
Traveling the multiverse with Kirara

Otaku>death>wishes>adventure I only own the mc nothing else and am a first time author

Nova_wolf · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

chapter 1: The beginning

Hi my name is Kiyu Sazo. I am an 18 year's old high school graduate. I am a fanficton writer and living in the USA. I am what you would call an Otaku, I love anime, manga, and fanficton novel's. I just finished the latest chapter of my fanficton 'The God Kirara' and got a craving for some ice cream. So I got up and went to pick some up from the store.

- time skip 30 minutes -

I just arrived at the local 'dollar major' store just as I walked into the freezer section of the store.

I felt a cold piece of metal pressing on the back of my head and I heard a voice saying "Don't move a muscle" so, I did as I was told but I could see their reflection on a freezer door.

A man about 6 foot standing behind me with a gun. So I said to him "I will do whatever you want just please don't shoot." he then smiled and said in a gruff voice "good, now listen closely. I want you t-". Just then a lady screamed "oh my God!". The man was stardeled and pointed the gun at the lady. He was about to shoot her when I jumped towards him.

We struggled and somehow I knocked the gun away from him. Just then the man stabbed me in the gut with a pocket knife and pushed me off of himself and ran. Someone shouted "call 911" then I could hear foot steps and then I heard "hold on man help is on it's way!" I started to feel cold and as I looked around that's when I saw 'him' amoung the crowd. I saw someone that I could never forget. So with the last of my strength I yelled "NICK I SHOULD HAVE GUESSED IT WAS YOU, YOU TRAITOR!!" Then everything went dark and when I woke up I was in a white room. There siting in front of me was a man. the first thing that I thought was 'holy shit it's Gandalf' I thought. The man started to chuckle and said "I do get that from time to time." when I heard that I said "mind reading" and the man replied "That is correct. You see I am what you mortals call 'God' and I have to say you died in a very sad but brave way" God told me and I replied "So is this some kind of isekai thing?" and he responded "Yes, and you are granted the typical 3 wishes but you get to choose if you want to world travel or stay in the starting world".