
Trapping Sienna

He irks and annoys her like no other. He tries to win her over, but she's as stubborn as as mule. She's his and he's hers, but she will never admit it. She tries to fight it, he doesn't give up. @sweetnerves

sweetnerves · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


Sienna lives with the pack on the north horizon of the German outskirts. She's treated like dirt and is worthless to all eyes because she's half human, half wolf.

Until one day, she runs away from them, with the help of her cousin who faces the consequences of his actions.

She's determined to make it out alive, no matter what it takes. But she has no idea what waits for her on the other side.




Tristan, crowned prince of the Wolf and Lycan Kingdom, had been betrothed to one he doesn't love or gives a damn about.

He sets out to find his mate, limited time on his hands to return with his mate or else he marries Lady Annabelle of the moon pack.

How would they ever find the one thing they desire for? The journey would not be easy, but it'll be worth it.





First few chapters will be out soon!

Please like and comment! This is my first (draft) on Web novel and I'm hoping to improve as time goes on :)

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