special skill that permits Jack to Assimilate anything to strengthen his body further regardless of what it is made of.

Item Construction and Deconstruction: EX

The Skill is to manufacture both magical and regular items, from implements of war to items for daily use. It also allows the user to 'recycle' any item to create more or better gear.

Adaptive Skin: EX

allows the user to turn invisible or increase their physical and magical resistances to handle even the Gods

Noble Phantasms

Silent Death: EX ???

Using the source of his power Jack had erased several higher gods before making them a part of him in his search for vengeance towards those that treated his life as a game but in exchange for this, He lost the rest of his humanity, rendering him incapable of even coming near those that he cared for the most.

Jagged Blade of tribulations: E-EX ???

This was one of the main weapons that Jack used throughout his life, from the constant upgrades and changes it went through, this item became an artifact that carries not only his conviction but also a part of his soul, it still craves for the blood of those that made his life a living hell!

Bow of the desecrated: E-EX ???

This was one of Jack's favorite weapons starting from shooting down people that were his enemies to shooting down stars that threatened the lives of those he held dear, this bow carries the resentment of all the people who had suffered under the ways of the higher beings, each arrow will endlessly grow stronger until their grudges had been settled!

Vengeance WILL be Mine: E-EX ???

This was the most common thing Jack would say whenever he finally Found his enemy. Upon activating this, it would create a reality marble that would pit the affected enemies against his weakest self until his Peak in power. This manifests his greatest regret forcing his enemies to suffer the mental strain Jack endured until the very end.

Understanding where he was now and who the child was, Jack had the Nano suit create something that could help the child recover something he had gained from one of the worlds he had been to.

A recovery elixir that floated like a small water ball coated the child, quickly helping her recovery from all of her injuries before exhaling steam from his nostrils with a guttural growl that made the air tremble then a voice, that made the area around the speaker shake, asked.

"Tell me, child, are you the one who summoned me?"

Those three obsidian eyes looked at the child who shook in fear for a moment only to relax upon seeing a look of worry in this servant's eyes.

It meant her no harm, nor will it allow such things to happen so easily the large hand with sharp-pointed fingers reached out to her before using a more gentle tone that helped her relax after so much running and suffering she had to endure until now.

"It's alright child, as long as I am here no one can harm you!"

This was not him just saying that for the sake of it, to the child these words sounded more like a decree!

The girl was tired yet excited as while the voice sounded horrifying to anyone else, to her, the girl could already sense to gentleness it had before fatigue finally kick in causing her to close her eyes as that bestial voice comforted her.

"rest now, I'll take care of our guests."

A man clad in Saudi Arabian clothes, decked with countless artifacts and jewelry suddenly appeared not too far and not too close to then before the man spoke in a tone full of arrogance and pride.

"Hey, hand me that child and the great me might spare your life!"

Jack began to ponder interestingly enough it wasn't about him agreeing to the intruder's demands.

Jack was contemplating what move should he use to not make too much noise~