
Traveling through worlds with a nano suit

A man dies and was given a chance to live again for a price and thanks to the limited power of the god the best choice of the three abilities he could choose from was the nano suit from the Crysis series game first world will be a zombie world. no surprise there since the god needs him to grow strong enough to accomplish his tasks

Rauon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Chapter 36 unexpected turn of events, newfound hatred

Jack had a weird feeling about the one that led the bundle of corpses that now laid at his feet, a hunch one could say as if the man was similar to his late girlfriend and sister.

He wasn't sure what it was, but he certainly wanted to find out, thus the reason why he knocked the Armored person out with a slap, sure there was still some lasting damage but at least the said person's life was spared.

He Absorbed the dead into his suit before tying up the person jack was curious about with reinforced steel thanks to his nanobot's manufacturing ability the latest upgrade that was added from reaching the two milestones of killing one and ten demons of this world.

But to ensure the safety of Katherine, Jack brought his prisoner to the first level away from the basement where the young girl was resting with a new firepit set up as he was going to cook some food for Katherine, himself, and the prisoner.

Jack also noticed the subtle changes the suit was making to his body as it was being optimized, as was the strange object that formed beside his heart... a Mana core was it?

It thumped like his heart, and each time it did a refreshing feeling of vigor filled his body.

He was certainly a few times stronger than when he had first arrived and he was waiting to unlock the next auxiliary upgrade one that allowed him to implement the production of finger-sized drones.

It may not seem like much right now but wait until you hear the stuff that they can do.

By sacrificing some maximum energy, they can act as his assassins that can use all of his capabilities just that their total potential is dependent on how much he's willing to put into them.

if he puts let us say 10%?

The finger-sized drone can only muster up to 10% of all the suit's functions, but what he was truly after was to abuse one specific ability, as committing massacres of whole kingdoms if needed he won't hesitate to do so any longer, they flipped his switches for 'teasing' him about Rona's soul shard holder in the previous world.

And now he meets a young girl that had a strong resemblance towards his sister, only to find out that she is actually related to the current soul shard holder, as well as the fact that she had been heavily abused for how many years now...

Why wouldn't he be angry?

Why would he care about slaughtering millions just to fix his greatest regrets?

Even if he becomes the greatest 'evil' in this world a broken brother that failed to save his lover and his sister, he'll cover the world in corpses just to not let it happen again.

But now, he wanted information, while Katherine gave him some information, it wasn't enough, so he was going to get as much as he can from his prisoner before deciding what to do with the armored person.

when the armor dissipated, the man who was knocked out with his head down was oddly... plump in certain areas?

His torso was unusually large, with long black hair, thin arms wide hip-...

Jack frowned at this as one thing came to mind as he asked himself before pulling his hands back as the nearby firepit flickered, no way in hell was he going to touch an unconscious woman that was his prisoner in any manner other than transportation.

the mere thought of it was beyond sickening as he would be akin to Shido and the other people that he had hunted down should he do so.

A lasting trauma that kept him 'himself', that fueled his thoughts and movements, as he had hoped to kill those bastards again when given the chance since Shido was able to fuck with him again what are the chances of the other bastards being around too?

He formed a cold smile at the possible chances of that in this world!

The Woman stirred awake before freezing as she quickly scanned the place she was in as well as her current predicament.

But Jack, on the other hand, he was stunned at the sight before him...

It was like a carbon copy of his sister tied in front of him, hell he almost lost himself to the urge of hugging the bound woman, so he asked the suit while hoping so desperately that it was her as the suit scanned her body... then found other things that made his stomach turn from fury!


What? he stood there sad and lonely yet relieved at the same time from the sharp reply his emotions were going up and down from his excess thoughts but the next one gave him some hope as well as reignited rage also thanks to the chance that the suit/messenger was playing games with him.


That alone was quite a shocker as it meant something that he truly wished wasn't so but like always reality can be quite the torturer of people's minds as Jack grit his teeth hard enough to crack a few.


The emotionless message made him stagger backwards a few steps as the mere thought of what she may have gone through thanks to what her two descendants had to go through as the suit scanned what had happened to Katherine, and the infuriating data gathered from his prisoner's physical condition.

He was taking deep breaths, a long inhale, with a long exhale, as he was reverting to when he first resolved to kill a group of men, as he was now calm, cold, and regretful yet again as red tears dripped from his eyes behind the visor.

The prisoner watched his every move as she was thinking of some way to kill that damned general and his disgusting family!

But the eerily cold words of the golem a few steps away from her made a cold shiver run down her spine despite instinctively sensing it meant her no harm.

"Speak child, who had made you suffer so?"

His frame seemed slimmer but the flickering flames made it hard to see correctly as she completely failed to notice that her body had switched to its more 'balanced' state.

Her eyes looked at the golem confused at its question as truthfully she was expecting something along the lines of 'who sent you? or who hired you and such' or fucking threats for crying out loud!

Certainly not this kind of question but she decided to wing it since it still aligned with what she wanted to happen.

Only for the girl's words to stop when the golem got closer to her then knelt down before the visor opened up then showed the face of a man who was crying tears of blood that dripped to the ground from his sharp chin, with eyes that seemed so cold yet held so many regrets behind it, with a face that looked very similar to a person very dear to her, a human that cared for her, who told stories about an amazing uncle in a world without magic something beyond B'keuru's imagination before her hell began as the only person that cared for her was taken away.

So she asked some words, after a brief moment to see some resemblance he had with her mother, the kind that which shook Jack to the core as he gained a newfound hatred against fate, destiny even more so to the damned gods that let things repeat itself just because of his sister's unnatural beauty.















"are you Uncle Jack?"