
Trash Awakening, F-Rank Copy Passive Talent

Raymond Koto works at his uncle's photocopy shop. Ray's job wasn't too difficult, but he often felt bored. To alleviate his boredom, he would read comics and fantasy novels from Japan, Korea, and China. Moreover, he also watched videos, whether for entertainment or education. One time, Ray was reading a thesis that he had printed for a customer. This was a normal routine for Ray as he often read the materials customers had ordered before they picked up the items. However, he stumbled upon a set of strange words that piqued his interest. As he muttered the words, he began to feel unusual sensations. Suddenly, he experienced a headache and found himself transported into the body of a high school student in another world. This new world was filled with monsters, superheroes, supervillains, and other strange and interesting things. Ray was no longer bored with his life, but he felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He didn't want to get lost in this fantasy world and end up achieving nothing. Therefore, he began to try new things and work to enjoy and maintain his small life.

Ampas_Tahu · Fantaisie
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110 Chs

Family Problem

Chapter 105

The boy kept running without stopping until he hit the ramen uncle.

With this, the ramen uncle no longer had his balance and the ramen he was carrying was thrown everywhere

Everyone who saw this panicked and hurriedly guarded themselves so as not to get hit by the hot sauce.

Meanwhile, Ray was shocked for a moment before finally moving quickly using his talent before finally picking up every ramen that was thrown in the air.

With this, the three ramen are now in Ray's hands without any spillage.

Everyone who saw this no longer panicked, meanwhile little dumpling was also relieved by this phenomenon to the point that he didn't realize that the bowl he was holding previously was also accidentally thrown upwards.

Seeing the bowl and ramen dancing in the air, the little girl spontaneously screamed.


Ray, who heard this, also realized and hurriedly put down the three bowls in his hand.