
Travelers Between Two Worlds

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Pyro_Moon · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


In a small village built directly in the middle of Musytar, which is the biggest continent in the world, that's where Ryan was born. He was born into a family of farmers, the most significant reason the village was recognized. He is a lucky kid to be taken to a family with a name recognized by all the villagers and by the kingdom they're in. His parents spoiled him rotten. He would spend most of his time with his parents, even when they were at the farm. Even though he was born in a family that owns much, his parents' only thing he ever asked was their time and books. Their parents own a huge farm and a couple of employees, but they would rather spend most of their time at the farm than staying home. He isn't a person who would socialize. He would rather spend most of his time alone reading books, primarily storybooks. At last, he finally became 10 and yet still hasn't made a single friend though he reads many books about how to make friends.

One day, his parents finally decided to introduce him to his relatives. It was a big day for him. He was finally able to meet with someone his age. When the day comes, he meets with his relatives, but the thing is, most of them are adults. Even though there were some kids around his age, he ended up being alone the entire time. Then he thought to himself that he would probably be all alone for the rest of his life without being able to make even a single friend. Just as he started to think it might be better if he wasn't there in the first place, someone came up to him. It was a girl his age who wanted to start a conversation with him. At that point, he was astonished that someone his age wanted to have a conversation with him. Ryan and Ellie have been friends since then. Who would've thought, all it needed for Ryan to make a friend was just an introduction from his parents to his relatives.

It has been two years since they've become friends, and those two have been his best years ever. But everything would come to an end, so is his happiness. His birthday was five days ago, and he decided to go to his parents' farm since it had been a while since his last visit. When he got there, he could see how hard his parents were working. Then they noticed that he was at the farm and told him to help them out by carrying the crops. Just as he put the product at the gathering spot, an unwanted creature came to the part of the field where his parents are currently at. The monster was giant, white, and wild. It has a massive horn with a light in between its horns. That monster managed to destroy half of the field. As it takes its leave, Ryan just got back from putting the crops away and saw the monster killing the farm. Seeing it did that was enough to make Ryan do something that risked his own life. He just stood there, shaking in fear. The monster stood there when it noticed him. That's when Ryan made eye contact with the beast. Making contact with it gives Ryan some sort of vision where he can see his mother being stomped on by the monster with his father's chest pierced by its horn on top of its head. With what he just saw, fear gets the best of him and forces him to yell from the top of his lungs, "NO!!".

That yell made it charge towards him. But the horns didn't manage to thrust him but instead, it pushed his father right at his chest right in front of him. But it still did get the target it wanted, so it lifted its legs high up and stomped the ground as hard as it could, and it still did get him. It managed to crush his mother instead. Right after his mother got squashed, that's when he got back to reality, and it was too late. The vision he saw has already become a reality. After what just happened to his parents, the only thing on his mind was to let the monster kill him. But something unexpected happened right when he started to give up. The monster strangely stopped from being so bloodthirsty and stood there, eyes closed while facing north. The moment it opened its eyes, he walked towards the north but before that, to the corpse of Ryan's parents. It gets Ryan's parents' corpse unstuck from its body slowly and gently. Just as it does that, he immediately holds the bodies of his parents while crying out the tears of pain, knowing he was the reason why they died. Even though he hated what it did to his parents, the fact that it gently unstuck the corpse left a bad taste in his mouth. Then he remembered that the monster that attacked him was a grand deer, a beast that would usually even want to get anywhere close to humans. Grand deer typically live on a mountain, and the nearest mountain is a week of travelling by carriage. That's when he knew that the grand deer was controlled by someone, and since the deer is a grand beast, the one who controlled it must be near. So he started to look around and saw a person wearing a dark blue robe in the distance. He doesn't want to make the guy notice that Ryan sees him. Just as the monster walked away from the scene, the guy did the same as the monster. But when the guy walked away from the scene, Ryan got to see a small detail about who he was. Ryan got to see a tattoo on the back of his left hand, a tattoo that looks like a pointy hat. That day he ends up coming back home with the corpses of his parents instead.

Little did he know, the incident was just the beginning of the nightmare he was about to enter. It has been two weeks since the death of his parents, and he has yet to meet any relatives he has. In the third week, all of a sudden, every relative he met at his introduction party, there's even some of them who didn't come to his party, but this time around, they came. All of them went to the village like they had just got the mail about the death of their parents. The weird part of the story is, none of them lives so far that it will take two weeks for the mail to arrive. But that didn't bother him. Instead, he was glad that he had people he could cry to, his relatives. He told himself for weeks that his relatives would come and take him with them. At least that's what he thought. The moment they get to his house, none of them even tries to start a conversation with him. It was more like they were ignoring him for the whole day. One after another, his relatives came and went as if they came just to look at the property and not care about him at all. The next day every relative went to the house. A couple of hours later, a person was to introduce himself as someone who holds the will from his past parents. Ryan finally understands why they came, now that they eventually show their actual colour. When that person reads the choice, it turns out that Ryan's parents have already seen everyone's solid colour. This means none of them gets anything from Ryan's except for Ellie's family. Ryan's parents trust her parents that they'll take care of him way better than anyone else.

Ryan thought he was so lucky to have parents that understood his son completely. The will said that they'd take care of him just like how they take care of Ellie until he reaches the age of 14. If they agree to take care of him, they'll get half of the farm. And Ryan will get the other half of the farm and the house once he reaches 14 years old. Lucky for Ryan, they agreed to take care of him. That moment when they agreed to take care of him, was something that Ryan looked up to because if they didn't he'll have to live for the rest of his life on his own. After all of the work and agreement, he finally becomes a person that'll live under Ellie's parents' supervision. Only God knows what will await him.