
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Altair is in the adventure guild...?

"Hello Ayame." [Louis]

Louis-san greeted the guild's receptionist, she was a beautiful woman of the rabbit race having a body shape that would definitely make nine out of ten men glance at her, of course in this case I belong to the majority category. Although she's from the rabbit race she doesn't wear that outfit, instead she's currently wearing an adventure guild work uniform like the other receptionists. [Altair]

"Oh, Cup of tea is back, did the mission go well?" [Ayame]

"Regarding that..., is the guild master busy? I think I need to deliver this report directly to him." [Louis]

"Is the situation so complicated?" [Ayame]

"I have something important to tell him." [Louis]

"Alright, I'll try to ask him first if he has free time or not, wait here for a while." [Ayame]

"Ok." [Louis]

Not long after the receptionist left, she came back and led us to another room, where we could discuss without worrying about being overheard. [Altair]

In the room, there was already a middle-aged man sitting in one of the chairs. The man gave me a glance and looked back at Louis-san. Perhaps he is the leader of this guild. [Altair]

"So... what did you want to tell me, Louis? [Minato]

"Regarding that matter, Minato-san..." [Louis]

San? What's wrong with Louis-san? Why is he so tense when he talks to him?, oh I guess it's not just Louis-san who's tense here, all the party members are tense too, is this guild leader an irritable person? [Altair]

"Please sit down Louis, it's not nice if the person you're talking to is standing while you're sitting down, and the others can sit down too." [Minato]

"Thank you Minato-san." [Louis]

"Do I have to leave this room?" [Ayame]

"No need, this could be a new experience for you in the future." [Minato]

"In that case, I understand." [Ayame]

"Alright continue with that, what do you need to tell me Louis?" [Minato]

"Regarding the mission we received from the guild to investigate the irregularities in the Gomadan Dungeon on the third floor. We found the source of the problem, which turned out to be the Goblin King." [Louis]

"Goblin King!, The mystery of why the Goblins on that floor got more aggressive and strong was solved." [Ayame]

"But, I don't see anything in particular that makes you have to report this to me right away, with your party's current abilities I think you can easily defeat that Goblin King even though it will take a little time." [Minato]

"Time consuming? Didn't Louis-san and the others just take this mission yesterday, did anyone level up in the Cup of tea party to make this mission easier?" [Ayame]

"If it's only that one thing, you can talk to me, I'll make a report for the guild master to read it later." [Ayame]

"It's true that we managed to complete the mission faster than expected, but there was a problem with the Goblin King's corpse, which makes us wonder who did it." [Louis]

"What's wrong with the body? Did it undergo a mutation or something?" [Ayame]

"Please take a look at the photos and video documentation we took, Ayane showed her." [Louis]

"Here you go, have a look." [Ayane]

"What's wrong with this? I don't see any irregularities." [Ayame]

"Please look at this guild leader." [Ayame]

"Oh... Keeping you in this room was the right decision, having an incident like this will be a very valuable experience for you in the future." [Minato]

"So, it wasn't you guys who killed this Goblin King? Do you have any idea who did it? What about the organs, did you secure them?" [Minato]

"There are no clues at all, actually I want to ask the guild if there was a party of high-level adventurers entering that dungeon before our party, because the organ is currently in Ayane's storage." [Louis]

"A wise decision not to waste scarce materials, for the adventurer issue, we will try to find information from other guild branches. But these aren't the main topics you want to talk about, are they?" [Minato]

"Does that important matter have anything to do with that boy you brought?" [Minato]

"You're right, Minato-san, we found this boy in that dungeon, it was precisely Ryoma and Hikari who rescued him from the Goblin horde on the third floor of that dungeon, when I asked about the whereabouts of his other party members and his origins he didn't know anything about it." [Louis]

"Memory lapse? Was he one of the victims of that syndicate too, the news has been picked up again lately." [Minato]

"Our guess is also like that, Minato-san" [Louis]

"I didn't expect them to operate in our area. So... What did you want to discuss with me?" [Minato]

"I would like to ask you to keep Altair's identity a secret for the time being, I don't want this information to get out let alone reach the ears of the media." [Louis]

"Even from another branch guild?" [Minato]

"I only trust this guild because you lead it Minato-san" [Louis]

"It's a bit difficult for me to grant your request, Louis." [Minato]

"Is there no other way out, please Minato-san." [Louis]

Louis-san? Why are you so determined to keep me safe? [Altair]

"I don't think you need to go that far to protect me, Louis-san. Just being able to get out of that dungeon is enough to help me." [Altair]

"It's all right. Altair, as the leader of the party that discovered you, this is my responsibility." [Louis]

"Then Ryoma and I are also quite responsible for this matter. If there is anything we can help you with, don't hesitate to rely on us too Altair." [Hikari]

"Yup" [Ryoma]

"Hey hey it's not just you guys, right?, all the members of this party bear the responsibility together right?" [Miura]

There must be another reason why Louis-san is so eager to help me in this situation, but one thing is for sure, what he is doing right now looks very sincere from the bottom of his heart, I can see his gestures match what he says, unless he is an actor who is very good at playing his role. [Altair]

Regarding Louis-san's other members, of course when they said they wanted to help me, they all seemed very sincere as well. I guess this party leader trait rubs off on the members as well. [Altair]

"I didn't say it was impossible, did I?" [Minato]

"Uh, do you have a solution, Minato-san?" [Louis]

"I could have postponed the report, or even changed it slightly if I think it's not necessary to include in the archives." [Minato]

"Ooooh... Thank you very much Minato-san." [Louis]

"But before that you have to find a guardian for him, the identity problem can temporarily be solved using an adventurer's id card to avoid unwanted things." [Minato]

"Ayane... Can we temporarily adopt Altair as a distant relative?" [Louis]

"Of course Louis, our house still has some empty rooms to occupy." [Ayane]

"Altair can be our family for as long as he wishes, I have no problem." [Ayane]

"Louis-san, Ayane-san. Am I not too much trouble for you guys? Receiving too many favors without being able to return them makes me feel bad." [Altair]

"I told you that this is my duty as the leader of this party, didn't I?" [Louis]

"But-" [Altair]

"Never mind Altair, just accept help from Louis-san and Ayane-san, once that couple decides to help someone they will take responsibility until the matter is resolved. [Hikari]

"That's right Altair, don't forget there are also us who will help you if you need help. If you live in a place we can reach then we can meet anytime." [Kasumi]

"Louis-san is indeed an example of my ideal party leader, take it easy Altair if you feel bored in Louis-san's house I will drop by to treat your longing." [Miura]

Stop that Miura, you're giving me goosebumps. Who's going to miss you anyway? [Altair]

"Of course Altair won't miss you, surely he would rather have me and Ka-chan visit him than you Miura." [Hikari]

I guess this elf girl saw my facial expression that changed drastically without me trying to hide it at all. [Altair]

"Don't underestimate the bond between men, Hikari!." [Miura]

Miura, please don't make someone misunderstood, and also I don't want to have any ties to you. [Altair]

"Don't involve me in your forbidden relationship Hikari." [Kasumi]

"It's not that problem Ka-chan, I just want to keep Miura's influence away from Altair. By the way that relationship is not forbidden." [Hikari]

"Hooo, it turns out that Hikari admitted that the relationship was not forbidden, when I thought Hikari would not have such thoughts for her own little brother as she said before, right Ayane-san?". [Kasumi]

"Everyone will have their own spring Kasumi, we can't blame Hikari." [Ayane-san]

"Please stop all of this Ka-chan, Ayane-san. You guys keep teasing me non stop, I can't take it anymore." [Hikari]

"Ooooh Hikari has a brother coming in the spring?" [Miura]

"Hahaha, Miura never fails to amuse me, you have to answer Miura's questions, Hikari. Or would you rather have Altair answer them for you, Altair also knows what kind of person your little brother is, right?". [Kasumi]

It turns out that women in this world are the same as women in my home world, one of the topics they like to talk about is topics that have something to do with other people's relationships. [Altair]

"Hey Altair, what's Hikari's brother like, did you hear his features in the car on the way here?" [Miura]

"Stop that Miura, your voice is too loud, there are important matters that need to be discussed by Louis-san and the guild master." [Hikari]

"But... I was just following the flow of your conversation." [Miura]

"Enough Miura, pull yourself together, don't embarrass Louis-san any more than this." [Hikari]

"Eeeeeeh is it my fault?" [Miura]

"Ummm, please forgive the behavior of my party members, Minato-san" [Louis]

"No problem." [Minato]