
Transmigration Transformation: Trash To Interstellar Treasure

Wen Yu had been a homebody all his life. He'd lost both of his siblings when he was two which prompted his parents to raise him in a metaphorical glass cage. Due to being shielded all his life, it was so easy for him to fall to the schemes of others and he lost his life at the hands of his cousin and so called best friend. The next time Wen Yu gained consciousness, he was inexplicably transmigrated into a futuristic universe by an unknown entity, where the stronger ruled over the strong. Faced with a universe filled with, Mechas, spiritual power and being born in a military family to the most talented general of the Federation, Wen Yu quickly discovered that he could no longer be the pampered young master that he once was -especially when he was born with a body with extremely low aptitude. Sigh. This is BxB, MxM, Bl, Yaoi. In case that wasn't clear enough. Gong mc. Author here: I can't design sh*t so I got the cover photo from pinterest credits to owner

Melted_Ore · LGBT+
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54 Chs


The next day, the Lingxiu kids were gathered in the field once more. They were incensed and ready to set off to drag the faces of those Feng kids through the mud!

It was all their fault their second assessment was shortened. They hadn't started the challenge yet but they were sure things wouldn't be so simple. Why didn't those Feng busybodies just remain in their Fang Federation and choose now of all times to show up?!

The total number of cadets present were around two hundred. Kids with high spirit potential were really few and this number was already impressive.

The Spirit master instructed that they group themselves into forty teams of five and the pre-enrolled cadets began running around to ensure they roped in powerful teammates.

They were informed the day before that the group who made the most catch amongst themselves could skip the last assessment and get directly enrolled! Such a wonderful deal, who wouldn't want it?

They might loathe the Feng idiots for landing them in this situation but this opportunity was also too good to miss!

The first choice of many was Han Zihao's group that had him, Xie Weida and another powerful little girl but before they could rush over, the last two spots were grabbed by two more elites.

Some of them had heard of how powerful Wen Yu was but refrained from going over to him because he seemed to have a good relationship with those three roommates of his and would definitely choose them.

He also had a sister too. Ah why was it so hard to mingle with the strong? The kids lamented.

While a lot of kids tactfully avoided Wen Yu's group, they were some kids who had no concept of tact and still tried to rope him in, one of those kids being Fu Ting.

"Hey Wen kid. The rumours seem to say you're quite okay. What do you think about teaming with me and my friends hmm?"

Wen Yu: '...' Doesn't the kid's face hurt from this amount of shamelessness? Even if he wanted to group with people other than his roommates whom he was fairly familiar with, would he choose someone who constantly looked for chances to quarrel with him at every turn?

Wen Yu just ignored the little fool and beckoned Wen Lin over. Qi San and Huo Lan had already expressed their willingness to be grouped with him and Duyi was expressionless as always so he just assumed the kid had no qualms about grouping with them too.

He had to think of a way to get them the top spot. Directly cutting off the last assessment and getting into Lingxiu was like a pie from the sky. Strength-wise, his group seemed to be far behind the Han kid's group.

So he had to somehow make up for it with a different strategy. Rather than randomly killing the selected spirit beasts, making use of traps to catch them in large numbers would be more effective. But then, what kind of traps would be efficient against these well nourished spirit beasts?

"Wen kid! Did you not hear me?!"

"Tsk. What are you being so noisy for? Can you not see you're being ignored? Do you like disgrace that much?" Qi San finally erupted as he picked his ear with his meaty pinky.

How could anyone be so shameless?! The Xie Weida and Han Zihao he was always bending over backwards for did not even think twice before ditching him and choosing better teammates.

What made the kid think they'd take him in? He really had no self awareness. How useless.

"No need to get angry, " Fu Beiyong who was behind Fu Ting placated. "Anyways, is it okay if I join your group? After all, we are all roommates."

Fu Ting and Qi San: '...'

Wen Yu couldn't even bear to stare at these kids for a minute longer and directly walked away with Wen Lin to think about his own pressing issue of catching more spirit beasts.

Duyi only bothered to stand with these kids because of Wen Yu who he had automatically deemed as his benefactor. After Wen Yu walked out he too, walked off to who knows where.

Only Huo Lan and Qi San remained. Both boys looked to Fu Beiyong with disgusted sneers. Now he knew they were roommates? When he was busy mingling with those high nosed elites and looking down on them, did he not know they were roommates?

The moment Qi San was about to refute with bitter tasting words, Huo Lan dragged him and walked away. Trying to talk sense into those two was pointless. They were only after benefits. Once they got what the wanted, they wouldn't hesitate before sacrificing everyone else!

They were truly cousins, both scums!

The pre-enrolled cadets soon finished selecting their team members and registered each of their names. This would make it easier for their catch to be catalogued.

Now they only needed to scan the QR code attached to the neck of the spirit beasts by the Spirit masters from both Academies the day before.

This would directly tally their kill under their team and prevent others from stealing and claiming the glory for their kills.

If others managed to snatch their kill before they scanned it was a different issue. Then they would only have themselves to blame for being weak.

There was no way the Spirit masters from both Academies would have been able to put QR tags on all the spirit beasts on such short notice so for those without tags, pulling out their cores was okay too.

The cadets didn't have to fear others stealing the cores of the beasts they had previously scanned as the moment the QR tag was scanned, the spirit beast would disintegrate into nothingness.

Nobody cared about the cores of such low leveled spirit beasts although the question of if they could safeguard the cores till the end of the challenge was a different issue.

The various teams from both Academies were soon ready to set off. They would be spending the entire week in the wilds of Planet Dongwu so each team had their supplies prepared. Both of food, water and hex stones.

Although the supplies for food and water were just vials of nutrient solution. It contained all the vitamins and minerals required by the body so they didn't necessarily have to eat real food.

They were kids and couldn't cook their own meals after all.

As they all waited for the gates to be opened, Wen Yu happened to glance around and locked eyes with Han Zihao.

The kid sneered at him and the challenge in his eyes could not be mistaken.

'...' Wen Yu looked away as he rolled his eyes inwardly.

Whatever the annoying kid was planning had nothing to do with him. He only wanted to catch spirit beasts and move on.

Their paths didn't even have to cross so why waste each other's time?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. xoxo

Melted_Orecreators' thoughts