
Transported with My House and an Online Shop System

When he wakes up, His life is going to change -- English is not my main language and Cover is not mine. the cover is his looks -- Expect some cliche line and story

Kogokuru · Anime et bandes dessinées
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A Sudden Big Mission (Update)

10 days later.

I Become famous because of these 10 days, I got a lot of high ranking job done. I do my mission, Solo. Some group tries to invite me but I sense some malice from them so I politely refused.

I defeat a pack of Star wolf, Red Kobold, High Red Orc, and a black Wyvern. Everyone thought that I become such a rookie monster that they Nickname me the White Comet. Oh my god, that's an embarrassing nickname. even though you guys say it's cool it's embarrassing for me, Even Ruildo sometimes calls me that.

I used more of my Jutsu and slash them with just a Chidori sword. Sharingan is just evolved into 3 tomoe yesterday. I level up nicely too.

I and Leah are already friends and I keep close acquaintance too with Hanari.

I also meet Velde. when I have done my bath and leaving wearing my Gucci T-shirts and sports pants plus shoes, Velde immediately excited and said to me to sell my clothes. I just sigh at that time and give brand new clothes to Velde but with a different brand. He thanked me by giving me 10 gold coins and 1 platinum because apparently, my hoodie went popular in another Kingdom and some nobility in here.

Oh and this is my status now.

[ Status

Name: Haruto William

Age: 18

Race: Celestial White Bear.

Bloodline: Celestial Bear, Uchiha.

Title: Otherworlderer, Goblin Slayer.

Lv: 41

Hp: 82.850

Mp: 78.719

Skill: Online Shop (???), King Howl (S), Celestial Beast Instinct (S), Super strength (A), Lightning Agility (S), Bear Palm (B), Dismantling Expert (A), Sword Mastery (S), Cooking Expert (A), Heal (S), Inventory(???), Lightning Jutsu (C-S), Fire Jutsu(C-S), Rasengan All type (S-SS), Sharingan (3 tomoe)(S), Perfect Mana Control (SS), Perfect Drawing Skill (S) ]

It's getting harder to level up.

I pay 5 silver coins for another 10 days lodging to Leah. I am going to the adventurer guild with my usual hoodie and pants but Ruildo suddenly calls me.

"Hey! Haruto! Come here for a moment and follow me!"Ruildo said. I just nod and follow him.

We then go to a room where there is Hanari that currently sitting there.

"Haruto, You're performance doing a high-rank job these days is excellent. It's very impressive considering you just do it in the span of more than a week" Ruildo compliment me.

"Thank you for the compliment but what's the reason you call me here? I assumed it's something serious" I said.

"Well, I want you to escort a family with someone. It's a big job. You have to escort them to Branham Kingdom" Ruildo said. I am surprised by the sudden event.

"Why is it just 2 people that escort them? Isn't it better to escort a lot more people? and why was I chosen among all the blue rank or better yet why not hire a red rank?" I asked.

"The red rank adventurer is all currently scatter and some of them is in Veritas and Branham. you're the best guy among the Blue rank so that's why we choose you. and you're not going alone. there are 10 soldiers and a captain who also going to keep you company" Hanari said.

"Wait, soldier? Who is it that I have to guard?" I asked.

"Why of course, The Royal Family of Alithians" Ruildo said. He just drops the biggest job on here.

"How come I am being chosen to be guarding the Royal Family? Shouldn't you be the one who guards them since you're the guild master and a silver rank?" I asked

"It's actually a secret trip because the Royal Family wants to play with the Branham Royal Family. and One of their cousins is there so They want to visit them" Ruildo said.


I am just speechless. Is it okay to be this carefree? I don't think I ever heard of a Royal family that secretly going on a trip just to play.

"I know what your thinking. they are that carefree... even me and the captain knight sometimes sighs at the king's behavior. But don't worry, The king is an upright person and does take his job seriously" Ruildo said.

"...Alright then, I accept. where are the meeting points?"

"This is the location, It's on this paper. There is a secret gate for Royalty only" Ruildo said.

"How far from here to the Branham Kingdom?" I asked.

"It's 5 days from here. The Royalty Carriage is actually had a high-quality carriage that runs by magic stones. It's a horseless carriage" Ruildo said.

"When is the departure time?" when I asked that Ruildo suddenly become nervous

"...Tomorrow. I can give you a normal carriage with your partner later since it's going to be quite a long journey" Ruildo said. I am in shock since it's so sudden

"...No, That's okay. I can bring my own "carriage" since I have one. and it's horseless as well, But Ruildo-san. That's too sudden you know!" I glare at him. Ruildo glance at Hanari and make eye contact to help him, but she just ignores that and answers with a glare that said 'It's your own fault. you're on your own'.

He sweatdrops and said, "W-Well, I was going to tell you yesterday, B-But I am busy with paperwork and D-drinking my problems away..." Ruildo mumbled that. This is the stupidest thing I ever heard. now I am pissed at him.

I get up as my muscles bulge up. I crack my knuckles and Ruildo realizes that he fucked up.

"S-Sorry Haruto-san!" He bowed and apologize.

"Leah told me that if you do something stupid then I can punch you. Don't worry It won't take too long" I smiled evilly. now Ruildo is really nervous.

"Hanari-san, Please get out and make sure it's locked as well" I said to her.

"Alright, Haruto-san. But please don't take too long. he got an appointment and some paperwork to do so I give you 15 minutes" Hanari said. that encourages me to beat him up even more as I powered up.

"H-Hey Hanari! Don't encourage him! Help me!" Ruildo said as he begs her but Hanari just smiles coldly at him. Hanari is now out of the room.

a second later She heard a loud wailing and punching from the room.

'Sigh~ Such an idiot guild master. you do this over and over to some red rank. you get away with it every time but you finally had Karma coming to you. Thank you, Haruto' Hanari thought as she claps her hand. his wailing in pain can be heard in the whole guild. some of the adventurers as her what's going on and she said,

"it's fine, It's the Guild Master Karma" well that makes everyone's worries disappeared.

After 15 minutes I get out of the room satisfied while Ruildo is now full of bruised.

"well, you can bring your carriage. I'll tell your partner later" Ruildo said. I nod and said goodbye.

I walked to Daisy Inn and told Leah that I am going on a sudden trip to Branham Tomorrow. Leah is a little sad but she just smiles and said to bring some souvenirs. I then got back to my room and check the online shop.

I want to buy a car. I know it doesn't make sense but since there is a sudden mission it can't be helped. I bought a Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo, An Electric Futon, an Unlimited Battery Stone because my car is electric. I also bought some paper and a drawing pencil for my entertainment on the road. The total is 23 Million yen.


The next day.

I get up and quickly get ready myself since it's time. I checked out and Leah said that if I come back again, my stay is still going to be 10 days. I thanked and hug her which makes her blush heavily. I grin and said bye to her.

"Bye Leah!"

"Bye Bye Haruto! Don't forget to visit alright!" Leah said as I nod. I run to the secret location and finally met Ruildo who still had some bruises and a blond hair girl with a magician robe and staff. she looks exactly like Kirisaki Chitoge from Nisekoi.

"Hey, Ruildo-san. Sorry I am a little bit late"

"No. You're not late, we're just too early" Ruildo said.

"Is that girl my companion for this trip?"

"Yes, she is. Come on introduce yourself" Ruildo said. she then introduces herself.

"M-My name is Elena. A-A Red Rank adventurer. N-Nice to meet you" Elena said while stuttered.

"My name is Haruto. A Blue Rank adventurer. Nice to meet you senpai" I bowed to Elena.

"E-Ehh?! Y-You don't need to bow! P-Please raise your head!" She panicked when I bowed so I stop it.

"A-And don't need to call me senpai. W-We're in the same age. I heard from the guild master your 18" Elena said.

"Oh... If you don't mind then I call you Elena. Please take care of me on this journey" I smile while pulled out my hand. She is relieved a little bit.

Then we shake a hand and she answers "L-Like wise Haruto. Please take care of me too"

"Where's your carriage, Haruto? I don't see you bring it" Ruildo asked.

"It's in my inventory" I said. That shocked Elena.

"Eh?! You have Inventory Skill?! and That big?!" Elena said.

"Elena, He is the one that rumored who beat a Black wyvern alone and suddenly taking it out on the warehouse" Ruildo said

"So that's him?! but why would you still kept him at blue rank?!" Elena said.

"It's because there is going to be troublesome news. But since he beat the black wyvern, I am not going to worry about that anymore. Haruto Here is a paper for your rank up to red rank. just give them to the receptionist there in Branham" Ruildo said as he gives it to me

"Thank you so much Ruildo-san" I said.

a horseless carriage and the soldier arrived. I finally going to meet the royal family.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kogokurucreators' thoughts