
Traveler: The Last of His Kind

I want to try creating one, please don't expect^⁠_⁠^ I really want to create a book, maybe someday I will be able to be good enough to publish one. Though, for now this is fine. ___________________ Vanitas or Mordret who is he, really? It doesn't matter as long as those light are there. It was beautiful those eyes... There are times when his eyes once shine as bright as stars and as clear as light. But that was long ago. Was the things he ever done something that he could be fond of? Was wanting for the sake of others a beautiful thing that everyone should do? If those questions were asked on him when he was who he was before, maybe the chance of sacrificing his self for others isn't as far-fetched as he thought. But now, All he cared about is about his life, how he will escape in the inescapable line that thread on him and the Fateless fate he have. All he care is how he will survive a day inside the asylum that others see as an opportunity. All he knows and all he long is for someone to hold him, but now he care none at all. Realizing the graviting he was put of. He knows better than anyone that rest is something that others see as causality of leisure. For him it was a time ticking fabric that is slowly but noticeably being ripe apart. Vanitas or Mordret who is he really? Is he even a human? Or a monster that isn't supposed to be here. There's no use in crying in things that will never change. The thing he have is to move forward, even if he knows that everything isn't about moving on or staying off.

DaoistdE5Xge · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

The Nameless Orphan

"In the sky toward the brightest star.

You will find the place where the compass that never point at the north takes you in the darkest sky. In desolated land where her cries echoes and every ache she felt will destroy their very last Hope. Only the book of evermore will light the beautiful sky that once lost it's light."

That is what is written in the porno magazine and right now, he knows that it is something that is not meant for him to see, he don't know but he could feel it, something that is called intuition.




three consecutive sigh was released in the boy's mouth and his eyes are twitching nonstop, he analyze the items that he looted.

he put the ring in one of his left finger and fiddle it a couple of times, and released all the items in the ring in one thought. There's a couple of potion, ranging from 12 healing potion, 8 stamina potion, 7 mana potion and 4 enhancement potion, but the thing is all of them are in peak grade something that even the wealthiest person in the city can't buy. Then there's a frostfirewood flower, a skill book, and a 10 vial of ambrosia, a black longsword(excluded), a katana, and a chain [And not a normal one, it's similar to morningstar whip of Transylvania just a chain], aside from that there's a hundred thousand zeli paper. Enough to feed him for years, and a paper.

He look at the paper.


Hello, lucky one.

We congratulations you have been chosen as a lucky one to receive a seat for entrance exam in our academy. We are The Arcadious Academy, the number 1 academy in federation. We will open our academy for people who are willing to study and be given a chance to use a resources that could help them grow as one of the powerhouse in land of asylum.

Sincerely, For You.



"Hmmmm…." He start humming while thinking for a minute.

The DashRandom signifies that it is not recorded and anyone who wield this letter will be able to enter the school even though this paper is not meant for them.

"Suspicious" His breath heaved as trail his look at the sentence that is written in the paper

'This…It's as if they are trying to lure something,no! Someone! They're trying to lured someone' he reasoned as his thought calculate possibilities.

A boy devoid of any education and hungry of knowledge will surely do his best to enter the academy, and for someone like him. It is the very perfect opportunity, all he need to do is awaken and not stand out.

A human can't awaken their mana, not until they enter the asylum and become a traveler, but to become a traveler one must manifest the sigil of their soul.

And right now he don't have that yet, but he doesn't care for he could still wait until tomorrow to know if he is meant to be a traveler or not, but he knows that he would become one. He don't understand how, he just know. It's something that human called intuition, instinct, or gut feeling.

The Boy closed his eyes and took a couple of breaths before opening his eyes. He start organizing his things and walk toward his bed, then lie down and closed his eyes falling asleep in a moment he closed his eyes.

The boy even forgot his hunger, the only thing in his mind before sleeping is the thought of how he will proceed, will he enter the academy or will he pursue his own path.


20hours have passed since the boy fell asleep, what he didn't know was that a commotion has been happening above and it's not just normal commotion because a Pseudo Ascend is involve, though even if he knows he couldn't care less about that because he knows that it is inevitable.

Inside a spacious room, a man was staring at the files and after a few minutes of inspection in the "report" he stand up and look at his secretary.

"I want every Traveler with Scouting ability, track the man who killed the youngest. Whatever.It.Takes." His word carry authority that makes those who heard it follow his word, in other term his words are undeniable and a must.

His secretary nod and walk out,he stared at the woman before standing up. He stared at the window of his office and look down. There he saw the Federation Specialist, and the Federation Tracker Team and the Federation Assault Team. They start moving with disgusting speed that surpassed most Traveler.

He too, without further ado teleport to where the body is. There he saw a couple of F.S. and F.T. he descent down making those who are investigating bow down at him.

"""We Greet General Autlas"""

The reverence and awe of those voice welcome the general as the eyes of his people twinkle, proving the respect they have for the general.

The man,General Leonel Gord Vie Autlas Nod at them, as a sign of acknowledgement.

"Have you found a clue, of who ever did this?" He ask the without looking at the people around him. He start walking toward the body, he narrow his eyes 'a couple of strikes aside from those a big wound in his chest, indicating that someone stab him with a weapon, a longsword,maybe' he thought for as he look at the body, it isn't something that is mutilated or something but the way it was killed somehow riled his fiber.

"Yes sir, according to one of the beggars, He saw a wolf tattoo in the hood the killer."

The man who is seemingly in charge of the investation said. "But we still haven't confirmed if it is really true, because there are few items that is missing on the body."

"I see." that is his only response to the man seemingly not caring. "Continue investating, I want you all to investigate every part of the alley, even the sewer. Report to me immediately if you found something." But deep in his eyes an undeniable anger that is being suppress is rising.

He said that and start walking away before he felt a fluctuation around the area, it is but a mere second but he felt it. "It seems that someone has been blessed to be a traveler today" the general muttered before leaving the area his eyes still carry an anger but it stop rising anymore.

On the other hand….

The boy stare at the sigil in his back, A sigil appear in ever part of the body and in his case it is in the back. But The sigil is much,much bigger than any sigil he have seen on book or heard. It was in a form of serpentine and it run deep across from his whole back to his body. The tail in lower abdomen of his body and it run in a way that coil in his stomach to the chest, and the head that is in his neck. Seemingly peering in those colar of his clothes.

He closed his eyes and thought to enter the asylum. He then open his eyes and what greet him is a small portal. Without further ado he enter, mainly because every item in his disposal are in the storage ring.

What greeted him isn't something that he expect or wanted. And the moment his eyes land on the desolated terrain, he knew that his future is fuck up.

Even so with a classic cliché he encourage his self that there's always a chance as long as he's breathing and alive. He look at the surrounding, The place is litter with bones and dead monster, A fight between a Grizzly Lizard and Fire Tarantula is happening not very far from him. The land is devoid of any life, no tree, no wildgrass and so forth that one could see in a plain normal environment.

He look back and there he saw a gigantic Skull, knowing that is much safer inside he start trecking his way inside while cautiously observing the surrounding. He took out the black longsword and expect a monster inside but there is none which makes him sigh in relief.

'Status' he Thought.



Name: [Mordret/Vanitas]

Race: ???

Strength: G-

Agility: G-

Intelligent: B-

Endurance: G-

Vitality: S (Suppressed)

Stamina: F-

Mana Quality: Celestial

Abilities: [Emporium],[Helmut],[Endless Longing]

Skills: [Sphere of Perception]


Physique: ???[Unawakened]

Title: [Misfortune's Love] (He who carries the love of curse is always hunted by stronger and deadlier monster) [Fateless] (A Variable that must be eliminate)[The last of His Kind] (???)


Have you ever wonder?

Every night in your life, That if you have done something significant in this world.

I for one, knows better than anyone how useless am I.

I always daydream to the point that I kept wasting my time on something I know I could have done something more productive.

But helllll!!!

I care none at all. In the end, it is my illness that might kill me first before my boredom.

If there's another life, maybe I could have done more better, at least that what I thought. And I know that most of you also thought that.

"Someday,Something significant might happen in my life"

DaoistdE5Xgecreators' thoughts