
Traveling through worlds with a nano suit

A man dies and was given a chance to live again for a price and thanks to the limited power of the god the best choice of the three abilities he could choose from was the nano suit from the Crysis series game first world will be a zombie world. no surprise there since the god needs him to grow strong enough to accomplish his tasks

Rauon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 50 Jalzel, Finally there to save someone!

----Jalzel's pov----

I was chuckling now, from how good my plans were proceeding, with my stupid brother out of the way and soon my bastard of a father, I can finally take my rightful place as the lord of the family!

With the demon god of pride helping me, nothing can stop my plans now!

But still, for a child to be a key to receive his blessings, what an odd coincidence.

As if everything was falling into place for me~

With a bonus, my former subordinate that I never managed to subdue.

I licked my lips, just imagining how broken will she be when I kill her niece as I violate her!

Ooh~ the mere thought was making me harder than steel!

Now I really want to see it.

Her despair.

Her fear.

Her falling under my control!

Anyone I Subdue would become a slave to my bidding until they are stronger than me or until I subdue them a second time when they try to break my control~

Even now, the men I have with me are mostly High ranked demons, with one being a demon lord like me.

Well, B'keuru, I hope you can make this 'enjoyable' for me~


B'keuru, at this moment, from the first floor quickly brought Katherine towards the bunker under the church that Jack made for them, it was strong enough to handle a high-rank demon's attack, but a demon lord such as Jalzel would easily break through such a defense.

She remembered one thing that he mentioned while having his way with her, something she didn't care about since B'keuru hoped to receive the death that she craved for.

An eye of scouting, a special ability that Jalzel had that could be attached to Any weaker being than him, was something that he applied before sending her on this mission to kill her own niece. Still, the condition for it to activate would require him to be within 100 meters.

He obviously was as the 'eye' he applied to the center of her chest now open as it quickly scanned the area to deliver intel to its creator.

B'keuru, in anger and desperation, while biting on her lips enough to draw blood, swiftly clawed at the eye to gouge it out. In contrast, successful the countermeasure it had against anyone that removed the 'eye,' would be the temporary loss of mana for a whole month!

This was literally a death penalty for any other demons as a moment of weakness would lead to others taking the opportunity to usurp them from whatever position they had!

Her maternal instinct to protect a young one that she looked at as one of her own brought her to make such a drastic decision.

Katherine, the crying child, freaked out from the sudden action her aunt made, tears dripping down her face yet doing her best not to make any noise as this was like a repeat of before she was taken away from her mother. The look B'keuru had shown her while taking her to the bunker made her extremely reluctant to go there.

But she needed to help her aunt!

B'keuru was now weakened, trying to move her body with Katherine's support.

The obnoxious voice full of cruelty and anger echoed out.

"Really now, to go as far as to weaken yourself to protect a crippled hybrid, how far you have fallen the one called death siren by the humans and other demons~."

Katherine shivered from the feeling the voice gave, making the child double her efforts in supporting her aunt; they needed to move faster towards the basement where their destination was!

B'keuru could sense the anger the man felt since she destroyed the eye that helped him find them; now it was going to take him even longer to find them.

The chances are that Jarzel was trying hard to left no evidence of them coming.

She was mostly right for the most part.

B'keuru stood upright using the minuscule amount of strength; she ruffled Katherine's hair causing the child to look at her, which made the woman nod with a kind smile as she said.

"Grow strong for your mother and me, okay?"

They were at the door of the bunker; Katherine was confused at the words since their way of surviving was right in front of them, but then, her aunt kissed her forehead, bringing a dreadful premonition as to what will happen!

The woman pushed Katherine, who began sobbing right now, into the bunker as her little hands tried reaching out to B'keuru before the door slammed shut; there was little that could be done, the enemies needed to be diverted elsewhere.

The muffled cries of the child with some hitting on the door could be heard!

One could easily imagine what the child was saying as one line managed to slip through.

"Don't leave me alone, please!"

B'keuru quivered from hearing that while trying to control herself.

Then when she slipped through one of the emergency exits in the basement, She tried to make as much noise as possible once, then made a run for it with a blood trail made by cutting her hand.

A trail to lead them away from Katherine!

While she was weakened, B'keuru managed to cause the chase to go on for a while, and it lasted even longer than planned thanks to the bastards playing with her like some kind of helpless sheep.

Randomly cutting her, leaving all sorts of bruises and injuries to satisfy their demented ways, while they wanted to violate her, their boss wanted the first bite, so they held back on such urges.

At least until a powerful explosion happened!

Jalzel lost his cool demeanor before cursing out loudly.


The demon lord looked towards her then ordered his men.

"Capture her now! there is no time for games!"

Since these demons were all stronger thanks to the penalty of removing the 'eye,' they quickly captured her.

Jalzel walked to the restrained woman then grabbed a handful of her hair to make B'keuru's swollen and bleeding face turn towards him as he said this.

"Answer me, you damned hybrid! where is the girl!? or I'll have to leave something behind when we leave!"

She smiled in a mocking manner before spitting on his face!

But thanks to his mana shield that was set up beforehand it stopped the bloody sputum from reaching.

Thus he looked at one of his men who grinned widely before lifting his hand that quickly took the form of a blade, it was about to descend but something unexpected happened.

The screams of their demon king Azazel was heard before 'something' Slammed into the demon that was about to harm B'keuru again.

Jalzel quickly looked around only to see a strange-looking demon that had a strange mist around it, with its feet, and hands dug into the trunk of the tree above them with glowing red eyes, he turned pale before attempting to cast a teleportation spell.

But something broke his spell circle then a growl mixed with a question full of unbridled hatred was heard.








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