
Trapped in a Fantasy World

~CONTAINS PROFANITY- read at your own discretion~ My name is, well... was Melanie. Let me tell you a little about myself before the 'big change.' I grew up being less than average my whole life. I was not the pretty, popular girl at school. In other words, I am a NOBODY. Because of this, I devoted my life to books and worked at a local bookstore. Everything changed when we received a batch of old donated items, something seemed... off. I suddenly fainted when I opened one of the donated books. What's going on? Where am I? and why is there such an attractive demon emperor in front of me ready to kill me?! ______________________________________________ Since reincarnation/fantasy books are usually targeted for a younger audience (teen-young adult), this will be an easy-to-read book. Simple and casual. I update daily~ Volume 1 is finished and will soon work on volume 2. Thank you for your support. The book cover illustration and original characters belong to me.

amarag2020 · Fantaisie
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103 Chs


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Marina laid down next to me as she read the last few pages of the "Tower Princess."

"And then, the prince and the Princess lived happily ever after, the end. What a wonderful book! I love happy ending books, right, Princess? This will be you one day! Saved by a handsome, tall prince on his white horse. Blah blah blah…"

Ugh, I can feel my blood pressure rise when you blab on like that, Marina. You finished the book, let me rest. My body quickly grew heavy, and my eyelids felt like boulders. Before I knew it, I was in a deep state.

Where am I? Why am I running inside… is this the imperial palace? I seem… taller? Whoa! What is that loud noise? Why is there so much screaming? Why is there thunder and heavy rain outside? Is this a war?! I can see the emeralds, knights, fighting against other knights. Who are they? Are we being invaded? Everything is so blurry and moving so quickly.

"Amara!? Amara" Who's calling my name?! Oh no! The ceiling is falling! Ah! I have to get out here! "Amara!"I need to follow the sound of my name. Who keeps calling me? "Oh my …. Daddy?! DADDY! NO! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH BLOOD? DADDY, PLEASE GET UP!"I saw the emperor's lifeless body on the floor in his own blood puddle. Who is this pale man with blonde hair and blue eyes, holding a bloody sword in front of me?! His eyes are violent, full of rage...this man is not human. The pale figure lifted his sword, and my vision turned red.

"WUAAHHH!!!"I cried out loud with tears streaming down my face.

"Princess! Are you doing alright? Oh my, you must have had a bad dream! Sunshine bright, moonlight dawn, let the stars that sparkle so brightly. May the Gods bring warmth and prosperity to your slumber." Marina sang the lullaby as she held me in her arms.

What was that? Why am I shaking so much!? That dream… No, that nightmare felt so real. That trashman was dead on the floor, surrounded by his own blood. Who was that young man with the bloody sword?! His eye color… was piercing blue, like a wolf. Unrealistic even… I have never seen an eye color like that. Ugh, my head.

"Do you feel better, Princess? How about a nice calming bath? You are drenched in sweat, my Princess. Let me get the maids to prepare your bath."

After my bath, I sat quietly in front of the fireplace. I can feel my body get heavier. Something about that nightmare made me emotionally depressed. That bastard of a father hates my guts. Why was he calling for me so desperately? Why was I in so much agony when I saw him on the floor? If anything, I should be thanking that man.

"Princess, I heard you had a nightmare and are still feeling a bit under the weather."

YIKES! Chancellor! I mean, cousin! I mean… ugh… why am I so jumpy today? This is not good for my health.

"Indeed, having nightmares are not good for one's health." He smiled as he sat next to me.

You have got to stop reading my mind. Seriously, that is like, the first rule in etiquette 101.

He chuckled and grabbed my hands while facing me.

"I read minds as part of my royal gift, Princess. We all have a special ability. It is what makes us, royal blood. Only those who are of Giodivonian blood have it. Once you have your awakening, you will have a special ability as well."He explained.

"That being said, I cannot control my mind-reading abilities. However, if I avoid eye contact- I cannot read anyone's thoughts."

I pouted and looked the other way, closing my eyes.

"I will respect your decision then, Princess. However, I want to help you. Can you tell me about the nightmare you had?"

I looked at our linked hands and thought for a bit.

Should I even tell him? I honestly do not want to relive that nightmare. I've seen and read many horror movies in my time. However, this is at a whole different level. It was far too realistic for me to even call it a nightmare. It was... like an out-of-body experience.

I looked at him and nodded.

"Good. Okay, Princess, I want you to relax and look at me and only me. That is all you have to do. You ready?"

I nodded and began to focus as we both stared at each other.

After a few minutes, he sighed and gently placed my hands on my lap.He smiled and patted my head. I looked at him with confusion.

Okay? Are you going to tell me? Or were you just trying to be nosy? Does he know something and doesn't want to say to me or worry about me.

He got up from the chaise lounge and walked towards the fireplace with his hand covering his mouth. He quickly turned around, changing his facial expression.

"I have wonderful news, Princess. His majesty and the grand commander reported this morning that Julendour is now conquered, and fully converted as part of Giodivonia. They will arrive in two weeks. In the meantime, it will be quite busy as we will be preparing a festival for their victory and safe return. Bless the Sun, moon, and stars that shine brightly upon the Giodivonia empire."He said with confidence.

Why do they keep mentioning the Sun and stars? I mean, I've read a few fantasy books in my time where they say this slogan or phrase that belongs to each kingdom. But what does it have to do with stars and the moon?

"I will make sure you keep the monthly budget as it is now, Princess. I will raise the monthly budget yearly. As you get older, you will need teachers, jewels, supplies, etc. After meeting such a lovely princess, you deserve so much more than what you have now."He said as he walked away.

I am proud to announce that I have a very talented and experienced artist create an original character-based book cover for this novel.

This will give current/future readers a glimpse/idea of how the emperor and child-princess Amara will look like.

We are putting a lot of effort and time to come up with the best quality original characters description book cover.

It will take time for the final product, but I believe that the artist will do her/his best. - Until next time~

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