
travel with mysterious powers

The story of an ordinary teenager reborn into a different world with his powers and became the King of the Century step by step

getouto · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

eliminate 1

After following him down the alley for a while, the shadow in front of him suddenly turned left and went out.

Garon let go of a puddle of water on the ground and followed gently. In any case, he has to find out the details of the person he killed that day, whether the other party has the ability to find out his identity, this time is not just a matter of potential points, but the primary safety of his own and family.

Down a dirtier and narrower lane, above which could be heard the sounds of men beating and abusing women. The whole alley was filled with the foul smell of fermented food scraps.

The man behind him was squatting next to a cylinder bin, reaching into it for something. There were two tramps slumped next to them, sound asleep.

Garon stood quietly at the edge of the alley and peered in by the little light from upstairs.

The man rummaged around from the trash can and found a black leather bag, felt it and took out a small copper key. Putting it in, he looked left and right, then moved on.

Garon pulled back when the man looked at him and hid in the corner wall, listening to the faint sound of the man's footsteps fading away. Only then slowly again out of the head.

Garon felt a pain in his back, as if something had pricked him.

He reflexively threw back his right elbow.


A person stuffy hum, was hit a stagger, turned around to run, but did not run out of a few steps then crooked fall down on the ground, struggling a few times but still did not climb up.

Garon's heart was pounding, but after all, this was the second actual fight with a human, plus the psychological changes after the murder, and the first time was completely different, not so nervous.

He took a few deep breaths and looked at his pierced waist, where there was a small slit in his clothes, which had obviously been pierced by something like a dagger. The skin didn't hurt.

"If IT weren't for my crackling fist, my body would be as stiff as hard Qigong. Normal people would definitely die with this knife." Garon looked at the location of the incision, which was right at the kidney, and suddenly a cold sweat broke out in his heart.

He was holding a black dagger in his right hand. His clothes were dirty and looked as if they had not been washed for a long time.

"You will be rampant for a while, and Lord James will avenge me!" The man grinned a few times, his small green eyes fixed on Garon, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, then his head tilted and he died. The blood spilled from the corners of his mouth turned black, apparently poison.

The man killed himself before Garon could question him. Crouched down and checked his heartbeat and breathing. He was dead.

He only felt that he seemed to be involved in the fight between the two forces to kill, this guy mistook him as a member of another hostile force, incredibly in order to prevent their disclosure of information, without saying anything directly poison suicide.

The severity of the death chilled Garon for a while.

"I don't think he came to follow me. The guy in front of me must have come to pick up something. And this guy, he probably sent to kill me when he found out I was following him. It could have been an agent from another organization. It seems unlikely that I will be exposed." Inferring the circumstances, Garon breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently his fumble the other night was being treated as a gesture from the other side.

"No wonder the man ordered me to be killed as soon as I stopped him. He was obviously mistaken at the right moment."

Garon analyzed the situation and felt that this was the real truth.

I looked around, but there was no sound. The tramp's snoring and the quarrel upstairs were still coming. Now and then I could hear the cry of a wild cat.

Garon bends over to examine the killer and pulls out a black and gold coin from the inside pocket of his jacket. Without looking much, he took the gold coin and quickly left along the original road.

When it was quiet, Garon walked slowly out of the alley, pretending nothing had happened. He walked around the city many times until the city clock tower clanged the chimes, and then he trotted home.

Meet the bam.

Garon closes the door, puts on his slippers and goes into the living room.

In the oil-lit living room, lombal Eisen, his father, sat cross-legged on the sofa reading a newspaper, his black pajamas on, his brow furrowed.

Eisen, a portly middle-aged man with a mop of mauve hair and a bushy white beard, looked like an enthusiastic football coach.

Seeing Garon coming back, he raised his chubby face and nodded to his son without speaking.

"Where's Mom?" Garon takes off his coat and hangs it on a hanger by the door.

'A rare day's holiday, to have coffee at Madame Cortini's upstairs.' Eisen replied casually. "You didn't come back until the bell tower had rung. Don't stay out too long. It's dangerous out too late. There's been a lot of homicides in the city lately, all in places with fewer people. You must remember not to go to places where there are fewer people."

"I know that. I listened to my classmates." Garon nodded.

"Especially if you are a regular runner, you like to go to places where there are fewer people."


"Be quiet. Your sister's just going to bed. She's got pre-game practice tomorrow." Eisen put down the newspaper and finished his coffee. "I'll go to bed when you get back. Don't wait for your mother.

"I see." Garon rested on the couch, helped himself to a glass of water, and watched his father go into the bedroom and close the door. After waiting for a while, he heard the sound of turning off the light inside. He got up and quickly washed himself, turned off the light in the living room and went into his bedroom.

Sit down at your desk, turn on the lamp, and carefully take out the black coin from your pocket and examine it under the lamplight.

The coin was about the size of a walnut and about the thickness of a coin, and on the front was carved a ketch with two huge sails blowing out in the wind. On the top of the boat was carved a coiled snake, its mouth open as if it were about to bite.

At the bottom was a number engraved: 1521

Flip the tail. It's a knight's plate, and a sword comes out of it from the inside up, from the bottom up, and the point is against the helmet. The real armor had a wreath around it.

Garon rubs the coin over and over again, and in tiny spots on the back of the coin he can see the dark gold peeking out beneath the black paint.

He pressed his finger against the dark gold, and the potential under his vision gave a slow jump.

It jumped from 179% to 180.

And then there's nothing going on.


Garon puts down the gold coin without a word.

He hasn't used it since the last time he saved a few more stats from the old man. I'm saving it for now.

He was going to add it to Cloud Arcane, but then he thought it might be better to add it to Crackhead. After all, that's what works in a short time. And since he had not succeeded in begging the old man to lend him the book, he was even more reluctant to add this attribute.

"The gang who stole all those antiques and thought they'd get something good out of him only got a gold coin. Small part, should I say?"

Shaking his head slightly, he took the coin into his desk drawer.

"Since the matter is a misunderstanding, I can no longer get involved in it." Garon broke out in a cold sweat as he remembered the silent stab he had just received.

"It would have killed me if I hadn't hardened my skin so much with the crackling. This time he is weaker, if a stronger knife had been used with poison."

He shuddered at the thought.

"Better go to school and learn martial arts. It's too dangerous. Better leave it to a Quicksilver detective."

He's made up his mind not to get involved. Although the bronze Cross is precious, there is a new source of potential from the old man, although there is no follow-up absorption, which makes Garon's mind to recover the medal also light down.

"The last attribute was added to the Cloud Arcana. If you add this earlier, your strength will increase a lot faster."

He thought about it for a while, and finally cast his eyes on the white cloud secret in the skill bar.

Slowly, the air in his mind rushes out into a cloud of secrets.

The secret words jumped for a moment, slowly blurred, from intermediate to advanced.


Suddenly a crisp sound in the brain, has become advanced words instant fuzzy, and restore into intermediate. A rush of air rushes back into Garon's head.

"What's the matter? He frowned and peered into the skill bar.

Behind one of the white Cloud mysteries, a new symbol has emerged.

Although Garon does not know the pronunciation of the symbol, he knows its meaning eerily -- incomplete information.

"It seems that the secret of imparting is not a complete high-level secret of the key should be in the hands of the school high-level and important children." Garon presumably guessed the truth.

He looked at the whiplash again. Same thing, same thing. After the attribute point was added, the words blurred a little and returned to the original elementary. Behind more a new symbol, meaning Garon same recognition.

"Does the intermediate level of whiplash require simultaneous treatment with external medical stimulation? He knew he was lucky to have been able to get the crackle through the door without any help.

And the White Cloud secret method is the same, martial arts naturally is to hold the core things in their own hands. You can't throw them all out at once. Otherwise it wouldn't be able to coalesce into a single piece.

"It seems that the only way to improve your military power is to improve your position in the academy." Since the time travel, Garon has been almost completely obsessed with martial arts, something he has always dreamed of on Earth, and he is always excited that it can be touched in this world. Feeling the importance and safety of martial arts now, he became even more enthusiastic in his pursuit.

Although there are some problems now, but for him it is not what, as long as the wall of the school to participate in the ranking, get a good ranking into the top core character line of sight.

"Since skills can't be added, let's add basic attributes." He looked away and swam over the basic properties bar.

Strength 0.53, Agility 0.23, physique 0.33, intelligence 0.36.

"I've already added constitution and strength and intelligence, but this time I'll just add agility. Test the impact of this agility." For attribute points, Garon takes a no-show attitude anyway.

Any of these attribute points he adds will have a higher starting point than the average student studying together.

After all, he's adding stats on top of regular people's bodies.

In addition, the effect of attribute solidification makes him reach a height of attribute, even if he does not exercise much later, his body can still maintain the peak attribute, and will not degenerate. If such a situation does not practice martial arts exercise physique, even he also feels wasteful.