
Chapter 1: Dating Sim Starts

I am Lee Hyun Seuk and I am just a typical nobody who loves playing games. I suddenly died overplaying all night.

I woke up standing to the entrance on the gate of the school then a text message show up. "Welcome to the Dating Sim".

Finally I reincarnated in a another world!!! Lee Hyun Seuk feels excited. The text message show another message. "To be Guided Please Read the Guides below".

Guide Skip

Who cares about the Guide? I press skip. "I hope you will have a great time good luck, *wink emoji* *whisper* I hope you will have a happy ending. Then the system glitch out.

*Bell rangs*

Phew I finally made it to my class. Now where I can be seated? Lee Hyun Seuk decided to sit to near the window as what every protagonist always does.

The teacher comes, Good morning class **** **** Lee Hyun Seuk didn't even bothered to listen and decided to take a look on his classmates.

Eun Ri

Heart Status: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Serious type, loves to eat Pudding

Hana Sang

Heart Status: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Shy type, likes to be alone

Chang Joon

Heart Status:🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Athletic type, likes to run a lot

Seong Min

Heart Status: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Glasses type, loves to read books

Something object coming to Lee Hyun Seuk and hit him. Ouch!!!

Teacher: Why are you not paying attention to the class Lee Hyun Seuk?

The class starts to laugh at him

Lee Hyun Seuk: Sorry Teacher!!!

*Bell rangs* (Lunch Break)

I should go to the cafeteria, while Lee Hyun Seuk is Lining up. Lee Hyun Seuk watch some commotion from afar.

Student 1: Ma'am your food doesn't even taste good.

Old Lady: You should watch your mouth kid!

Student 1 spill the food to the ground with his gang are laughing together.

Old Lady could not handle it anymore and throws a butcher knife to the Student 1.

The whole Cafeteria was shocked.

Wait wait wait.... Did some just Died? I though this world is just a Dating Sim World.

I-I need t-to run. Lee Hyun Seuk run quickly but the cafeteria door is already locked. The old Lady keep killing until it saw Lee Hyun Seuk.

N-No Noooooooo!!!!!!

*You Died*