
Traveling through worlds with a nano suit

A man dies and was given a chance to live again for a price and thanks to the limited power of the god the best choice of the three abilities he could choose from was the nano suit from the Crysis series game first world will be a zombie world. no surprise there since the god needs him to grow strong enough to accomplish his tasks

Rauon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 52 some family history, sudden rank up, more trouble

The stories about the Khans ranged mostly on discoveries and speculations, and numerous times on 'beautifying' their way of doing things...

No matter how brutal they were, from the changing stories of how he dismembered his enemies with his children to using hundreds of enemy soldiers that SURRENDERED to test the sharpness of his youngest child's blade.

Regardless, Jack was teaching B'keuru and Katherine of their heritage using the bodies of the demons that were brought while his stories intrigued the demon queen that was looking forward to what kind of world-conquering children she can get from him!

Thanks to the suit, not only did he manage to stake the captives to the walls in a manner where they'd still be alive but also make them suffer so much longer and be unable to retaliate!

This was something they brought upon themselves, as Khans deliver their vengeance manifolds compared to what they received just like his grandfather before he died whilst doing so.

(A/N a little back story about his grandfather and parents~)

a rich brat decided to go on a joy ride on his father's RV while drunk ended up colliding into Jack's parent's car ending both of their lives at the time all the brat got was a slap on the wrist with the minimum compensation dropped at the khan Family gates.

No apology, no words of condolences nothing!

Furious and angry about this, Jack was about to charge at the place of the offending family but his grandfather restrained him before telling him that no matter what happens next he is to go about his regular life as this might be the last time they can chat together.

jack was only 20 at the time but he agreed as this was something instilled into him at a young age before the boy was invited to a drink with his grandfather for the first and final time.

His grandfather drank him under the table, before being left at home with his 19-year-old sister that preferred to live a regular life than follow the family legacy, with a blanket draped over his knocked out grandson, the old man made his way to the address his friend had told him about.

Jack's grandfather who was still controlling himself, mostly thanks to the liquor, didn't want the money hell they still had quite a bit stashed away for the WHOLE family, it was only a few trillion...

but back to the point, At the large expensive mansion in the mountains owned but the very family that killed his son and daughter-in-law, all that he wanted was a simple apology that was all but what they gave him were a spat on the face and a beating from one of their guards as they enjoyed the show as they thought of him as some homeless drunk whose life got ruined because of their machinations.

Luckily for them, he was pretty aged and drunk or he would've butchered them as he did to his enemies in his younger years!

So since they insisted on making things difficult and the injury that the stubborn grandfather had received was pretty severe using some of the money stashed away he bought enough 'presents' then a week later after setting things up with the help of some friends and finding more of the members of this family then finally to their place again before demanding an apology this time both for his son, daughter-in-law and for himself.

He was still gravely injured, pale, weak, and this time sober the same exact person that beat him up before decided to try and kill him this time, The old man chuckled as he shook his head before saying these foreboding words for all to hear as the rich brat and the rest of his family were eager to watch the show the guard was about to show them.

"A pity, but hehe, I guess I can be happy to have some COMPANY at least!"

The old man wasn't kidding about having 'company' as it meant more than just them~

Jack's grandfather raised his hand that showed some kind of device with a button on it causing the nearby guard's eye's to widen as he attempted to rush the old man but he was a second too late!


He knew better than to test his luck through his old methods and ways as there was a high chance of failure and the old man certainly didn't want anything to bite his grandson in the ass later for his revenge!

What happened next erased a rising family from existence.

The Khans are a very simple family be kind to them they'll be kind to you, fuck with them then they'll fuck you more than 100 times over!

He not only killed the people in this mansion but also wherever else their blood ties were!

Jack heard about the news a day after the incident from his grandfather's friend, while he was prepared for it, it still hurt, he caressed his grandfather's picture that was placed together with his parents on the altar in their home, before making a vow if the time every comes he will follow the ways of the khan and ruthlessly deliver the well-deserved vengeance!


While Katherine was very reluctant thanks to her age and meek nature, B'keuru was absorbing his teaching like a sponge!

From the most painful points to attack to the most effective methods to strike Jack was feeling proud of his Niece~

Now it was time to get the rest of the family.

Jack picked where B'keuru's sister was at as his next point to attack before saving his sister since it was closed as the location of his sister was on the human continent.

Kind of odd that he was starting to not even consider them the same race as him?

But no matter, with the demon king out of the way and Jack currently the one with enough power to take the position...

why the hell not?

With him there, not only will Katherine and B'keuru be settled but they will also be the next in line since they are his only family members so far and the reunion between Katherine's mother and B'keuru's sister would be a hundred times easier~

As the demons that have her are a branch family under Azazel.

the interesting part about that was thanks to letting B'keuru handle such details and announcing Jack as A new demon king it brought a bizarre twist about things, one a demon god denounced him causing three demon kings to send him a challenge to 'prove' himself, two the human's hero marked him as the enemy of all humans for some reason, three thanks to the disrespect the demons kings were giving and hero was giving the demon lords actually assumed that jack was some kind of weakling since none of them have heard of him thus they are coming to claim his head, then four the announcement from seughar stating her support for Jack was bringing more chaos within the ranks of the demons than anything.

So now there are three factions those that want to kill him, those that want to support him, those that want to stay and watch!

Regardless of what faction was chosen thanks to the changes made by jack the olden rules and regulations of the demons were gradually being broken and bringing more chaos than order the more they tried to stick to the old ways as long as jack was there.

Thus the decision of some of the stricter demon gods...

Eradicate him!

But the problem was that they cannot intervene with this world unless some conditions were met!

this should give a good idea of when he'll finally slay his first god~