
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Altair explored the Gomadan dungeon...?

"Ryoma did you record me fighting the goblin earlier?" [Altair]

"Right, do you mind?" [Ryoma]

"Hmmm, I feel a little uncomfortable, I also don't know your purpose for recording that fight." [Altair]

"Honestly, my main goal is to cure my curiosity, the other goal is to make this as proof to the guild that your present rank should be reconsidered, hopefully with this evidence you can rank up as soon as possible." [Ryoma]

"If you want to make more money, rank G won't give you any missions worth it, you'll just be wasting your time at that rank." [Ryoma]

"Then I don't mind you recording it, if with that I can rank up faster I can also take missions that can give more rewards." [Altair]

"Oh yeah, what are you curious about Ryoma?" [Altair]

"Of course on your ability, what else?" [Ryoma]

"?" [Altair]

"Hey, you think your ability is normal? At least I've never seen a G rank can easily defeat a big Slime or a Goblin General in their first battle." [Ryoma]

"The world is wide Ryoma, there might be people in other parts of the world who can do it better than me." [Altair]

"Which part of the world is that? Just hearing that makes me frightened." [Ryoma]

"By the way, before we go to the next floor, I will explain the situation first...." [Ryoma]

"I got it" [Altair]

On the fourth floor of this dungeon we will face Zombies, Zombies is one of the monsters that rarely hunted by adventurers, in addition to emitting a bad smell from their bodies, Zombies also have no valuable drops. For Ryoma Zombies are the monsters he want to avoid the most, not only Ryoma the entire race that has a sharper sense of smell than other races will certainly choose to avoid Zombies. [Altair]

"Uggh, the scent on this floor alone is so stinky." [Altair]

"Don't waste time Altair, follow me to the location of this floor guardian, we'll kill him right away." [Ryoma]

Ryoma, who I had always seen dealing with the situation calmly looked very uneasy as soon as we set foot on the fourth floor of this dungeon. [Altair]

"This time I'll help you defeat the Zombie Lord, don't let your guard down even if you manage to cut them into pieces, as long as their brains aren't destroyed they will survive." [Ryoma]

In this battle, Ryoma will help me from a distance using a throwing knife to reduce the number of Zombies near the Zombie Lord, the knife thrown by Ryoma hits the heads of the Zombies around the Zombie lord. [Altair]

After using skill boost to get behind Zombie Lord's I stabbed the dagger that Ryoma lent me on the back of the Zombie lord's head, aiming for his blind spot. Zombie Lord can't follow my movements at all. [Altair]

To make sure this Zombie lord is dead I cut the Zombie lord's head off his body then I kicked away the Zombie lord's body so that no surprise strikes would occur, what was left in my left hand now was just the head of this Zombie lord. His fate will certainly end here. [Altair]

"Altair, have you collected all the crystals dropped by the Zombie?" [Ryoma]

"I'm ready to go at any time." [Altair]

"Follow me to the next floor." [Ryoma]

. . .

After we arrived at the next floor or in other words the fifth floor of this dungeon, Ryoma's face softened.

"This time we are in the Direwolf area, the monsters on this floor have very good cooperation, besides that they also have high mobility. The Direwolf cooperation can defeat F and E rank parties if they are not careful." [Ryoma]

"Do we need to head to a certain place again?" [Altair]

"No need, you can hunt down some of the Direwolfes on this floor to find more crystals for you, I'll help you make it faster." [Ryoma]

"I'll leave that group of Direwolfes on the left to you Ryoma, I'll try to handle the one in front of us myself." [Altair]

"Before that, take out my smoke bomb from your storage, Altair. Just in case something bad might happens." [Ryoma]

"Smoke bomb, smoke bomb... well here it is, catch this smoke bomb Ryoma" [Altair]

"Alright." [Ryoma]

In addition to Slimes and Zombies, Direwolf is also the first monster I faced, this time the battle was not as easy as fighting Slimes or Zombies on the previous floor, Direwolf has a fairly agile movement and good reflexes. Even though I killed one of the herd, this group still tried to counterattack without losing direction or breaking formation. [Altair]

"Oii Ryoma, which one is the leader of the,-" [Altair]

Ryoma is focused on fighting his Direwolf group, I don't want to disturb his concentration. Once the group in front of me is settled, I'll ask Ryoma how to identify their leader. [Altair]


"Spinning kick"



"With this my part is done, what about Ryoma?" [Altair]

"It seem Ryoma's part is also about to be completed, I don't need to interfere him" [Altair]

Hmmm...? Is there another group over there? Hunting down one or two more groups is fine, right? Ryoma himself said that I could look for additional crystals on this floor. Alright, I'll finish it more faster. [Altair]

"Fireball" [Altair]

Fighting them using physical abilities alone is not bad as practice, but I don't have much time to serve all of them right now. I need to collect as many crystals as possible from these Direwolfes. I'm also a mage, trying out the attack power of the spells I've mastered is also practice for me. [Altair]

"Hooo... my attack was dodged by one of those Direwolfs, not bad either." [Altair]

Although their movements were quite agile but it was not enough to dodge the fireball spell that I cast, the Direwolf that dodged my spell did not mean it survived, just the impact of the explosion made it thrown far away and had difficulty to get up. [Altair]

"Wooof, awooooo~" [Direwolf]

"Awooooo" [Direwolf]

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make things difficult for you, if you hadn't dodged the spell like the rest of your friends, surely now you wouldn't feel that pain." [Altair]

"Fireball" [Altair]

I hope you'll be able to see your other friends soon, - oh it turns out that the Direwolf's last howl drove countless more Direwolfes pack come to this location. Good job, By doing those, will shorten my time to hunt the other. [Altair]

"Altair...?!!! What the hell is he doing there?" [Ryoma]

(I actually knew what he was doing, seeing Altair's ability made me feel like I was in a dream. I know Altair had two classes: Thief and Mage.) [Ryoma]

(The problem is that the way he casts spells is different from what I know, all the mages I've met take time to cast their spells even if it's a simple attack. But Altair doesn't do that, and another strange thing is Altair's mana, doesn't he run out of mana after casting that many spells without a break?) [Ryoma]

"Hahahaha hahaha hahaha, I wonder what Kasumi would think if she saw all of this. No, not just Kasumi, I wonder what everyone in the Cup of tea would think and react if they went on Altair's first mission in this dungeon." [Ryoma]

"Well I'll capture this moment so that you Cup of tea also can see the nonsense happening in front of me right now. Ah!! I forgot to remind Altair that the guardian of this floor will appear if the Direwolf is killed too much." [Ryoma]

"Hooi, Altair....!" [Ryoma]

Why is Ryoma rushing at me? [Altair]

"Oh. . . Ryoma, what's wrong?" [Altair]

"How many have you killed?" [Ryoma]

"I've lost count after I finished off the tenth pack" [Altair]

"That much in such a short period of time?, aaaaah. Forget that, there's something I forgot to tell you, this floor guardian will appear if you kill too many Direwolfes in the area." [Ryoma]

"Is he dangerous?" [Altair]

"The Direwolf Boss can use magic, he can use the wind element as a shield so that direct attacks don't hurt his body, maybe your attack can be deflected. If there's Louis-san or at least Miura to outwit him, maybe we can easily defeat the Direwolf Boss." [Ryoma]

"Sorry Altair, I can't fight this floor boss directly, I think we should escape from here right now." [Ryoma]

"Ummm, is the Direwolf boss you're referring to that?" [Altair]

"Ah! We're already late, I'll distract them using smoke bombs, we'll escape from this floor immediately after I throw these smoke bombs in various directions." [Ryoma]

"Wait, wait a minute Ryoma." [Altair]

"What else is there to say? We don't have much time." [Ryoma]

"I don't want to waste our hard work, I haven't even picked up the crystals from the Direwolf we killed on this floor. If the number of pack Direwolfes around the Direwolf Boss is all that matters, I can solve it with my spell. What remains is the Direwolf Boss itself." [Altair]

"Are you sure? Don't you feel tired after using that many spells? I didn't bring any mana potions along with my equipment" [Ryoma]

"I don't feel tired at all, I can still do this all day, regarding the Direwolf Boss, I'll do something, after all the elements I'm good at aren't just fire." [Altair]

"If you're confident, I'll leave the floor guardian to you. I'll secure an escape route in case anything bad happens." [Ryoma]

"Leave it to me." [Altair]