
Chapter 20: Life in Harrenhal 7

(AN: Sorry I've been sick. This chapter will be slightly longer though. Enjoy)

~~~Ronan POV~~~

The days during the Tourney of Harrenhal had been very productive for Ronan. He had successfully cultivated a solid partnership with the houses of The North. And friendship with both Jon Arryn, Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon. The coin that would flow through both Westeros and Pentos would be massive even during and after the rebellion if it should ever occur.

The messages he had received from his lands in Sothoryos is also looking promising. Production and growth are growing in a stable pace. With it he can decrease prices with the excess supply, expanding the available market for them. And finally after a year of careful trial and error, a Wyvern has finally been domesticated. There is still more work to be done alongside breeding, and training but this was a huge step on the right direction. Now he just need more men and he already has ideas on how to get started on those.

Ronan is happily combing his wife's hair. As she hummed to their dughter in her arms. The days in Harrenhal was passed in the company of friends. Elesis has greatly enjoyed having friends once again. And Ronan liked seeing her be as happy as she could be. All would have been perfect, if not for that 'dumb' prince.

Rhaegar Targaryen has doubled his efforts towards Elesis after hearing from the maester of Harrenhal what he has already been told by Pycelle. Elia may die should she go through pregnancy again. A painful news Elia confided into Elesis. Elesis wanted to heal her but restrained herself. As much as she cherished Elia's friendship, she loves our daughter more.

We are too vulnerable as of now. And as mighty and powerful we both are, we are no longer just two. The gods blessing has made us extraordinary, but we came to this world grown. Though we are greatful that we can feel magic flowing through our daughter aswell, our child is still too young. We risk so much more than just friendships if we reveal ourselves now. So Elesis simply comforted her. It is the best we can do for now. They had told her of the miracles of Pentos but we doubt she would make the trip with a baby in her arms.

This brought down the mood of the people somewhat but the girls found solace on physical activities instead. The whole of Harrenhal was whispering about how Princess Elia, Ashara Dayne, Lyanna Stark and surprisingly the Tully Sisters were seen with Elesis and her Ruby Knights doing exercises. And how could it not, when their movememts can be.... pleasing to the eyes.

A small demonstration was performed aswell as Valka of Elesis' Ruby Knights went against Godric of Ronan's Azure Knights.

[image here]

The beauty of their armor matches their performance. They have shown to many their skill before but not at a higher degree like this, after all they were both Elesis and Ronan's respective prodigy. Their skill with a sword, is second only to Ronan as far as the people knew. Either of the two was an actual match to Arthur Dayne himself.

Arthur Dayne was another surprise. He honors the code of the Kingsguard. But there is actually a very competitive side to him. He had tried time and time again to best Ronan. Even in the smaller things, but every challenge ended in defeat and it seems to bury himself into more in training. According to Ashara his competitive side has always been there. The only problem was he never learned to deal with such emotions, being born with great talent with the sword and all, allowed him to easily close the gap.

Several lords are actually trying to befriend me and Elesis but that all changed with the tune of the prince. Some lord who's name I didn't bother to know had decided to take charge of besmirching my name to the people and unfortunately, the majority of them ate it all up.

We of course did damage control, like donating to the poor. And Elesis even making a small soup kitchen for the poor at the third day. The first night was a huge success with plenty of workers and kids having a warm meal at night, it was only natural that word would spread. The second night, the ladies actually began to join in helping. Though they were clumsy, they had fun. And I know they enjoyed the adoration of the people. The third day it had to expand because the mothers wanted to make some coin in helping which they did.

Many were saddened that this was only during their stay. We did spread word around that The Workshop, that House Sieghart will be stablishing in the North will not only be offering the same amenity, but also providing a 'Night shelter' either for the homeless or the workers. We knew this news might bring either plenty or few people. But those that will go there would be willing workers, which is a must for the sparcely populated North.

As for the tourney itself. They tried to sabotage me once. A dumb lord suddenly announcing that those who are participating in more than one section of the tourney are officially disqualified, which met some outrage knowing it was never against any tourney ever before. They tried to make it sound like they wanted everyone to have a chance at the price money by preventing people from hoarding the coins that could be earned, namely me.

Unfortunately they made a few mistakes, one is that they underestimated how popular my wife had been. So she questioned if he had any power to make this decition.

~~flashback • Day 8/10 - Harrehal~~

"What I would like to know young lord, is under whos authority you are doing this. Last I spoke with Lady Whent she told me that the rules of the Tourney of Harrenhal will be no different than any tourney that came before."

The youth gritted out. "A woman should not be questioning a Man's decision. Know your place in the presence of your betters."

" *pfft* Please, I understand that your penis is too small that you feel incapable of addressing concerns of a true lady- snickers from the crowed and a few laughs erupted -but that doesn't mean you are that incapable of answering a simple question. Does it?"

"I speak on behalf of the one who funded this tourney!" He blurted out in anger.

His eyes widened at the realisation at what he has done but Elesis gave him no time to think.

"So it isn't House Whent that funded this tourney as your words are against hers, so... who did?"

The young lord looked to Jon Connington but saw nothing but anger in his face. Unable to think properly and placed in huge amount of pressure the lord gave a very wrong answer.

"I did."

Elesis snorted again and said. "It was a rhetorical question young man. You know, those things you don't answer cause everyone already knows."

Whispers erupted amongs the gathered crowed. Elesis continued

"So I will make this simple, you in your pillow biting ways- a round of laughter from the crowed -wanted sure victory for your Prince and knowing my beloved's greatness, you wanted him off of the tourney. Isn't that right?"

The lord replied in panic. "You and your husband just wanted the coin of the Seven Kingdoms for themselves!!!"

I brow raised at that. They thought we cared about their coin?

"Far from it" Elesis said. She looked to me and I in turn nodded to her. "I swear to you! The people, with all of you and the Gods as our witness! Should my beloved win any form of coin during the Tourney of Harrenhal, it will be given away to every single soul that has come for this great gathering!!!"

This bought about a loud cheer alongside a cacophany of complaints being hurled. All of it demanding my participation or the recinding of his new rule. I took a peak at Rhaegar at the time and what I saw struck some fear unto me. Wanting to get a small amount of answer I stood. The crowed quieted shortly and then I spoke.

"I have an alternative for you young Lord, I will not participate in the melee should you decide to let me join the Joust."

The youth once again looked to Connington, who then snuck a peak it Rhaegar. The reaction Rhaegar gave then confirmed my suspicion.

"The Joust is for the honorable Lords of the Seven Kingdoms. My prince in his generousity will allow you to play for him in the melee."

"A reply filled with pettyness. I thank the gods that not all Lords are like you."

"How Dare-"

"As for your offer, I refuse." I then turned to my love. "Come my love, let us retire for the night.

We then walked away, leaving behind voices of outrage being hurled at the man. As Elesis and I walked back I voiced my concern.

"He wants the crown. The crown of blue roses, for the Queen of Love and Beauty. Though much of the story has changed, if he wins, then this tragedy may still play out the exact same way."

Her hand in my arm tightened and I could feel her holding back her tears. I knew then that it cannot be allowed to continue. Rhaegar's eyes alternating at Elesis and Lyanna. This fool is too absorbed in his own world to realise what he is about to do. But what is driving this desperation? Dragon Dreams? or the Three Eyed Raven? This has gotten even more complicated.

~~~General POV~~~

The next day came, the people gathered in the tourney as the opening bouts will be the Joust. The king stood but his announcement was different.

"Yesterday a grave mistake was made. As a lord of the seven kingdoms stain the honor of the title of Lord. And so to correct this mistake. I King Aerys Targaryen hearby undo the changes in the rules of the Tourney of Harrenhal!!"

The crowed roared as they saw Ronan in his Gold and Grey Armor, riding his black steed. Aerys bathe in their joy believing it was his. Ronan was the first bout against some vale knight. When the first tilt came the match ended on the first clash as the Vale knight was dismounted. Ronan raise his lance and the crowed cheered once again. But beneath his Helmet, he simply watched with a stony face the livid expression of the Silver Prince.

~~~flashback•end - Ronan POV~~~

Yesterday was hard fought, as many attempts to delay me was done. Even a sabotage of my equipments. I would be expecting outright killing this time.

Today is the last day of the tourney. I know many people are looking forward for me to win. I only need to knock down three people for the joust now. Oberyn, some unnamed knight and then Rhaegar.

Arriving at the arena, I was greeted with cheers. I guess that was my fault. I decided to be more of a showman during the rest of the tourney. Even took on all a hundred and fifty men during one of the melee. And defeating my opponents in the joust on the first tilt. And that without raising my shield.

I put on a show to them. I reared myself back when hit by a lance, making it as if I was hit harshly. Injured but endured. Just as in the melee I block, parried, dodge, and staggered when hit. I displayed my superior speed, skill and strength but not my near invincibility to their attacks. It humanize me in a way but still keeping my name up there among the extra ordinary people. And it worked. I have heard of whispers that I was a decendant from a line that birthed from the age of Heroes. Even some actually absurd things painting me as some kind of a demi-god.

The melee was the first bout. This was the final match, the only one of note worthy in the melee is Ser Barristan, Robert Baratheon and Brandon Stark. Reaching the arena, the attention of everyone turned to me. "Good, this make things easier." I said with a smile. That made some snicker while the rest frowned.

'Lets get this over with.'

~~~Rickard Stark POV~~~

The victor of this tourney is obvious. Ronan Sieghart is too much of a power house. Not only is his skill superior than everyone here, he also outmatches everyone in physical attribute.

Sitting next to me is my daughter on my left and my eldest son on my right. Lyanna is playing with little Elizabeth currently seated on her mother's lap. I smiled seeing it, my daughter is growing. She still yearn for her freedom, even more so now that Robert Baratheon has proven himself in her eyes. But the biggest change is how her perspective of ladyship has improved significantly. She is no longer fearing her duties to some extent and she seemed to actually look forward to it.

This tourney has indeed been good not just to The North but also to my family. My attention returned to the arena as the fight begun. It was as expected. Even though majority of the participants swarmed Ronan, along with a few assasins by the looks of it, they still amounted to nothing.

Ronan Sieghart danced across the battlefield with grace, precision, and great strength. His movements not stopping, until the last of the men who swarmed him fell.

In the end only Robert, Brandon, Barristan and Ronan are left. Robert faced Brandon and Barristan faced Ronan. The two were incredible, Ser Barristan's moniker is being given credence. He has lasted longer than any man against Ronan, even more so than Arthur Dayne. He is now showing exactly the difference between him and The Sword of Morning. Experience. As skilled and talented Arthur is, he is still young. While Barristan is a veteran of countless battles.

Ronan struck with overwhelming speed and greater strength. His attacks placed Ser Barristan on the defensive and then Barristan lost his footing, bringing Barristan to his knees. After several more seconds of Barristan being overwhelmed, he was soon disarmed. The crowed cheered and roared as another great name falls under Lord Sieghart's sword further raising his prestige.

On the other side of the field Robert has bested Brandon. But he is too tired to lift his Warhammer. Ronan looked to Robert and then dropped his sword and raised his fists to his chest. Robert laughed and threw his warhammer aside as he charged Ronan. The two ended up in an all out fist fight, the crowed loved it. Their exchange lasted for several minutes with Robert actually landing several hits but Ronan's skill still prevailed. Though Robert obviously lost. He lost with his dignity as a warrior intact. He even saw both Elesis and Lyanna stood and clapped for the two. Ronan was announced the victor of the melee. Just as everyone both hoped and expected.

Then mid day came and the field was being prepared for the joust. The people crowded over the Ruby Knights and Azure Knights as they gave two Gold Dragon's to every single person here. A fortune for the many.

True to their word, they gave away the coin they won. Some even started trouble. There were those who came back to the knights saying they gave theirs to another who has yet received it. Still the knight didn't give him another. As per their reason, it was simple.

"We gave you that coin, what you do with that coin is all on you." said an Azure Knight. The man reasoned that he was trying to help which received a small thank you but nothing else. He tried to reason to the knight that what if the person he gave it to came for his own coin. The knight answered.

"Then I shall give them theirs and pray that they be as good as you and give you theirs. But that would be entirely up to them."

It was as good a reason as any. Another was when someone tried to coerce others, kids mostly, to give up their coins. Well, they died. The knights didn't take their actions lightly. There were feiends of those that died who complained. But in the end, rather than get revenge against the foreign knights, they were madento look like criminals by Ronan himsef.

"You came to me, for the head of my knights, for what? For defending the weak? For helping the poor? For doing what is right when this so called friends of theirs turned a blind eye? You stand before accusing my men of crime and yet you stand beside those that comitted them. Are your gods so cruel that the only way to receive justice is to have a name of prestige or be friends with it?"

His words struck against many. And it was obvious that pursuing that path would set a great many lords upon the criminals. And so they stepped back and could only watch as both The Ruby Knights and The Azure Knights carried out their knightly duties. In the end they simply enjoyed their coin rather than risk what they received or their lives.

I spent the times after the mid day meal looking at my children and their companions. They were a sight for sure. Martell, Tully, Arryn, Stark, Dayne, and Baratheon. They were very prominent names in the Seven Kingdoms. Many have tried to insert themselves into their circle in the past few days but ultimately failed due to their indifference to the Siegharts. Being foreigners does that.

The signal for the joust has began. Finally, this is all coming to an end. I am already excited about the contract we had received for the North, I am eager to get started on it.

As expected, Ronan defeated his opponents all in the first tilt. Including a finely armored Oberyn Martell. He is truly something else. I would have doubted his strength had I not seen the training his knights go through. Seeing the body a single one of his knights have makes my own men look inadequate.

The fights passed all too quikly and all waited for the final bout that is about to begin. It will be Prince Rhaegar Targaryen against Ronan Sieghart. Ronan at the moment could be seen speaking with his Lady Wife. Her concern obvious in her eyes. But a grim determination soon set upon her face. I couldn't help but avert my eyes. My lose, still fresh in my heart. After half an hour the two riders were ready. Surprisingly, Ronan is riding Lady Elesis' horse. Her pure white horse really light up Ronan as a heroic figure.

When the lances were handed, Ronan raised his lance repeatedly, as if testing it's weight and then he dropped it. *Crack!* the lance broke in the middle. So easily in fact. Ronan once again urged the helper for another lance but again, it broke. Three more lances met the same fate, and with each one the whispers grew. Someone has sabotaged his lances. When the helper was about to reach for the sixth, he was shoved aside. Seeing the winged helmet and Azure Knight armor the man wore, the people knew this was Godric, he then reached for old lances from previous bouts that didn't break and handed one to Ronan. Ronan nodded at it and trotted to the starting line. The wear and strain on Ronan's lance was apparent even from the untrained eyes. There were already pointedly looks being sent at the prince, ready to assume the worst.

The signal came. And the two trotted their horses to a sprint against one another. Just as they were about to clash, Ronan did something no one expected. He thrusted his lance against Rhaegar's own lance. When the clash ended, a colleptive gasp echoed. Ronan was hit in the shoulder but held on.

And then the outrage came. Revealing prince Rhaegar using a steel lance. From the looks of the splinters on the ground and the base of the lance, it was coated in wood to hide it's true nature. People jeered and threw complaints against the young prince. But Ronan's voice cut through them.


Again another Azure knight handed him another lance. The prince instead of changing his spear didn't bother. After lining each other, another clash begun. Ronan's horse is faster, the clash was brutal. Ronan was hit square in the middle of the shield but he endured.

Ronan's attack though was filled with anger. His lance snapped as his thrust smashed against the prince. The crowed gasp and woed at the hit. Rhaegar Targaryen was hit in the chest. He flew off his horse as he landed roughly to the ground. His back flat on the ground, the chest plate is dented and there seems to be blood leaking out of his mouth.

The crowed cheered, as Ronan raised his shattered lance. Then the rose was presented to him as the prince was assisted out of the field. I raised my brow at what was presented. A crown of Winter Rose. I do not know why but seeing it sent a shiver down my spine.

Ronan gave the rose to his wife who inturn placed the crown on their daughters head. The two couple shared a smile at the childs laughter.

We all rose as the tourney's end has been announced and a closing feast be held tonight. Finally this tourney will soon come to an end. I followed my daughter and son as they led us to the young lord. We arrived at a wide open door And leaning at it is Prince Oberyn himself. Inside stood guard Ser Barristan with Ser Lewyn. And sat upon the middle of the bed is Ronan with his daughter on his lap, surrounded by the two mothers and Princess Rhaenys.

Oberyn was seething along with Ser. Lewyn as they listened to Robert speak with the two.

"So you are telling me that not only did Rhaegar cheated with a steel lance. He was also riding a mare... in heat... is that it?"

"Yes it was, one of the stable boys warned me." said Elesis.

"And that is why you had him ride your horse intsead isn't that right?"

"Yup, pretty much" Elesis replied happily.

"...I'm sorry, I just... I can't wrap my head around it. He had always shown great promise in the joust or the melee itself."

" ehh don't be..." Elesis said dismissively. "He had a steel lance against my beloved's worn out lances and he still lost... I bet that humiliation is punishment enough."

"Hey!" interrupted Princess Elia "You know that is still my husband you are talking about right?"

"yes.. and I feel sorry for you already." the two snickered and shared a laugh. Though many a man would have taken such words in a very wrong way. It was a display of how deep their friendship have gone if they could joke about such things.

The rest of the day was spent with them. None are all to eager to go down for the closing feast. And I don't blame them. Who knows how the King might react to the man who bested his son. But they can't just skip it, he is still after all the king. And this is a formal event that could start problems if they don't show. Better not fan the flames any more than they have. And so we all prepared for the closing ceremony.

It went without a hitch. Everyone was in full celebration. The prince is of course absent, but what baffled us is the King. Ronan himself currently sits next to the king. And surprisingly he seemed sane for someone they call the 'Mad King'.

Listening to the little bits and pieces of conversation going on had me noticing how Ronan can agree to his near maddening distrust towards everyone. But I guess the two are right. He is the King, not of one but seven kingdoms, it's natural for everyone to want what he wants. But the fact that Ronan can agree and disagree to the king so openly. I admit I had feared that the king would command his death there and then every time he would say otherwise.

The night seemed to pass quietly until Lady Elesis spoke. "Stop sending me this hidden letters. If your prince has business with my house, he can speak with my husband about it. Because I am very much certain I have none towards him."

Her cold words were heared by everyone. The young man that delivered the small letter was sweating. Not knowing what to do, the boy ran.

After the messenger left, Lady Elesis returned to speaking with princess Elia and Ashara Dayne.

I looked to Jon Arryn and Brynden Tully and saw the frown on their faces. The prince's unhealthy attraction to another man's wife does not do him any favor. He is expected to be better than the Mad King. For him to openly display the same liberty his father takes to women tells of a grim future for us all. Another wave of whispers flowed through the crowed. No doubt all would have heared of this by morning.

Ronan soon bid farewell to the king. And left with his wife in his arms. I urged my sons and daughter the same and retire. This court is no longer safe. And staying would amount to nothing good for my family and The North. I saw Lyanna walk with the Princess Elia herself. I couldn't help but feel hopeful for the North. I just might leave The North in a better place than it was before. Seeing the two I think that this may just be the best Generation our House ever had during the Dragon's reign.

~~~Genral POV~~~

As the sun rose Ronan stood before the castle gates. He is currently holding his daughter as he spoke sweet words in her ears and kiss her tears away as she sobbed in his arms. Elesis on the other hand stood by them, worry gripping her.

They had a big fight last night. Ronan wants her gone to either Pentos or Sothoryos. She had wanted to stay for him and for her friends but despite their difference in oppinions and their arguments and disagreements. They both love each other, as much as they both loved their daughter. She didn't want to leave him behind but they have no choice. They didn't expect the prince to be so unstable. He is yet to be unhinged but it was only a matter of time. And their daughter is too big of a bargaining chip to ignore.

Elesis cried having to leave him, but she understood. Ronan held her by her waist and kissed her tear away.

"I know, I know... just look after each other for now." Ronan whispered. Elesis simply nodded at that. Elesis kissed him deeply, pouring as much passion as she can. They seperated as they caught their breath. Then Elesis boarded the carriage but not before giving one more peck at his lips as she took Elizabeth from his arms.

"I will be heading to check on our holdings. And those two, I'm sure they'd love the company." Elesis said and Ronan nodded at that.

The carriage soon departed. Of the fifty knights they had with them, only four would stay including Valka. Nymeria and Godric led the party to the Saltpans.

Ronan then turned his attention to the gathered crowed. The others had said their good byes aswell. It was after all going to be a long while before they could see each other. Rhaenys still couldn't stop crying and held her arms out to Ronan. He simply smiled warmly as Elia nodded in permission.

Ronan still has plenty of unfinished businesses here. A trade deal with the Velaryon's that still need ironing out. Recruiting for more workforce to expand his production. More specialized artisans and crafters. And also a recruiting for a fighting force.

There is much to be done. And he cannot do those things while looking after his wife and daughter at the same time.

~~~Nymeria POV~~~

It has been the second day of their travel to the Saltpans. And what they feared came. A group of knights dressed as vagabonds came to ambush us on the road. That was very unfortunate of them.

At the momemt our Lady Sieghart has very little room for failure. And that extends to patience and mercy. This happens when she takes the reigns on things. Any threat to Lady Elizabeth is met with death, no exceptions. And sadly for this people, there is no Lord Sieghart to rein her in.

It seems we caught them by surprise by our ferocity. Through out the tourney, we had openly displayed our skills. And with training against one another who is mostly on the same level of martial skill as us leads to a lengthy fight. But watching something and facing it for yourself are two different things. In training we can still be lenient, as a means to learn. But not here, not during our missions. It is what our Lady has called, 'A hunter's mercy'. And so we fought to kill and despite being outnumber two to one. We prevailed with no lose of our own.

We arrived at the port, and I personally escorted Lady Sieghart to her cabin while Godric stayed to guard at the deck. It was a luxurious cabin. Hardwood floors with tinted reddish color, an elborately decorated thick white carpet at the foot of the bed. Leaning on the far side of the wall was the bed, big enough for four people and a crib next to it. Elaborately decorated candle holders adorn the walls, illuminating the room. With a study table on the corner of the room. And a wardrobe close to it. Minutes later we were disturbed by a knock. I opened the door and saw the red headed first mate.

"I'm sorry to be disturbing you my lady but there is someone here looking for you."

"It matters not. Tell him I am not to be disturbed and if it is of any importance, tell them that my husband will be staying. They may approach him instead." coldly replied Lady Sieghart as she continue breast feed her daughter.

Sensing the tune the first mate left with a bow as she delivered her words.

Seeing that the ship has begun to leave port. Lady Sieghart turned to me and said. "Tell the captain, sail for Sothoryos and sink anyone that dares get in our way." Her voice oozing with finality.

I bowed and left for the helm of the ship. As I closed the door I heard Lady Sieghart whisper. "I will not let them my beloved. I will not let them get their hands on the only ones that can harm you."