
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

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Cry of a Baby, Roar of a Dragon

The moment that Thera used her light magic, Dale sprinted out of the back entrance of the house. The plan was for Thera to stall them while he tried to gain some distance. This was a precaution if they decided that they would stop at nothing to disturb their peace.

Since he was a Laguz, he was stronger and more athletic than a normal Beorc and was able to run a good distance without resting. However, running on two legs will never be faster than a horse or wyverns.

During his run, shortly after he left the house Ryan started crying because he was terribly upset and absolutely useless in this situation. Even though it was the best choice of action for no one to die, leaving his mother just did not sit very well with him. He could not even use his spatial ability given to him by God. The requirement was that he needed to have visited the location before he could teleport to it and since he never left home, it was currently useless.

Seeing Ryan cry, Dale tried to console him with a smile on his face.

Dale: "Don't worry Ryan, mom's fine. We're gonna see her again real soon. Please stop crying."

While Ryan was slowly calming down, both of them entered a thin forest. After a few minutes inside, Dale could hear something coming from behind him. He took a glance back to see three wyvern riders fast approaching above the treetops.

Wyvern Rider Soldier: "Sir, I see him! He's over there running in the woods. Shall we descend?"

Wyvern Rider Captain: "No. We'll be at a disadvantage if we fight him in the trees."

The captain took a few seconds to look at their environment and come up with a plan.

Wyvern Rider Captain: "This little forest is not that big. We'll fly to the edge of it in the open field. Have the Cavaliers push them towards our direction and we'll box them in."

Wyvern Rider Soldier: "Yes sir."

Due to the thin trees, Dale clearly could not hide anywhere and knew that he was spotted. However, it confused him when he saw two of the riders fly over and pass him and the other one going back. He temporarily stopped and was about to go in a different direction from the riders, but heard something else coming from behind him.

This time it was a group of about 10 horse riders following that one wyvern rider that went back. The Cavaliers were either holding a sword, an ax, a lance, or a bow and were in a wide-spread formation. Seeing them move towards him like that, Dale had no choice but to move in the direction of the other 2 flyers. It was at this time that Ryan started crying again.

Ryan already had a mindset similar to that of a tactician and knew what the Begnion soldiers were planning. He also noticed something peculiar about the captain of the wyvern riders, especially after seeing his crimson red hair. If he remembered correctly, there is a high chance that the captain is actually Shiharam, father of one of the future greatest Wyvern Lords, Jill. With him here, even if he is currently weaker than he was in the game, then he and Dale had no chance of escaping.

Seeing him act up again, Dale wanted to try and calm Ryan down, but that was impossible given the situation. He eventually got out of the forest to see two Wyvern Riders waiting in front of him. It was at this moment that he finally figured out that he had fallen in his enemy's trap and had no way out.

Wyvern Rider Captain: "So you finally came eh? My name is Shiharam Fizzart, a captain of Begnion's Holy Dracoknights. Give up and accept your fate. We have you surrounded and I'm certain you can't fight all of us and protect your child at the same time."

Ryan: 'Crap, it is Shiharam! Why is a late-game boss like him doing out here!? Dammit God, why couldn't you have made it so I would've at least a few years old before I face my first major struggle!?'

Seeing that he had no other choice, Dale threw down his weapon. This surprised Shiharam as he expected some form of resistance.

Shiharam: "That's strange. Why do you give up so easily? I expected more from the mighty dragon tribe."

Dale: "Before I consider myself to be a dragon, I am a father. You may take my life without struggle but in exchange, let my son go."

Shiharam: "What's the meaning of doing that? He is still a baby. Even if we let him live after your inevitable death, there is absolutely no chance of him being able to survive alone."

Dale: "Then there's no reason why not to accept since the outcome is the same. Do you agree or not?"

Inside, Dale actually knew that Shiharam was right. There was probably not even a spec of a chance for Dale to survive in the wild alone, but something inside told him otherwise. His instincts were telling him that everything would be all right.

Shiharam: ".....Fine. But only on one condition. You have to fight me in a duel. Although you would die anyway, I still want to test myself against the most powerful tribe in the continent."

Dale: "Deal. I also was curious about the strength of a captain of Begnion."

Ryan was still crying when Dale was talking to Shiharam, but he was crying even more when he was placed on the ground. What Dale didn't notice was that Ryan's brand was shining, reacting to his cries.

Dale: "I'm sorry my son, it looks like I won't be able to see you grow up. If you ever see your mother again, tell her that I'm sorry."

Dale picked up his hatchet and was prepared to give it his all in his final fight. Shiharam had his men form a circle around his fight and also got into his fighting stance. However, he looked like he wanted to to say something but held it in.

Shiharam had one of his men toss up a coin, which would signal the start when it lands to the ground. While they were waiting, they both were just staring at each other. All anybody could hear was the sounds of a crying baby, whose brand was still shining.

When the coin finally landed, Dale charged towards his opponent. His heavy swing descended but missed when Shiharam took to the skies. In the air, Shiharam accurately threw his tomahawk towards Dale to which he deflected, but he was unable to dodge the wyvern wing that slammed into him afterward and knocked him down. Shiharam did a loop in the air, dived, and grabbed his ax before he charged towards Dale who was on the ground. Trying to defend himself, Dale put up his hatchet in front of him preparing to block the incoming blow. However, Shiharam was much more skilled and experienced than Dale in combat and maneuvered his wyvern to slow down at the last minute, kicking up some dust, spinning, and knocking Dale's weapon away with its tail. At the end, when the dust settled, all anyone could see was Shiharam's ax inches from Dale's neck.

Shiharam: "Before I end this, tell me, why didn't you transform?"

Dale: ".....Ever since Thera became pregnant with our child, I have been unable to transform."

Shiharam: "I see. A pity I couldn't fight you at your full strength."

Dale smiled at the end.

Dale: "Tell her that meeting her was the best thing that had ever happened to me and to not follow me and live on for our son."

After a moment of silence, Shiharam swung his sword and severed Dale's head, ending his life. The battle started and ended in a matter of seconds, there was no such thing as a health bar in this world. Life could be extinguished as quickly a person could snap their fingers.

As his head fell to the floor, the whole world became silent. Even Ryan who was crying the entire time had stopped, he was in absolute shock because of what he had just seen. An unimaginable fury of emotions ran through his body, heating him up. His brand shining brighter and brighter by the second. After a few moments, he could not contain it any further and cried one last shout.


A shockwave sounded out with him at the center. The wave blew all who were close back a couple of steps and made all the mounts panic. Shiharam took the impact much harder since he was the closest and was actually knocked off his mount with the wyvern flying away in fear.

The sound was so loud that the caravan escorting Thera back heard it. When she heard it, she instinctively knew it was her child and that something must've happened. She banged on the carriage using her entire body with so much force that it caused her to bleed and be bruised. In the end, she was tied up and screaming to see her baby.

Far away in the northeastern part of the continent, in the Desert of Death, a group of people was escorting someone back to their home. They had picked him up in the desert and he was wounded and unconscious. As they making the journey home, the leader suddenly stopped and looked towards Ryan's direction.

Although she couldn't have heard Ryan's cry from miles away, she was able to feel the emotions he was letting loose. This was strange as none of her subordinates were able to feel the wave of emotions sounding throughout the world. In fact, only those who possessed great power were able to, such as the kings of the continent and experienced individuals. They all, for a moment, looked towards the direction where the cry originated.

Leader: "What pain and anguish. Who in this world is able to unleash his emotions this much that it affects the entire world?"

The leader greatly wanted to go and see what had happened but knew that she first had to cross the desert in order to do so. Rationality won over her curiosity as she decided to leave it be after considering the cost and feasibility.

Leader: "Although it pains me to do this, we can't go to the source. It's too difficult to cross the desert and we already have someone to take car-"

Person: "No. We must go."

Everyone around was shocked seeing that the unconscious person was now awake. When the leader was about to refute him and give her reasoning, he interrupted again.

Person: "I am of the heron tribe with the special ability to rejuvenate and strengthen people. With me, you should be able to cross the desert easily."

Leader: "But you are in no condition to exert yourself. When we found you, you were clinging onto your own life."

Person: "That does not matter. We must get there no matter the cost. Please. I beg of you."

Seeing how determined he was even in his sorry state, she gave in and agreed.

Leader: "One more question. Since you have been asleep this whole time, I have yet to hear your name."

Persona: "My name is Rafiel, eldest prince of the herons."

Leader: "Well Rafiel, my name is Nailah. Now let's go."

Rafiel nodded and sang the Galdr of Vigor.