
traveling the multiverses with a system

this is a novel/fanfic about my OC dying and getting reincarnated in different fictional world's such as dragon ball, one punch man, one piece, hunter x hunter and some other worlds I fancy. he gets stronger over time and fights some OC enemies. no harem, my character only gets one girl. I'll upload when I feel like it but I'm uploading everyday for the time being I don't own any of the characters only my oc's.

farendel_6929 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Izuku Vs bakugou

Akihito was back at home and he was checking the status of both bakugou and Izuku to see what he needs improving.


[ Name : Izuku midoriya

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age : 12 years old


HP : 110/110

MP : 135/135


Strength : 28

Vitality : 22

Endurance : 23

Intelligence : 45

Agility : 28

Speed :27


Quirk : N/A ]





[ Name : katsuki bakugou

Gender : Male

Race : Human

Age : 12 years old


HP : /

MP : /


Strength : 40

Vitality : 30

Endurance : 43

Intelligence : 47

Agility : 41

Speed :48


Quirk : EXPLOSION : allows the user to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of their hands and ignite it on command, allowing them to create strong explosions]

akihito : " well there is certainly a difference between the two, I'm glad I got Izuku to train so that he is atleast stronger than he was in the anime but there is only so much a kid's body can go through before it breaks and the only reason I'm here is because I have my system and senzu beans....wait the senzu beans"

that's it, that's what he can use but when he checked his inventory he saw that there were only so much he could use.


2× senzu beans]

he had used them for his own training so therevwasnt much he can do with them.

Akihito : ' guess it's time to use those'


×2 senzu beans

×24 bronze lucky draw ticket

×7 silver lucky draw ticket

×1 gold lucky draw ticket ]

since Akihito got his [QUEST] unlocked, he has gotten many quests to complete most of them being chores or something similar. these mainly contributed to experience so he could level up however every now and then he got some unique quests which gave him plenty of lucky draw tickets.

Akihito : ' Lia open the GATCHA please'

[understood Oliver




[Bronze draw ×1]

[Bronze draw ×10]

[Silver draw ×1]

[Silver draw ×10]

[Gold draw ×1]

[Gold draw ×10]

Akihito : ' draw 10 bronze tickets'

[Oliver has used [10 × bronze lucky draw tickets ]






1× frying pan

1× toothbrush

10000× yen

1× bronze skill [breathing mana]

5× senzu beans

1× iron dagger

1× frying pan

5× senzu beans

1× bronze skill [ throwing accuracy]

1× soft pillow

1× warm coat

Akihito : " that's why they call it a GATCHA atleast I got what I wanted, 10 senzu beans should be enough...oh I needed a new coat"





Akihito : " alright Izuku I have brought you out here show you something that no one else can see ok"

Izuku : " yeah sure what is it"

Akihito took out his bag of senzu beans and placed them on the ground, which surprised Izuku as it appeared out of nowhere, of course Akihito only took it out of his inventory.

Akihito : " this bag is full of magical beans that can heal any injury but it can also give you a permanent boost of power under the right circumstances"

Izuku : " did you fall for a scam Akihito because that just sounds crazy"

Akihito : " yeah I knew you wouldn't believe me so I'm gonna show you"

Akihito pulled out the dagger he got earlier and showed it to Izuku.

Izuku : " what are you gonna do with that...WAIT NO DON'T!!"

before Izuku could stop him, Akihito plunged the small knife into his abdomen making him fall to his knees.

Izuku : " no no no we have to get you to the hospital right now"

Akihito : " give me one of the senzu beans Izuku"

Izuku : " forget about the beans, you need a doctor right now"


Izuku was still skeptical about the senzu beans actually working but for the sake of getting it over with he got the bag and pulled out a bean before handing it to Akihito.

Akihito : " thank you"

he said his thanks and put the senzu bean in his mouth chewing it for a bit and then swallowing it. to the complete surprise of Izuku, Akihito's injury completely healed not even leaving a scar.

Izuku : " how..is that even possible...what even are these things"

Akihito : " I told you didn't I, they're magical beans and they're gonna be the key to your training"

Izuku : " wait your not going to stab me are you"

Akihito : " relax I'm not gonna stab you, I'm just gonna punch you alot"

Izuku : " that's even worse"

and so Izuku was beaten to a pulp over and over again until Akihito told him to fight back since this was a spar between them, this went on for quite some time with Akihito being the winner every round.

however that didn't stay like that for long since the senzu beans did wonders for Izuku and now he was able to keep up with Akihito just about tho.






and so seasons came and went all the way untill January can around and both Izuku and bakugou were ready to finally fight.

Akihito : " so how do you feel"

Izuku : " honestly..pretty confident, think I can take him"

Akihito : " you better because if you don't were both screwed"

Izuku : " your supposed to help with my stress not be cause of it"

Akihito : " don't worry I know you can do it, make it look cool"

Izuku : " yeah yeah"

when they arrived at the school, everyone was looking at Izuku and making small talk. with Akihito's high stats he was able to hear some of them but he didn't like what they were saying.

??? : " does he actually think he can beat him"

??? : " bakugou is going to beat the hell out of him"

??? : " I can't believe he actually came to school"

no one here believed that Izuku could beat bakugou but just wait till they see what's coming.

after they had finished a day of school instead of leaving the school grounds, they went to the back of the school where poeple were already gathered there and in the middle was bakugou waiting for Izuku.

bakugou : " so you showed up atleast your not the same wimp like you were before"

Izuku : " trust me I'm alot different to when we last saw eachother"

Akihito : " alright guys get in the ring"

the ring being a circle that Akihito had drawn with his telekinesis. it had a diameter of about 5 meters.

Akihito : " the rules are simple, you have to knock you opponent out of the ring 3 times for you to win,you can't seriously injure your opponent or else you automatically lose, you have 3 minutes starting as soon as you get in the ring, got it?"

Izuku : " yep"

bakugou : " fine"

both Izuku and bakugou agreed to the rules and went to step into the ring, they both stood opposite to each other.

Akihito : " alright, you can now begin"

as soon as Akihito said this, bakugou started running towards Izuku with both his hands making small crackling noises.he was aiming to scare him out of the ring and forfeit the rest.

the thing is all the time Izuku has spent with Akihito has made him far less of the loser he once was so this time he didn't run. when bakugou was close enough, Izuku dodged his attack by ducking and then he grabbed bakugou by his waist, lifted him on his shoulder, turned around and threw him out of the ring.

Akihito : " ding! ding! ding! winner of round 1, izuku midoriya"

the crowed went from cheering and booing to complete silence when they saw what had happened.they just couldn't believe it, Akihito on the other hand was wearing his monkey grin.

Akihito : " come on bakugou get back in the ring or do you forfeit"

bakugou : "what hell no, that was just a cheap trick"

Akihito : " that cheap trick is called martial arts"

bakugou now somehow looking even angrier then he did before, got back in the ring and was looking at Izuku like a lion looking at its prey.

Akihito : " round 2 begin"

bakugou : " your cheap tricks aren't gonna work on-

he was cut off by his face hitting the dirt floor, outside of the ring.

Akihito : " winner of round 2 is the lightning fast Izuku midoriya"

bakugou : " wait how did he get a quirk"

akihito : " he doesn't have one, your just slow"

bakugou : "no that's impossible, he can't go that fast"

Akihito : " your the one wasting time here, get back in the ring"

bakugou : "ahh fine"

bakugou got up from the ground and walked into the ring only this time he was less angry and more serious.

Akihito : " round 3 begin"

bakugou quickly used his explosions directly on the ground so that he would be propelled up in the sky, with that done he came back down aiming to hit the ground right infront of Izuku so that it would send him flying out the ring.

this way he couldn't possibly escape right? well there is always a way and Izuku found it.

bakugou : " take this deku"

just as bakugou came down Izuku jumped up in the sky, far higher than anyone thought possible(except Akihito of course) surprising bakugou once again however he knew what he was going to do so instead of standing still, he aimed his explosions at Izuku as he was coming back down.

this sent Izuku flying backwards but he landed on his feet so he wasn't injured.

Akihito : " winner of round 3 katsuki bakugou"

Izuku : " wha how"

Akihito : " sorry dude your out of the ring"

Izuku looked down to see his feet just outside of the circle but he just sighed and walked back in getting ready to fight once more.

Akihito : " round 4 begin"

Izuku didn't waste any time this time as headed straight for bakugou by doing a quick dash over to him. bakugou used his quirk to quickly shield him self from Izuku but that didn't work as he just dodged it narrowly and gave him a punch to the abdomen, causing him to groan in pain but he kept going.

bakugou ran to the side of Izuku giving him a good handful of explosions in the side of his torso which once again sent him flying only it didn't lead to him being out of the ring.

bakugou raised his hands in the air to show that he won this round however what he missed to notice was that Izuku hit the wall of the building were next to, managing to jump back towards bakugou.

Izuku : " sorry bakugou but you out"

Izuku landed right next to bakugou startling him, which gave Izuku a quick advantage and pushed him out of the ring.

Akihito : " congratulations to Izuku midoriya for winning his third round making me the winner of the bet"

everone who was watching this go down was silent once again until one of them started to cheer which caused everone else to follow suit.

??? : " yeah Izuku way to go"

??? : "he actually beat bakugou"

??? : "you know he's kinda cute"

Izuku : " I..did it..haha I DID IT!"

teacher : " what is everone still doing here, school has closed for the day go home already"

Akihito : " we were just thinking of what kind of gifts we should get the teachers because we wanted to suprise you that's all"

teacher : " oh well carry on then"

??? : " nice one kiyama"

Akihito : " why are you thanking me your the one who has to get all the teachers gifts now,not me"

as he said this he grabbed bakugou from the ground and told Izuku to follow , they both ran as fast as they could, which was pretty fast, before everone else could realise what they have gotten themselfs into.

Akihito : " man that teacher is going to give them detention whenever he wants if they don't get him something good"

after a while of running and some suspicious looks from a few bystanders, Akihito let go of bakugou to talk with him.

Akihito : " so...I win the bet , you know what that means right"

bakugou : " hell no you dumbass"

Akihito : " don't tell me that your gonna break your promise now are you"

bakugou : " shut up, that bet didn't mean anything"

Akihito : " listen I agreed to that bet because I thought you would atleast go through with it but it seems like your even lower scum than I thought you were"

bakugou : " what did you call me and I'm not gonna be your friend because you cheated"

Izuku : " just admit it kachan, I'm stronger than you"

Akihito : " I know you want to deny it but it's true he is....9 months ago you could have beaten him"

bakugou was intrigued as to what he meant.

bakugou : " wait so your saying that somehow in 9 months he got stronger than me as if I'd believe that"

Akihito : " first you just admited that he is stronger than you and yes that's what I'm saying, I made him stronger and I can help you too but your gonna have to agree to be my friend"

bakugou thought about this for some time, he wanted to become stronger so that he could be like all might....he looked at Akihito.

bakugou : " fine but I'm only doing this so I can become stronger"

as soon as Akihito heard this he was filled with joy and was just about to jump in the air to show it but he suddenly felt calm and like he could suppress his emotion of happiness.

Akihito : ' Lia open the menu'

[understood Oliver







[SHOP] (locked)



[WORLDS] (locked)

Akihito : " finally I've done it skills is unlocked"

at this moment Akihito was just happy .







Quest : enemy of an enemy is a friend

task : recruit katsuki bakugou

time : [00:02:04]

rewards : [SKILLS] unlocked











