
Trapped in your spells

Eve blinked continuously at him, her emerald eyes gazing at him affectionately and with a touch of apprehension. She swallowed nervously as he approached her, His fangs emerged from his mouth, gleaming white and dangerously sharp. As he drew nearer to her vulnerable neck, Eve tensed and took a sharp breath, gripping his shoulders tightly. "How much will this hurt?" she asked, her hands still clutching onto him. His deep red eyes locked onto her green ones, strands of water cascading down his hair, tracing lines across his face. He resembled a divine figure, a male deity. His left hand slid down to her waist, pulling her closer, leaning in towards her neck, gently inhaling the scent. This caused Eve to shiver slightly, her grip on him tightening. "It may sting at first," he whispered softly, slowly rubbing his nose against her neck, "but the pain will only last for a fleeting moment. After that, it will fade away."

Chikamso_Patience · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

chapter 3: man in the woods

Two days passed with Eve confined to her home; she immersed herself in movies, devoured books, and eventually surrendered to sleep.

Evie glanced at her image in the mirror, captivated by the gaze of her deep, hazel eyes that met their own reflection.

. She saw the slight creases around her eyes and wondered when they had appeared. Time seemed to slip by without her noticing, as if it had flown past while she remained locked inside.

Feeling a sudden surge of motivation, Evie decided it was time for a change. She longed for something more than just watching movies and reading books. She wanted to experience the world outside, to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin, and to make memories that would last a lifetime.

She decided to visit the woods behind her yard , even though the twins had advised her to be careful of, she also wanted to see what could possibly be in there.

On a bright and sunny morning, Evie walked out of her cottage and made her way towards the woods. The tall, ancient trees beckoned to her, their leaves dancing in the gentle breeze. As she stepped onto the woodland path, she could feel a sense of adventure tingling in her veins.

The path meandered through the lush greenery, with dappled sunlight filtering through the branches above. Evie took in the beauty around her, the earthy scents, and the symphony of birdsong. It was as if a whole new world had opened up before her eyes, and she couldn't help but smile in wonder.

With each step, Evie felt a sense of liberation washing over her. She left behind the familiar comfort of her cottage and embraced the unknown. She paused for a moment, listening to the whispers of nature, and then continued deeper into the woods.

As she ventured further, the atmosphere around her changed. The air grew cooler, and a hush fell upon the forest. Evie's heart skipped a beat, but she pushed aside her fears and carried on. She was determined to discover what secrets the woods held.

Suddenly, Evie stumbled upon a sparkling stream, its clear waters inviting her to dip her toes in. With an impish grin, she decided to heed nature's call and sat on the mossy bank, letting her senses revel in the tranquility. She dipped her fingers into the cool water and watched as ripples spread across the surface, reflecting the sunlight.

From the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of movement. Evie turned her head but there was no one , Eve frowned was she imagining or something?.

" any one there ?". Evie called out into the woods, her voice echoing through the trees. There was no response, just the soft rustle of leaves in the wind. She shrugged, initially thinking that it must have been her imagination playing tricks on her.

But as she turned her attention back to the sparkling stream, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching her. She became more aware of the stillness in the air, the absence of bird song, and an eerie sense of being surrounded by an unseen presence.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Evie stood up and cautiously wandered deeper into the woods. The trees seemed to close in around her, the shadows growing darker and more mysterious. She took one step, then another, hushed whispers brushing against her ears.

Just as Evie was about to retrace her steps and head back to the safety of her cottage, a voice emerged from the darkness, whispering in a melodic tone, "Be brave, Evie. Embrace the unknown."

Startled, Evie spun around, trying to locate the source of the voice. But all she could see were the towering trees and the winding path that seemed to stretch endlessly before her.

Heart pounding, Evie decided to follow the voice. It felt like a challenge, an invitation to confront her fears and step into a world of enchantment. With newfound determination, she forged ahead, guided by the elusive voice.

" you don't seem to be afraid of death ", a male voice said from behind her, Eve spunned around to see a tall man standing there. He had deep green eyes that seemed to hold a mystery of their own, and his dark hair was perfectly styled. He wore a black jacket that accentuated his confident demeanor.

His presence was both intriguing and slightly unsettling to Evie. She couldn't understand how he had appeared so suddenly, and his words sent a chill down her spine. But there was something about him that drew her in, that made her want to uncover his secrets.

" With a mix of caution and fascination, Evie approached the man. "Who are you? How do you know about me?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

The man looked at her as thou he was looking at an empty space some sort of rotten goods. " Everyone knows you , you are Genevieve Mothew recently moved from Finland, nothing so special about that ." the man said his voice sounded bored.

Eve felt a chill run down her spine , do everyone in Crest wood know her or is this man just bluffing, she had only moved into Crest wood three days ago , and is yet to meet anyone except Viola and violet.

" crest wood must be quite small since nothing goes on beyond the knowledge of the." Eve said.

The man didn't seem to want to sit and chat , " you should go back, it very dangerous for you in here especially since you are a.....

" a woman.? Eve filled in the blank space.

". I was going for something else, but that can also count, as a woman it dangerous to wander off in the woods, you were lucky to have come across a less vulgar one like me, but you can't always be lucky ".

Eve looked at him strangely, she looked around the woods, " what do you mean by vulgar on.... , Eve stopped halfway cause when she looked back the man was already gone, no trace of him any way nearby, Eve frowned , ' such an unruly man' she didn't even get to know his name, Eve return back to her cottage but also failed to see the pair of Eyes that followed her home..