
Boiling Blood

After the plan to retrieve Bobby was done, Winston, John, father and I make our way to the village center.

The sun begins to sink and the shadows grow longer by the minute.

Then, completly starteling Jäger, Arthur let out a howling, sounding just like it could come from any other animal.

"What does your howl mean, dad?" he asks after the initial confusion was gone.

"It is a signal for our village to gather here, we only use it when we have urgent news or are planning something big. You will not hear it often."

We wait for 5 minutes, so every Beastmen in the area, be it from the house next to them or the river down the hill, can follow the call from Arthur.

Everyone gathered has a questioned look on their face, but people who heard the situation of Bobby from Hanna or John suspected something.

In the small crowd stands Mary, and she looked nervously at her Husband and son.

"I guess everyone's here. I have to announce some important things. First, Humans were spotted in the vicinity and we can not guarantee they won't find our home."

There Arthur took a light pause. The crowd begins to grow restless when they hear this, but no one interupts Arthur, so he can transfer the rest of the informations. Some older Beastmen even only shake their heads, they know they have to move again, soon.

"We are living for two years here now, and although we are all tired of hideing, we can't afford to set down a proper village. Maybe bigger communitys have the luxus, but we are too small to risk the attack from the Humans, Elven or Dwarfs. I propose we begin to prepare today and search for a new home in maximum of two days."

When the crowd heard they will possibly move so early, they , despite being unwilling to hide like mices in a hole, have no other option to survive.

Voices of approvel come from all directions, but Wolfgang, one of the oldest Beastmen in the village who looks like a aged, but still deadly Wolf, asks Arthur with his deep voice:

"I approve your suggestion to move, we can not risk to be hunted down just because we are to proud to hide.

But shouldn't we begin tomorrow instead? After all we have to be safe with matters like that, and I woould not like to be killed because of our late departure."

Expecting this question, Arthur turns his head in Hanna's direction.

"I will answer that with the second topic. On his way back from the hunt, John here not only discovered the tracks of the Humans, but found Hanna's and Winston's son Bobby.

John, do you have to say something about Bobbys decease? "

John, already knowing that he would have to share this part of the Story, started to list the characteristics he got from investigating Bobbys corpse.

"I saw no corpse around Bobby, but he had a lot of blood on his claws, showing that attackers got wounded. Also he had several slashmarks on his back and some arrows sticking under his skin.

I think a group of Humans surrounded him and attacked many against one, and the blood shows that he at least wounded some of them. Because no corpse was near him, I speculate that he fled from his enemys, but was persued. I did not see the enemy, but hurried back as fast as possible, to inform ya all about the crucial informations."

Tears are forming in Hanna's eyes, and Winston notices it. He hurries from Johns side to his Wife, and put her head on his big chest, his arms wraping around her back and in a steady embrace.

The people looked at her with compassion and talk to her with comforting words.

"We know he went down fighting."

"He will have taken down some of them with him, he was a strong one."

"I'm sure the Enemy suffered gratly."

"You heard what John disclosed you. And now to the reason I suggested that we move in two days.

We, John, Winston and I, want to form a squad to retrieve Bobbys corpse and eventually avenge his death by killing the humans. If we kill them, we may have more time to escape, due to them not informing their camp about us being here.

There is a risk, but I personally can't leave his body there to rot or for the Humans to play with it.

I want to ask, who here wants to join us, who wants the chance to wound some Humans and get some satisfaction of feeling their flesh tearing!?"

When mentioning blood and revenge, many of the Beastmen clenched their hands and licked their lips. Would a outsider see the group now, he would think they would go out and are about to slaughter a whole village and devour them all.

Beastmen got over the years more instinctive, but not driven by it. They know the risk by attacking armed humans, but the sight of revenge for one of them before hideing again gets their blood boiling.

Short after Arthurs question, more than 30 Beastmen are willing to go with Arthur and retrieve his body.

Satisfied with the number of men and woman that are eager to see blood and get Bobby back to his mother, he announced:

"We take 26 of you, so we have 30 man. The rest has to stay here, to guarantee the basic protection of the village is done.

We will look into the trails left by the Humans, too, so when we have the chance, we kill all of them and buy some time for the escape."

Arthur then takes a glance at Mary. She stands there with her hands grasping her dress, the eyes receiving his look and return it with first worry, than approvel.

She knows in how much pain Hanna is after losing her son, and if her Jäger would be found dead in the woods, Mary would do the same as Arthur.

"Everyone, prepare yourself with food and sleep, maybe prepare your weapons, we will set out tomorrow at evening to utilize the dark.

And because my son is already in the age for his first fight, I decided he will accompany us. His friend was killed, and like us he should get his chance for justice."

Hearing this, Jäger is startled, and he thinks while digesting his fathers words:

°For real? I have to accompany you guys? But i don't think I am ready for this. So... why do I feel my blood boiling, as if I can not wait to see blood and a fight. somehow i'm looking forward to this.

And for sure, I want Bobby back,after all he is... was, my only friend. Oh boy, so this will be my first adventure, and i may have to kill already. Let's see if i can do it. It's about survival after all.°

"But, Arthur, Isn't it too dangerous for Jäger to... !"

Before Mary finished her complain, Jäger interupted her:

"Mom, it's alright, I really yearn to fight the Humans, and Bobby deserves to get buried somewhere safe. please let me go, I won't be a hindrance or get myself killed. There are even 28 Aunts and Uncles with us, all stronger than the average man. We got this."

"HAHA, thats right Mary, he has to grow up soon and learn some real fighting, so he can protect you if i am not here. We will be attentive."

With both her man comforming and persuing her, Mary says defeated, but anxious:

"Alright, but please watch over Jäger Arthur. Can i request the same from you two?Winston and John?"

With clear eyes and a determend tone both replied while holding their fists on the chest:

"Of course!"

"We will bring him back home safe and sound."