
Trapped And Adventure In Another Dimension

A student in modern times is trapped in a different world with a girl. He must fight with the girl to survive, and find a way to return to where they came from. Obstacle after obstacle was traversed by these man and girl. Lots of new challenges, beautiful places and new creatures with different appearances they meet in that world. Will they be able to return to their original world, or will they stay there?

Lanstra_Magi · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Panic Brutalll

The atmosphere on the bus was very lively, many students were singing and talking to each other. Inside the bus, there were two empty seats each, but inside almost all the seats were occupied by students from their classmates. Vania continues to walk past her classmates' seats to look for an empty seat, while looking left and right, until Vania reaches the end of the bus and she meets Neman's eyes for a moment, Vania's atmosphere becomes tense like the position of a deer being stalked by the lion.

"What are you looking at, huh?!!" said Neman while glaring at Vania in a fierce tone.

Vania didn't answer, she shook her head from right to left indicating to Neman that she didn't mean anything.

"Vania, sit here with me," said someone from the side who was waving his hand back and forth to calling Vania. Vania immediately approached someone who called her.

There was no one next to her chair except for the bag she had put, the aim being to let the others know that the chair was already meant for her friend. She was sitting alone by the window of the bus so she could breathe in the fresh air from the window.

Vania then moved closer to sit next to her. Instantly, Vania's friend immediately took her bag, because Vania wanted to sit with her. The bag that was placed was intended to wait for Vania's arrival.

Vania sat down and put her bag between her legs.

"Why did you have to choose the seat over here?" I don't like sitting next to the bench with a loser who dares to be with a weak person," said Vania to Bella. The loser in question by Vania is Neman.

"It can't be helped, Vania, you saw for yourself, the seats in front have been filled with everyone else. Only two empty seats are available here," Bella replied.

"Yeah, it's okay then," said Vania with annoyance, her brows furrowed.

Bella looked at Vania, her eyes focused on Vania's black eye bags. "Vania, your eye bags a look little black, what happened?"

"Ehhh? Does it look so obvious?" asked Vania.

"It's not too black, it just looks a little black. Why is it so black?" Bella continued to ask.

"So, it's like this, I haven't slept since last night, holding back my sleep until now, that's why my eyes are like this. I forgot that there was a camp event today, that's why I stayed up late last night watching a movie."

Bella laughed. "You're weird, Vania, how can you forget about today, I just can't wait to get there quickly." Bella smiled a little. "They said it was a beautiful place there, so I was really excited."

Bella is a very close classmate of Vania's. They always want to be in groups when there are group assignments given by their teachers.

"Hoammm~" Vania yawned. "I'm really sleepy Bella, I can't hold my sleep anymore," said Vania, who was removing her glasses while slowly rubbing her eyes.

"Well, just sleep, the journey is still far and will take hours. I will wake you up when we already get there.

"Okay, thanks Bella, I'm going to sleep."

Vania closed her eyes. No need to wait long, only a few minutes after Vania closed her eyes, Vania fell asleep immediately.

Several hours had passed after Vania fell asleep. The bus that the students took to go to the forest where their destination had arrived. The students started to leave the bus door.

"Vania! Vania!" Bella tried to wake Vania from her sleep with her hands holding Vania's shoulders and then rocking her hard repeatedly. "Come on, wake up, we have arrived at our destination."

Vania woke up a little, her vision was a little blurry and her body was a little weak because she had just woken up from sleep.

"We have arrived, Bella?" asked Vania, she removed her glasses, then rubbed her eyes with her hand.

"Yeah, we've arrived, the others are already out and lined up."

Vania stood up, then she took and put on the bag that was lying under her feet. "Okay, come on."

The two of them walked out through the bus door, then lined up and followed the line of her class. The class teacher began to attend to his students.

The class teacher started to attend to his students starting with the geeky boy with glasses in the front row.

"Anton Wilbur."

"Yes Sir?"

"Come here," said the teacher who ordered the student to come forward.

Anton walked to the front of his teacher, past his classmates who are lining up.

"Where's your cell phone?" asked the teacher.

Anton was surprised and confused. "What's my phone for sir?" Anton asked while taking out his cellphone from his right trouser pocket.

"This is my cell phone sir." Anton showed his cell phone to the teacher. Then he asked again, "For what you bring my cell phone sir?"

The teacher took Anton's cellphone from his hand, then put it in his own trouser pocket.

Anton, who had just taken his cellphone by the teacher, was surprised. He thought, is this a confiscation of cellphone. If it is true that there is a confiscation of cellphones, Anton will have no problem with it, because he is an indie kid who likes to enjoy the silence of the forest at night.

I'm sorry, but I have to confiscate all of your cellphones, gadgets, and electronic devices. What's the point of it? ... The point is, is that you can enjoy this camping atmosphere more, without using any gadgets at all," said the teacher telling all the students in his class.

"Anton, go back to the line."

Anton nodded and returned to his line.

Neman chuckled seeing what Anton did. "Look at your lil brother, Max, he's very innocent."

"No no no, the truth is that he is your real brother," Max replied, he also laughed.

"Ohh, starting dare to mock back huh?"

Joshua cut them off. "Hey dude, don't be loud ... if our cellphones really will be confiscated, seriously, It wouldn't be fun."

"Huh, it can't be like that Sir, we want to take a picture later when we already reach the mountain," protested one of the students who didn't accept that confiscation.

"Yeah, right, we want to take a picture and update a story when we already get there. What's the point of we going traveling if we not put it on the story," said a female student from the class.

"We are not on vacation, kid," explained the teacher.

Another classmate was protesting, "What if I'm bored and want to play games on my cellphone, sir? I need entertainment when I'm bored, I also—"

"Sir Sir Sir!" one of the students cut off the conversation of the student who was talking before, in a rather loud tone. "How about listening to music later, Sir? We need entertainment, we want to sing together on there later."

"Ohh, calm down about that, okay, later at the camp it will be more fun and very crowded, because we will sing together with guitars accompanied by a bonfire. Anyway, it would be very fun." The teacher tried to calm the students.

"But still, sir, we need a cell phone there, sir, for GPS."

"That's right."

"Ohh, come on guys, this is a forest, it won't be cool if we play a cellphone on there. We have to enjoy the serenity of this forest in an indie and lively way accompanied by a cup of coffee ..."

"Indie indie, your father's nutmeg is indie ... I have a secret document in my cellphone, that's why I jumpy." One of the students who were lined up there became annoyed. The atmosphere on there turned chaotic.

"I also want to watch the movie that I downloaded later ..."

It looks like the students are protesting because their cellphones will be confiscated. The atmosphere in the class was chaotic, they shouted at each other which caused the atmosphere to become noisy.

"Delete that video in your gallery now guys!!!" One of the students in his class shouted. For some reason after the boy shouted, the other students rushed to check their HP again.

"I want to learn on cellphone with the calm of the forest, Sir..."

"Noo! I have to call my mommy after I arive in there ..."

"Shut up!!!" the teacher shouted loudly in a very loud tone.

His loud voice was heard throughout the other classes who were lining up as well.

"Shut up everyone!" The initially noisy atmosphere filled with protests by the students of the class then became silent after the teacher shouted to stop the chaos in his class.

"We're not here just to have fun, remember that. We're here for the purpose of learning ... after this camping is over all of you will definitely get additional points. Anyway, you don't have to worry about being lost or anything because of the paths in this forest is not too misleading. And you guys don't worry either, it's going to be fun there, trust me."

That gadget confiscation was not only carried out in Vania's class, all students in other classes were forced to hand over their cellphones to their respective class representatives too.

"Continue to the topic, okay, next ... Ryan Austin, come here," the teacher continued to order his students to come forward and hand over their cellphones to be confiscated during the camping.

"I remind you once again, if someone is caught lying and hiding the cell phone, I will deduct your 60 points from my subjects. If your score is 100, it will be 40. And if your score is 40, it will be -20 ... I will use that -20 to deduct your other subject points, maybe math or something else."

Some of the students gulped their saliva out of fear. Several students who had previously prepared to hide their cellphones in socks, in shoes, etc, then refused to do it after hearing what they teacher said.

The students kept taking turns handing over their cellphones to be confiscated, according to a random call from the teacher. Until it was Vania's turn to hand over her cellphone.

"Vania Callista, come here," the teacher called.

Hearing her name being called, Vania come forward and hand over her cellphone to the teacher. After Vania handed over on her cellphone, Vania returned to the previous row next to Bella.

"Okay, next is Ella Myla," the teacher called.

Ella Myla walked over to hand over her cellphone to the teacher, just like her classmate did.

"Hey, Josh," Neman called out to Joshua while nudging to get his response.

"Hmm, what is it?" asked Joshua in a whisper.

"Hide my cellphone," whispered Neman to Joshua who was lined up next to him.

"Oh shit, you can't do that, Neman, you can't cheat like this, I just gave my cellphone to the teacher earlier. Your cellphone must also be handed over to the teacher too." Joshua whispered with furrowed brows.

"Oh come on, Josh, please help me one more time, you know that I can't really get away from my cellphone right?" Neman still forces Joshua to help him hide his cellphone.

"Don't, Neman, what if you get caught? I'm afraid that I'll be punished too if you get caught." Joshua became nervous.

"Ahh, shut up, I don't care Josh." Neman ignored Joshua's chatter.

Then Neman opened Joshua's bag without his permission and then put his cellphone into Joshua's bag. Joshua who knew that could only surrender and let it be.

Vania's line and their line were next to each other. The distance between Vania and them was quite close, so Vania could see Neman hiding his cellphone in Joshua's bag. Vania who saw that chose not to interfere with their affairs and preferred to pretend not to know.

"Neman Alvaro." The teacher called, it was Neman's turn to go forward and hand over his cellphone.

"Y-yes Sir, I'm here," Neman reply.

"Come here you."

Neman walked past his class line. The eyes of his classmates focus on Neman who walked over to the teacher who was standing waiting in front of the line.

When Neman got there, the teacher asked Neman about his cellphone. "Neman, where's your cellphone?

"I don't bring it, Sir."

"Don't liee, there's no way a young person like you doesn't bring a cellphone to school."

"Seriously Sir, I left my cellphone at home. Because I was in a hurry to go to school until I forgot that my cellphone was still in the room." His body was sweating which indicated he was nervous. His eyes stared at the Master in front of him, with a slight smile on his lips to make the teacher in front of him think that he was not hiding anything.

"Why is your body sweating, Neman?" asked the teacher with furrowed brows, putting on a suspicious look.

"Don't you dare lie to me! I don't care even if you're the principal's son. If you lie, I'll really punish you," said the teacher with firm.

"I didn't lie Sir, I'm not hiding anything, seriously." Neman replied. He forced a smile, faking a smile to appear calm.

The teacher stepped closer to Neman. His hands then groped the body, feet, until check Neman's shoes. After finishing groping to check if it was true that Neman had not hidden his cellphone, the teacher continued his actions by checking all the pockets, starting from the shirt pocket, trouser pocket, until the other pockets were checked.

Feeling dissatisfied, the teacher forcibly took Neman's bag which he was carrying. He then looked inside Neman's bag to see if there was a cellphone or other gadget in the bag belonging to the young man in front of him.

After finishing the inspection and not finding a cellphone or other electronic device, the teacher returned the bag he had just checked to Neman. "I'm confused, how can a young man in this era forget important things like a cellphone."

"If I'm not in a hurry, I'll definitely bring it, Sir, it's impossible for me to intentionally forget something as important as that, hehe," Neman chuckled, he was happy, relieved to have succeeded in lying to his teacher.

"Well then, go back to the line."

"Okay sir." Neman walked back to the back row next to Joshua.

Neman had reached Joshua's side. Joshua looks at Neman with a smile on her lips.

Neman smirked. "See? Nothing happened right?"

Joshua shook his head with a smile, moving his head back to look ahead.