
Trapped love

What Will make me love you? Never! Not in this lifetime or another. Your presence make me thole, Your face salted my bruises. Even if you brought heaven on earth, I will never be yours. What happens when a fateful encounter turned to an heart wrenching nightmare? Jennie a sweet, loving lady whom a single encounter changed and ruined. Follows the lives of two lovers from the past, how their sweet love turned to deep hatred. Comeback of a betrayed heart, a vengeful heart whose world once collided with world full of butterflies. He was back to open her scars which he as well was unable to heal from. What she spent years hiding from was unknowingly right next to her, haunting her, those charming and loving smiles were now replaced by a malicious bone chilling laughter shaking terror into her. He promised to protect her from bullies but now she was to be protected from him. What's about this second encounter and to make it worse he has blackened completely A striving yet to make ends meet Jennie second encounter of this crushing wild fire. He came to ruined, to set ablaze the yet to solid confidence she managed to muster up. This butterfly wings, he will ripped and burn, rendered into a useless caterpillar state, unable to grew back the Wings to say nothing of soaring up to the sky. But the only thing was the more he hardened the harder he hurt and the more she tried loathing the harder she fell. Excerpt from the book: His hands kept roaming her body, it was akin to dread of mayhem gnawing on her flesh. His pair of eyes blazing with hidden fire, he looked more like a blood thirsty monster who fought his way bloodily out of Asura realm, He smiled before kissing her cheeks and whispered into her ear "I know I disgust you, but nothing to be scared of sweetie, this feeling is mutual, I will make you pay every single bit of what you did to me. This hell we'll both experience. I disdain you as much as you loathe me, I will dragged us both to the pit of hell" Jennie was betrayed, he felt betrayed. This! Could it be changed? Or prevented? Cover ain't mine, credit to the owner 1 chapter update a day Also the FL isn't weak you have to read up to twenty five chapters to understand more about her.

candyblea · Urbain
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46 Chs

Chapter nine: Did you brought me here?

Ouch!!" A certain person howled, wailing holding her head, she lazily opened her eyes up and gaze at the unfamiliar room, the room was painted white and several few things which hinted she was in the school infirmary.

But who rescued her from the grasp of Tasha and Evelyn?

She slowly sat up but noticed she wasn't alone. this, she glanced at her right slowly, she wanted to scream ahh! But unfortunately her throat felt patched, this pair of cold eyes sending chills and striking expression chilled her more than freezing temperature.

Jennie felt as if this was a dream, because no matter how much Tasha bullied her, never has anyone came to aid her which explained why she always dragged herself to the infirmary, she was accustomed with it but seeing the frozen like statue expression.

Since this was a dream she might as well take an advantages of it she reached out a finger and poke his face.

_No expression, super interesting_

\ ( ° o ° ) /

She tried it once more but the person in her supposed dream still kept the same expression, she tried it with her both hands this time around she pinched his face slightly before humming with satisfaction.

"So cold, since this was a dream I could lord over intimidators" she uttered..

He spoke indifferently "be careful not to hurt your throat"

She jumped back with fright, isn't this a dream??. What went wrong. But it was supposed to be a dream" she continue her monologue "Maybe it really wasn't a dream" QAQ ~~

She screamed out ah! But it was croaked and sounded as if a frog was auditioning for screaming competition.

Blake couldn't help but thought of one word 'silly'

An attendant rushed in to checked the situation, he saw the boy who took the girl here and as well help with alot of things, infact he watched over her.

He checked in her temperature and asked " Are you okay??"

Jennie nodded subconsciously, she had already lost her face, doing such things to the boy from the restroom and to make it worse she actually thought it was a dream.

When the attendant left she faced Blake with a firm face, no one could have thought she was the same girl who was pinching and poking his face some minutes ago.

Blake still remained sitting watched her debating with herself before she finally asked " Did you brought me here??"

Blake nodded and said " I heard someone screaming for help, but couldn't help delivering her from those bullies,"

"Thank you, but..."

He understands exactly what she wanted to asked so he cut her off halfway instead " did nothing but gave them a taste of their own medicine. Never will they pick on weaker opponents'

Jennie hung her head down in shame and murmured "I'm not weak"

He stood up and said "Guess I would have left you there anyway, because it was vivid you aren't" With that he left.

"Wait... I.....I Thank you!"

Her waist ache, because of that she couldn't run after him. "Such an haughty... Wait a minute he saved me to be precise shouldn't I be grateful rather.. I... I did nothing but... Must I be this ungrateful. Also must he be so cocky and boastful about that! I will prove to you that this Jennie right here isn't a weakling" she sighed and murmured to herself "But how?"

After an hour of rest she finally went back to her classroom along with Evie who came few minutes after Blake left, although her bruises had been bandage and her face has swollen but it wasn't itchy since disinfectant had been applied and as well as ointment.

She was glad because none of the bullies were in the classroom so Evie who noticed her nervousness quickly said " They won't bother you anytime from now"

Jennie eyes widens she was about to talk when a girl with thick eyebrows and glasses brush past her without even saying sorry.

Evie laugh and shook her head before glancing at Jennie to continue with what she was saying before the sudden intrusion.

Jennie glared at her and said " Why is that, why won't they bother me anymore?"

Evie suddenly burst out laughing as if recollecting a funny scene, the more she tried to control her laughter the harder she laughed, Jennie who was getting impatient pinched her so Evie cried out "Ouch!! Why are y..... Ouch!!!" she cried out again because she was pinched so she could only helplessly muttered "sorry"

" I haven't seen a scene as hilarious as today, wait a minute I took a picture" she unlocked and phone and started scrolling some things till she couldn't held it in and laughed again, the annoyed Jennie grabbed the phone from her but what she saw was hilarious that she couldn't help but burst out laughing even more harder than Evie.

Tasha and Evelyn, what a sight! Both clothes had roughened, definitely, water must have been poured on their faces, the foundation had became messy even the mascara run black lines right from their eyes to their chin, red lipstick were use to draw alot of funny things on Tasha face, worse. The person had turned her personally to a certified clown.

Infact both looks is funnier than that of a clown, but the most amusing part was Tasha raging expression while carrying the tag 'NEVER WILL I BULLY' Evelyn on the other hand felt ashamed, her look isn't better than the evil doll from Chucky.

Tasha will definitely earn alot as a clown, they both dripped wet even their uniform will not be of use anymore because it had been stained by foundation.

Jennie felt delighted what a perfect revenge.

Evie took back her phone, both had already stopped laughing after receiving weird gazes from student so she said " wonder who did this??"

Jennie shook her head so Evie pursed her lips and said " None should cross my path did it, he actually kicked them both out of the restroom and did those things to them, he even slapped them them especially Tasha and pour cold water on Evelyn, you should have seen their faces" she giggled

"Wh...what?" Jennie stuttered

"Yes the new transferred student, he did it not only that, He even make them wrote those tags, Tasha gritted her teeth and complied while Evelyn howled uncontrollably begging for mercy But guess the new guy isn't as compassionate as a doe, Tasha who only pounced on Evelyn to vent"

"Did...did...did he did those bec.... because of me??"


"Nothing". Jennie said awkwardly in a pitched voice.

It seemed she missed alot, she couldn't help asking, "where are both now??"

"Infirmary" Evie blurted.

Jennie exclaimed "What??" She was somehow delight.

"Infirmary, since they both injured themselves, Tasha was annoyed At Evelyn because of her miserable howling, so she beat her up. Evelyn who felt cheated pounce on Tasha and here we are. It has been posted on the school forum, Tasha formidable reputation has been trashed, alot of hateful comments directed at her and not even a sympathy for them"

"Serves her right but ain't you mad at how Evelyn was soiled" Jennie inquired.

Evie frowned and said "She might be my sister but she do soil others as well, she do trashed and bullied people although I still wasn't exactly happy about it but wasn't sad as well"

Evie grabbed Jennie hand and dragged her towards her seat.

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