
Chapter 340 It's Completely Impossible to Refute

"I'm Tyrell Landos. Do you want us to be soldiers?"

"Yes, be a soldier defending Athens City and fighting for Athens City. You used to do this kind of work, so I asked you to be military officers and build such a team, okay?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Allen." Before Tyrell Landos could say anything, another guard had answered first, but he refused.

Allen looked at him with interest. When he was about to ask him something, he answered, "My name is Rental Frossus, Mr. Allen. There is an official team in Athens City, led by General Creaven.

There was no need to establish a new team, so please forgive me for refusing!"

Obviously, this man was straightforward. He immediately believed that Allen wanted to build his own armed force, so he would never do it. He was right, but Allen wouldn't let it go.

"No, you're wrong. The team I'm talking about is a castle's guard team, just like your personal guards before."