
Traveler: The Last of His Kind

I want to try creating one, please don't expect^⁠_⁠^ I really want to create a book, maybe someday I will be able to be good enough to publish one. Though, for now this is fine. ___________________ Vanitas or Mordret who is he, really? It doesn't matter as long as those light are there. It was beautiful those eyes... There are times when his eyes once shine as bright as stars and as clear as light. But that was long ago. Was the things he ever done something that he could be fond of? Was wanting for the sake of others a beautiful thing that everyone should do? If those questions were asked on him when he was who he was before, maybe the chance of sacrificing his self for others isn't as far-fetched as he thought. But now, All he cared about is about his life, how he will escape in the inescapable line that thread on him and the Fateless fate he have. All he care is how he will survive a day inside the asylum that others see as an opportunity. All he knows and all he long is for someone to hold him, but now he care none at all. Realizing the graviting he was put of. He knows better than anyone that rest is something that others see as causality of leisure. For him it was a time ticking fabric that is slowly but noticeably being ripe apart. Vanitas or Mordret who is he really? Is he even a human? Or a monster that isn't supposed to be here. There's no use in crying in things that will never change. The thing he have is to move forward, even if he knows that everything isn't about moving on or staying off.

DaoistdE5Xge · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Sewer Rat

***He who stared at the abyss is bound to meet his end***

A boy around eighteen stared at the bustling market, livving his life under the sewer is something he could never imagine.

If there's one thing he wish, that'll be to escape in this place, where he lives his life like a rat.

He is a young man that learn to live a life where he couldn't trust someone and even if he could he knows that it isn't possible anymore.

Though was the neon light shine, it's shine couldn't be compared to light or fire.

Though neon light shine, it is nothing but a product of human, compared to light and fire it is nothing but a mockery, an imitation.

And he, who he considered his self as a by product of human lies and betrayal. He far understood that knowing something is far more important than knowing someone.

He closed his eyes and stop staring at the market, then he turn back to what his doing. He walk at the sewer side, where only the sound of water flow and his footsteps resound. And as he walk memories flashes before his eyes, memories he never needed and never wanted, yet even if he tried to, his ability to remember and comprehend everything at a glance is something that is a blessing and curse.

He understood that nothing will change because memory and pain are connected, even if he tried to forget it he knows he could never erased the pain that is inflicted.

He walk at the intersection of the sewer there he found a door and entering that door, he was greeted with a sight of thousands if not hundred thousand of books. His room only have two things aside from a bed, that is a chest where his coins are, and the book that is separated into two. To the right where everything—Book is already read and to the left where the books isn't and read yet, it's already gathering dusk that's why for a moment he thought of cleaning it.

With a reluctant look he walk outside and start looking for a broom and dustpan. after finding one, which is quite weird he start cleaning his room and start extensively cleaning every book. Once his done, he start reading without caring about his rumbling stomach.

It's alright, that's what he always thought. After all, he could survive without eating for a week and two.



The sound of the boy's stomach is getting louder and louder as day pass by. it seems that he need to start looking for a food.

With a made up mind, He stand up and walk toward my chest, He opened it and see a couple of coins.

And start counting it, 1,2,3…8 zeli.


"What can I buy with this" He commented with bother expression. truth be told, 8 zeli isn't even enough to buy a bread. Opening the door, he start moving. With a steady stride he walk toward the intersection then, to the right. he immediately seen a light coming from one of the canal. He slowly wormed his way out.

He stared at the people that moving without caring on him or anyone then he look back and noticed no one, which he found weird because he was in an alley where all kind of beggars lives.

He look around trying to find clue and as he look around, he could see signs of infighting. blood is scattered throughout the alley. he walk deeper in the alley and seeing no one, he narrow his eyes and focus his vision. there he saw a dead person.

'The body is identified as a male, and wear a black coat, with a sword impaled in his chest, the man looks like a traveler, blood is still fresh, maybe around two or three hours ago. looking at the quality of his Coat, he is around B or A class traveler and is quite rich.' His thought immediately create an extensive detail on a body.

he walk toward the body with a slow and calculated steps, he took a mask and a white gloves. Once he is one step away from the man he pry the sword that is impaled in the man's chest. He start patting the body, his eyes glint a few times before he start looting the body.

What he found isn't something he is expecting aside from the storage ring in his pocket, and a compass there is nothing but trash in the body.

A couple of cigarettes pack, a porno magazine and pendant. to be honest the pendant isn't that bad so his considering it from being amiscellaneous items or a trash. In the end it still have some uses so take it. what he gained in the body is a black long sword with exquisite runes–The sword that is impaled in his body. A storage ring, a compass and a pendant. All in all he could say this guy is loaded.

He then stand up and clasp his hand a couple of times before bowing down.

"May you rest in peace" He whisper and closed his eyes and then he left the scene. Storing the sword in the storage ring and other items will give him a reassurance.

But to his surprised, the only thing that he could store is the sword aside from that, the other were being reject.

'I should have known.' he thought, because aside from the sword the pendant and the compass is in other part of his pocket coat. If he could store it he should have done that from the very start, since it isn't stored, it's either an ancient artifact or a normal item.

He suddenly pause and look back, he stared at the body and walk straight to it and pick up the other two item that he deemed trash.

"I should have known." he said while narrowing his eyes. He then open the cigarette pack, there he found a key and in the porno magazine, he found a hidden messages.

"I should have known." he muttured one last time and closed his eyes for a moment before putting it back to how he found the two items.

He walk toward the canal and wormed his way back, he look around and knowing that no one is there he walk back to what he call house. he closed his eyes and recall everything that transpired.

"Fuck." he said and shook his head "Fuck." "Fuck." "Fuck." he said again and again.

"I messed up big time." he facepalm and walk around the small room, he then stop and pick his notebook under the bed, then he start writing everything.

I know how idiotic I am but still... I want to try my best writing this one, even if it means I failed

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