
travel the multiverse with the magic of souls

Red is a boy who constantly hallucinates and hears voices inside his head, but one day he is sent on a journey through different worlds to become stronger since his world is in danger. who sends him to another world gives him a system to achieve his goal more easily I also want to say that I'm starting with writing, so please be patient with me, besides that I don't speak English very well,

natural_killer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


Red Pov

I've been in this place for a week now and I've been really intrigued by the fact that where I should say I'm a human there is something else, so I tried asking the system various questions but got nowhere as the system doesn't Could you tell me who I'm supposed to be?

The only thing I found out is that because I'm not human I'm stronger than a normal person, that would explain why I jumped so high after waking up, plus it might also explain those spots on my hands

Since the first day in this world ended well for me, the second day I went to the nearest forest and out of curiosity I tried to jump back to that height, but I couldn't, even with all my strength it was not enough, the highest The only time I was able to jump was about 2 meters, followed by this I tried hitting a tree with all my strength and I managed to leave a fairly noticeable mark of a fist on the tree, it also didn't hurt at all

I guess it was due to the stains, also speaking of the stains, it seems they are made of some kind of metal, I found out because I broke a client's jaw, although I don't know exactly if it was due to my strength or the metal on my knuckles

In any case, the guy had it coming, apparently he had previously bought a product and it didn't work as it should so he started complaining about the bad products in the Wiz store, and even though I tried to ask him nicely to leave, he got mad at me saying to return the money for your purchase along with an extra due to its malfunction

I told him I couldn't do that because I didn't even know what I bought and it wasn't my fault he didn't know how it works, obviously I told him to get him to go away, I was really getting mad but the guy got even more annoyed and he went straight to hit me so i did it first

After that the guy left crying in pain and for some reason I felt happy about it, even the voices praised me for hitting him, also speaking of the voices, lately they have been more active than before and I think it is because I have also been paying attention instead of ignoring them

Also, notice something about the voices, the first ones to speak always say only one word at a time and at the same time, most of the time they agree, but when they say different things they get upset and try to say the same thing again, for On the other hand, there are the voices that say more than one word, it seems that one of the two will always say something to try to give me advice.

while the other for some strange reason always talks about food, and when I go to eat she is always happy because I am eating, the last one seems to be only dedicated to imitating the first two voices, because if one says something different it will always copy one of them seems to have a hard time saying more words

I don't think it's a good sign that the voices inside my head are each developing different behaviors, and I really don't want to know how far that can go.

Anyway , all of that happened on the second day and it was relatively quiet compared to the following days.

The third day I didn't spend much in the store, besides nobody was that day, it really makes me wonder how Wiz manages to live from the store, leaving that aside, taking advantage of the fact that there were no people to attend to, I concentrated on the store in my system

And I found some interesting things, one was the stone mask, and although I thought it would be interesting to try to collect the points to get it, I thought better of it since the mask was made to turn humans into vampires, humans, and since I'm not I don't know what could happen if I used it, so it's better not to tempt fate

At the end of the day, before I left, Wiz offered me something to drink, I must say that I didn't think I would enjoy the coffee again, she asked me why I quickly accepted the job, and I told her that it was to raise the money to be an adventurer, she agreed with my decision

I honestly thought that she would ask me not to be such a young adventurer or something, so I asked her why she didn't try to stop me or something, she said that she didn't have to worry, after all I was a crimson devil.

That left me stunned, I asked her why she said that I was one of those crazy people, apparently she assumed that I was one because of my eyes, I told her that they were only that color, anyway, that ended with her apologizing and then I returning to the others

On the other hand, it seems that Kazuma and Aqua did quite well in their work, mainly thanks to Aqua, I remember that she was talented in various things related to art or crafts, so they quickly finished their day, and we put together the enough money to pay in the guild

That day was really good…, at least until Aqua spent most of the money on wine, and was left with some debts that bothered Kazuma a lot, so they had to go back to work, at least I don't spend my money

The next day I suggested to Wiz that she stop selling those useless items and buy things that work with the money she had, it was hard to convince her, but in the end I got her to try my idea

That day I found out that I can make the metal on my knuckles disappear, it really wasn't that hard but after doing it it felt strange that my hands were so soft so I tried to get used to it again, I also found out that I can make the metal don't just cover my knuckles, also cover my forearms, at least a part

More specifically, it's a line of metal that starts at my elbow and ends at the part where the bone sticks out in my hand, I really like that, besides that by doing that my strength stat increases by 10

The following days nothing really interesting happened, apart from the fact that I discovered some things about my body and my system.

After a few more days of work, Kazuma and Aqua managed to get the money back, and Kazuma gave it to me so that Aqua wouldn't spend it, she tried to convince me saying that she would share it with me, I almost accepted, but the voices stopped me, saying Don't listen to the blue idiot, that's what they said

After that we joined the guild and just like in the series Kazuma took on a mission to kill the frogs, I tried not to get him to accept it, but both Aqua and him thought it would be easy, but as expected it didn't go well

As soon as we got closer to where the frogs were, Aqua hit the frog with all her might.

But all it did was make the frog's belly shake, followed by it being eaten by the frog, me and Kazuma tried to pull it out.

But another frog devoured me, in my desperation I bit the frog's tongue as hard as I could and ripped off a piece of its tongue followed by this the frog spat at me, and I went to help Aqua

We managed to get out of that and when we returned to the guild, Kazuma posted a notice about recruiting group members. By the way, apparently when I accepted the mission in my system it was also added to the missions section in my system

which brings us to this precise moment, we are currently having breakfast at the guild, by the way, this place has good food, it was a quiet morning, Aqua was arguing with Kazuma about which mission to take, yes, the usual, I just limited myself to observe them and they would occasionally ask my opinion

suddenly a voice was heard behind me, honestly I was scared, I am quite easy to scare, just talking to me from behind scares me, and the truth is I don't know the reason, going back to the topic

when I turned I could see a girl, she had brown hair with crimson eyes, her clothes consisted of what I think is a short red dress, with a cape and a hat, it was none other than Megumin, the crazy one with explosions

"Excuse me, but you need something" Kazuma asked doubtfully, "Are you the ones looking to recruit someone into your group?" I thought it would take longer to appear, kazuma nodded to Megumin's question seemed to want to say more, but suddenly fell to the ground, Kazuma was stunned for a moment before asking what was wrong, while I picked her up

"Sorry, I haven't eaten in a few days" After she finished her meal, she got up from her seat only to start her introduction, "My name is Megumin, a Crimson Demon Archmage!" saying that she posed and seeing what she was doing, I had to resist the urge to strike a JoJo pose.

I've also been noticing lately that my thoughts are strange, maybe interacting with characters I know might be affecting me, or maybe I'm just being an idiot, most likely the latter.

Seeing Megumin's attitude, Kazuma tried to reject her, to which Aqua explained about the crimson demons and how they were all very good at magic, but they were all weird, upon hearing this Megumin got angry "we're not weird! Besides, you already have a crimson demon with you" she exclaimed.

We were all confused by Megumin's words, "I'm sorry, but who are you talking about?" Kazuma asked, Megumin just looked at Kazuma with a somewhat confused expression "of course I'm talking about him" by saying that I signed up.

That left me a little stupefied so I quickly answered her "I'm not a crimson demon" as I remember only those from Megumin's clan had crimson eyes, I guess when she saw my eyes she mistook me for one, she just looked at me strangely

After a while Megumin decided to show us her great magic, we went to the same place where the frogs were, in fact, there was the frog that I bit, she ran away as soon as she looked at me, I guess it really hurt

Megumin began to cast her spell, speaking of that recently I noticed that she changed her singing every so often, I guess I'm really an idiot, the next moment I could see a big explosion where the frogs were, I must admit that that's impressive and it made me makes me wish i had killer queen

(brilliant) (brilliant) (very…incredible) (food…wasted) hearing the last voice made me gag, just remembering the frog's tongue, it was disgusting, I'm not eating any of that, hm, I just to notice that a voice is missing (boom?) hey!, I do not imitate anyone!, but why does this give me a bad feeling?

Needless to say, there were no frogs left, and by the way, the mission of my system was completed and only half 100 P, then I will check the store, followed by launching her explosion Megumin fell to the ground without strength, seeing this Megumin explained that she could only use that spell once a day due to the large amount of mana it was spending

"So you mean you're useless after all!" Kazuma exclaimed, I guess it was true, followed by this the frogs approached us, all the frogs except one, it was the one that I bit, that frog just ran away as far as it could

The frogs devoured the girls, Kazuma managed to avoid being eaten, another tried to eat me, but I didn't allow it, I jumped back with a lot of force when I saw this, the frog threw its tongue at me, only for me to catch it and with my hands covered made of metal I destroyed his tongue by pulling it, it seems that his tongue was attached to several organs since when he tore it off along with his tongue several organs came out

The frog died, after getting the girls freed from the frogs we went back to the city called Axel, I had to carry Megumin on my back because she couldn't move, plus Kazuma refused to carry her because of the smell of the frog. baba, anyway, she didn't weigh, that was worrying since she's a little taller than me

That showed that she didn't eat well, when she arrived with both girls covered in frog slime Kazuma said that it was better for Megumin to look for another group, but she started yelling about how Kazuma made her end up covered in a sticky liquid, people in the surroundings they began to speak ill of Kazuma, seeing what the people around him were doing Kazuma began to reconsider his decision, or so it seemed to me, so I told him to let her join, since otherwise his reputation I would fall to the ground

Kazuma had no choice but to accept Megumin joining the group, meanwhile I thought that everything was happening as it happens in the anime, I'm not complaining, but I felt that some emotion was missing

although on second thought changing too much things were problematic, and I really wanted everything to be on track, at that point I started to get sidetracked from what I was talking about and started thinking stupid things

I had the idea of taking Aqua to the castle of the dullahan Beldia and flooding the castle followed by this making Megumin throw an explosion into the castle, I really wanted to do it, but then I had a more stupid idea, entering the castle while no one noticed and rob the guy's head

my thoughts were stopped by Megumin's voice, "thank you for that" she was saying, oh you mean what I said to Kazuma? I guess she thinks that because of what I said they let her stay in the group, "I didn't thank him, I'm sure he would have accepted you anyway" I said with an awkward smile, "if you say so" I guess she didn't believe what I told her because she just smiled at me while saying that,

"Hey, we didn't introduce ourselves, you know my name, but I don't know yours" she said, I guess she was too rushed to show us her magic that she forgot to ask our names, I guess I also get too excited sometimes and forget certain things so i understand it

Kazuma and Aqua also heard that and just introduced themselves, it was my turn to introduce myself, "My name is Red Tanaka" I said my name and upon hearing this Kazuma seemed to remember something, followed by wondering about my strange name.

I just sighed when I heard that, it wasn't the first time they asked me that, but it's still a bit annoying when they ask me that question "you know, I've been an orphan since I was barely a few days old, the name was given to me by the one who I consider my older brother, at that time I was 10 years old, and when he saw my red eyes, he simply thought of calling me Red, it's that simple"

It seemed like they didn't expect me to be an orphan, I guess it's not a topic they want to talk about, "I'm sorry to ask that" Kazuma said, "it doesn't matter, don't feel bad about it" I said, for a while there was an awkward silence , but after a while everything went back to normal because of Aqua

And so I end that day