

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
25 Chs


A woman wore a blazer that matched the mini skirt she was wearing. She was sipping her coffee and looking at London from her window. The woman heard the sound of a pair of loafers hitting the floor. The step entered her private room. "How is your investigation?" a Twenty years woman interrogated a man who worked as her personal assistant. "Everything is under control, Ms. I have found all the information about Gevariel Ethan Xander."

"Good! Has my departure been taken care of?" The young woman asked again.

"You just go. Katy has taken care of all your needs." The man answered again.

"Good! You guys are very reliable.

She was Quineera Rhania Osteen. 25 years old young woman. At the age of 25, she was assigned to return to her home country to become a CEO. Living in London was very comfortable for Quin but her uncle requires her to return to her home country. No one could take care of the hotel left by her family except Quin, that's why she was asked to return.

Ten years ago

A young man was having a party at a hotel in the city of Lyon, Paris. Today is his 18th birthday. At the age of eighteen, he received a gift from his parents, a luxury car. He legally got a driver's license because he was already eighteen years old.

"Gev, you should ask the driver to pick you up. You drank too much. I'm afraid you're drunk and can't drive alone." One of Geva's friends gave advice.

"I'm not drunk. I can still drive. After all, this is my new car. I don't allow the driver to drive." Gevariel was adamant. He got into the car half drunk.

Lack of supervision from parents made Gevariel live freely. Even on his birthday, Geva's parents only sent a car of his dreams in front of the house. Gevariel was very happy and showed off the new car to his friends but Geva still felt lonely.

"Brack!!!" Gevariel crashed into a couple of husband and wife. He didn't notice that the traffic sign had turned red and the car was going really fast. "Oh Lord! Did I crash into anyone?" Gevariel, who was half drunk suddenly came to his senses. People flocked and helped the victim. Panic and fear overtook Gevariel. He contacted his parents but unfortunately his parents were on the plane. Their second cell phone number was not active, which made Geva even more scared.

With trembling hands Gevariel called his father's personal assistant who was in charge of taking care of all his needs. "Okay, young master. I'll be right there." The man in his 40s immediately rushed to the hospital where Gevariel was.

Gevariel's hands trembled. He squeezed his fingers very tightly. "What should I do? What if they die? What if I'm in prison?" Over and over again Gevariel muttered to himself. His mind was in a mess and he didn't know what to do.

Unbeknownst to Gevariel, a man sat beside him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Oh my!" Gevariel shouted in shock. "You startled me!" Gevariel stroked his chest after knowing the figure of the man who tapped his shoulder.

"You'd better go home. Don't let the victim's family recognize you. I will take care of everything." The man Geva used to call Uncle Sam told him to go home.

"But, uncle… what if something bad happened to them?" Even though Gevariel was scared, he was also worried about the victim. The accident was his fault. He didn't pay attention to the red light so he bumped into a husband and wife couple who were crossing the street.

"I'll take care of everything. Now you go home! Don't tell anyone about this incident. Understand?" Words containing affirmation came out of Uncle Sam's mouth. Uncle Sam was his father's personal assistant who took care of all of Gevariel's needs.

"Okay, Uncle." Gevariel had no choice except to carry out the man's orders.

"The driver is waiting for you." Uncle Sam seemed to want to urge Gevariel to get out of there immediately. Uncle Sam saw Gevariel walking with unsteady steps and bowed head. "I have to finish this all before his parents get here."


Two years have passed. Guilt still surrounded Gevariel's heart. At the age of twenty, he ventured to approach a girl who was still eighteen years old. The girl's name was Theresia Osteen. Theresia Osteen was the older sister of Quinnera Rhania Osteen. Since their parents died in an accident, Theresia had to live with her aunt and uncle in the city of Lyon, France. Meanwhile, Quinnera, who was fifteen years old at that time, had to be brought by her father's younger sister to London. The siblings were only a year apart in age. Coincidentally their father had two siblings.

"Are you okay?" Gevariel asked Theresia. Just now Gevariel bumped into Theresia's body who was carrying an iced caramel latte.

"It doesn't matter." Theresia tried to clean her dress which was dirty from her spilled drink.

"You'd better get changed first. It's not proper for a woman as beautiful as you to wear such a dirty mini dress." Who would have thought that it was just Gevariel's trick so that he could get acquainted with Theresia. Gevariel received information about a husband and wife who were involved in a crash two years ago. He wanted to atone for the guilt by approaching their daughter.

"But I don't have a change of clothes," Theresia answered.

"No problem! We just go to the nearest mall. Later I will buy you a lot of clothes. It's my fault anyway. I didn't see any beautiful women carrying coffee." Gevariel did everything in his power to tease Theresia. In reality he wasn't that kind of a flirt man.

"Okay. But only one. I don't want to take something that doesn't belong to me." Theresia's answer made Gevariel silent then the woman's invitation brought Gevariel out of his daydream.