
Traveling through worlds with a nano suit

A man dies and was given a chance to live again for a price and thanks to the limited power of the god the best choice of the three abilities he could choose from was the nano suit from the Crysis series game first world will be a zombie world. no surprise there since the god needs him to grow strong enough to accomplish his tasks

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Chapter 33 scare tactics, All inhibitions gone

The reaction the demons had upon seeing this was to scream!

their screams were so loud, that a certain girl that was hiding downstairs unintentionally joined in due to how surprised and scared she was, noticing this, as Jack charged, he made a mental note to read her some bedtime stories or something like that to ease her up a bit.

as for why he was being so kind to the little girl it will be mentioned later~

But for now, a slaughter-fest MUST be made the nearest demon attacked while using magic to physically enhance himself.

But sadly, against a high-frequency claw styled blade...

that was useless.

the blade passed through his body so quickly that he didn't feel anything so he tried to turn his body, which exposed the extent of the damage that he received as his lower body stayed in place while the rest followed his movement before the upper body split into five pieces before his head with more than just the neck still attached that also still had a look of shock rolled on the ground towards the leader.

His blood spurt out like a fountain dyeing the others nearby in red!

As the looks on their faces were priceless~

Jack, on the other hand, looking at the mess that he made, was disappointed as the magic enhancement failed to resist his claws so hmphed in obvious disappointment towards these useless people before asking.

"aren't you guys like super weak to be doing this kind of thing?"

It was a serious question from him, like wow, he had so many expectations about magic and excitement for being in such a world yet... he felt empty...

hoping for so much more from them!

Hell, they all thought that he was picking at their weakness and taunting them, unfortunately, he wasn't he just wanted to know before he would resume killing them.

The group of demons were pissed, since in their culture, saying such things so blatantly was more than insulting, it's like someone spat on your face then ruined your name!

The leader conjured a 'large' fireball that was as big as an adult's head before throwing it at Jack.

The target simply waited as the rest of the survivors looked at the fireball full of hope as their dreams and future now depending on whether if it works or not.

The fire ball took a few seconds to reach Jack before finally exploding on his chest.


His frame was engulfed in flames before his screams followed, this made the people near the leader cheer him on as he prepared to fire a few more fireballs before his mana was completely drained.

The leader looked smug as sweat dripped down from his face before relaying his orders to continue their search, all while shit-talking the victim of his spells.

"Heh, dared to brag about being Musfiop the next ifrit's killer? look at you now! i made you into barbe-"

The scene right now made him look in disbelief and shock, as the person that he was trying to shit-talk about, was holding a piece of a monster's leg over the fire Before Musfiop noticed something else the one burning...

Was one of HIS men!

Jack knew that the gig was up as he was thoroughly enjoying the dread that the leader felt as the others soon came to notice the odd silence of the leader before seeing the being that made them feel fear after so long, was now taking a big out of a barbequed monster leg on a stick~

He was chewing the barbeque loudly on PURPOSE just to get their complete attention as he wanted to savor their deaths, the High-frequency claws were retracted and his large frame shrunk and compressed as the armor gained a blue color with sharp claws covering the hands and feet.

He didn't give them a chance to react as his body moved like the shadows before a scream followed again, as Jack began mutilating the limbs, by either ruining the muscles or by ripping the bones out of his first target, by the time he was done with the first was when they tried to retaliate.

A living being's reaction to the fear of death varies from person to person, it can show the person's character being the best or the worst of them, as for the demons... they all leaned to the later then again that might be the reason why they grouped together as they were like-minded people.

Since Jack was too strong and too strange for them to handle many of them started their attempt in running away from this place even if they had to push or cut down those in their way!

Truthfully Jack's actions were more of a forced habit from his first life something he couldn't really control anymore as he did such things hundreds of times so he instinctively tries to use all sorts of psychological tactics from simple gestures to using the environment as one of the most efficient ways to maximize the results is to repeatedly give them a tense then relaxing moment to further control their imagination.

if you don't understand that let us try a simpler way to explain, attract the victim's attention elsewhere to heighten their imagination, distract them with a somewhat okay moment as they 'calm down' a bit before delivering the jumpscare.

this is a common tactic used in good scary movies~

This is what he gave them just in multiple levels as he did the tactic more than twice now the more successful layers the heavier the toll it has on the mind~

While they tried to escape Jack wasn't going to allow that, no, he was going to cut them down and end them right then and there as a child that 'summoned' him looked and acted too similar to his late sister while there were no alerts from the suit about her being shard holder, upon asking the suit giver about her...

the news Made him feel obligated to protect her even more... even if there was a chance of it being a lie.

While she wasn't a shard holder, the little girl was related to the current shard holder!

Jack tried getting more details yet the damned god that was answering his questions suddenly went silent after telling him the dire news!

But back to the group of demons all of them were dead now.

well except for the limbless leader that had snot and tears covering his face as his blood caused the snow to turn even more pinkish as his eyes looked to the sky with the look on his face that had questions of...

why!? why!? and why!?

Hell upon hearing the snow crunching under Jack's feet that drew closer to him as he dragged one of the now-dead women by the broken throat, Musfiop's eyes gleamed with fear and more questions.

But Jack wasn't going to bother answering any of them as they were getting close to harming one of the people within this world that was related to his sister's soul shard holder, so their lives were forfeit for even thinking of ruining his chance.

He felt miserable upon being unable to handle the previous which is why he made a decision, he'll be evil incarnate just to get what he wants this time as every single demon that he assimilated earlier added a fixed amount to his stats as the trio from before gave him a quite a boost.

11% to all of his regular stats and a whopping 83% to the mysterious ??? stat that had yet to be understood by the suit as oddly enough he can keep absorbing their bodies to grow his stats unlike in the previous world where it was randomized and by chance.

so now the leader that was begging for his life one more time looked at could only look at Jack with dread as he stopped just right beside him before placing a foot on his head then gradually added weight into it until finally the sound like a watermelon popping was heard!

Jack, while in the other world, unconsciously stopped himself from using regular human bodies as that would be considered taboo but in this world where they Treated Katherine as trash, all of his inhibitions are now gone, Jack will use anything at his disposal as these demon bodies will become a part of his foundation in this world, just like the billions more that will follow