
Chapter 1, part 3.

In the escape route for the four village children from the Knights' pursuit.

Natan, Luna, Arc, and Tina ran non-stop when their tree house was discovered by the Knights.

"Huh, if this continues . We'll all be caught up by those Knights," thought Natan.

He seemed to have imagined what would happen in the future and wanted to do something to avoid the worst case scenario.

Because Natan was at the back of the pack, he tried to do something. Accelerated his steps and then slightly tugged at the hem of Arc's clothes.

When Arc felt a slight tug on his clothes, he turned back and saw Natan shaking his head.

Arc understood the signal and immediately stopped his steps at the same time as Natan.

Luna and Tina, who were still running, finally realized that the two men with them had stopped. They both stopped and turned towards Natan and Arc.

"You two listen to me carefully!" Natan said to Luna and Tina.

"Eh, why Natan?" replied Luna, who was confused as to why Natan and Arc had stopped running after going this far.

"Arc and I will try to stall for the two of you. So I beg you two to take advantage of this time to escape quickly."

Natan explained the plan he had thought through carefully, Arc beside him also nodded his head in agreement with the idea.

"We don't want you two to be caught by them. So I ask you to keep running," continued Arc.

Arc fully agrees with Natan's idea which will bring them both to the better, because to avoid the worst case scenario they are all captured by the Knight.

Arc does admit that he is the strongest in the village, but when compared with Natan. He felt like he was still below him.

Natan's fighting ability was slightly below Arc's, but if he fought using his wits and thoughts. Arc is still far behind when compared to Natan.

There was a time in the past when Arc was hostile to Natan just because he had been defeated by Natan once when fighting with him.

But during the incident of a monster that attacked the village and almost killed Arc, he was saved by Natan and managed to survive because of it.

After that, Arc started to approach Natan and talked to him a little. The hostility that Arc previously felt turned into admiration.

And at a critical time like this. Arc could only accept what Natan thought to save the two women in his group.

That's what Arc thought, but not one woman who immediately put on an angry face.

"No, Natan! What do you think? you say, hah!!! Do you want to try to become a hero by sacrificing yourself, just like that huh!?" Luna said angrily to Natan.

Luna completely rejected Naran's suggestion and rebuked him in a loud and angry tone. He didn't want to live by sacrificing the lover he loved so much.

"W-we are friends, aren't we. S-so we have to run away together," replied Tina supporting Luna.

"But if it continues like We're all just waiting for the time until we get caught by them!"

"Natan!!! Are you going to break your promise not to leave me!?"

Luna snapped at Natan and walked towards him, he then grabbed Natan's collar with his strength.

Luna's love for Natan is more than her love for her own parents, she doesn't want to lose Natan just because of a situation like this.

On the contrary, Natan suggesting this method doesn't mean he doesn't love her. Luna, but he just doesn't want the girl he loves to be caught by those Knights.

Natan has calculated that the women who are being held captive by them will definitely become...

"Then, what if I was the one stalling for their time. From what I see, those Knights won't hurt women, right. Therefore, if I am caught by them, maybe I can buy time for you guys to escape-"

"No!!! Luna what are you thinking! I don't want the girl I love to be touched by the dirty hands of those damn Knights!"

Luna was silent because this was the first time she had been shouted at by Natan, she also understood that Natan had not shouted at her because he hated her.

But that still doesn't reduce Luna's desire to reject Natan's idea.

Luna released her grip then grabbed Natan's right hand and Arc's left hand, she tried to pull them both so they could escape together.

" We have to immediately-"

"Luna! Do you still want to argue with me?!" Natan snapped again and forcefully let go of Luna's hand.

"Arc, let me hold them. You take these two girls far away from here," Natan then ordered Arc to take Luna and Tina away from this place.

"No Arc! You have to think about the future. Would you leave your best friend for yourself?! Think carefully before making a decision," Luna also gave her opinion to Arc in a clear logical manner.


"Arc! Listen to me!"

In the series of requests from his two friends, Arc was very confused about choosing one of them.

If he was allowed to choose, it was better to run away together. However, that was only an answer for people naive people.

If they were strong, that choice would be a very good one, but their situation was not at all favorable for choosing the third option.

After thinking for a long time, Arc started to raise his head and turned towards Natan .

"I'm sorry Natan, because I..."

Natan looked at Arc with searching eyes and wanted to find out what he was thinking, while Luna who heard Arc's words smiled slightly.

No A long time later, Arc moved towards Luna and hit the back of her head.

"Arc... What... Which..."

Luna fell limp and helpless due to Arc's hard blow.

~ ~"Natan, I'm sorry because I couldn't help you fight those Knights,"

"Yes, it's okay. You now have to take responsibility and take both of them away from here. Hurry, I just heard the footsteps of the Knights!"

Arc desperately carried Luna like a princess in his lap, and he also bent over with his back to Tina.

"Tina hurry up!" Natan shouted to hurry up. received Arc's arms.


"Hurry up, there's no time left-"


An arrow shot and grazed Natan's cheek until made her bleed a little.

"Hurry up!!!" Natan shouted, pushing Tina's body so that Arc could carry her from behind.

Natan's push made Tina fall and hug Arc's body from behind.

" Hold on tightly, because both of my hands are holding Luna. Tina, hurry up!"

"O-okay," answered Tina who hugged Arc's body tightly with both hands and feet.

Arc has a large body posture and immediately stood up without difficulty even though he was carrying the two women.

"Arc. I ask you to continue to look after Luna until she is safe, and I also entrust her to you. Until I come back someday,"

"I'm sorry Natan. "Then I'll go first," said Arc, immediately running with all the strength he had.

After seeing that Arc had managed to get away, Natan turned towards the Knights.

There were five Knights in front of him and three on the other side. at the back holding a bow.

"Now let's test my new strength," said Natan who was preparing to release the mysterious power hidden within his body.

************* ***


Huh, easy fight.

That's what I thought after looking at the three corpses of the stricken bandits my passive skill.

They are basically very weak, so there's no way they can withstand my passive skill with their physical endurance alone.

And what about the adventurer?

The male adventurer also seems to have finished the fight, but his back had a few slash wounds from the bandit's poisoned dagger.

I rushed to approach him.

"Are you injured?

"Yes, this is all because of my carelessness," he replied with "But your wound is very serious, you know," I replied to him.

I was curious about the adventurer's endurance and wanted to see how long he would survive the deadly poison, but I wasn't a psychopath who always carries out experiments like that on humans.

I also have to get a good first impression on the adventurer's mind at all costs.

"Carelessness? No no, even though the bandits are shameful and weak people. "The dagger they used was a dagger with very deadly poison," I said to the adventurer.

"I'm sorry,"

"You don't need to apologize, and neither does this. The daggers they used were poisonous blades from poisonous snakes. Here, I will give you a potion to inhibit the spread of poison to the heart."

I then took something out of my inventory and gave it to him. It was a yellow potion.

The potion did not heal wounds, but only neutralized the poison. That's fine.

I could also let him die in this place. But the responsibility will definitely be very burdensome for me in the future.

After everything is fine, I want to go on my journey to the local town ,

"I'm sorry Miss. And thank you for giving me that very valuable potion,"

The male adventurer bowed his head and thanked him very sincerely, perhaps.

I don't understand his feelings, but it would be nice if now I played the role a good girl today to get a good impression.

"No, it's okay."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Reinhard, I am one of the adventurers in the Emerald City."

." City yes. Can you take me to the city of Zamrun?"

Yosh, if he comes from the city. I have to ask him to take me there.

Even though I have a map, walking alone is not very fun.

~ ~Maybe for people who have an introverted personality it would be more fun to walk alone, but I'm not an introvert.

I still need to talk to other people, even if they are strangers.

"Okay, with pleasure . But?"

Yosh... he agreed and then showed doubt on his face while looking at the horses that I brought to sell in town.

"They are yes, they are the horses that I managed to steal from a friend the bandit's friend,"

"Loot? What happened before?"

"Hm, so it was like this. But I'll talk about it while walking and if you want, you can ride this horse. Don't worry, this horse is a fighting horse. So they will definitely accept anyone who gets on them."

"Okay, Miss. "Sorry for bothering you repeatedly, not only did you give me the potion, you also gave me a lift," replied the adventurer named Reinhard.


------ --

On the way to the Emerald City, I am now accompanied by Reinhard the adventurer.

I ride a white battle horse and Reinhard on a brown horse.

Actually, when it comes to riding horses, I have been able to ride them since I still in my previous life.

As a global pro game player, I often accept to be an advertising artist for newly released games. And one of them is having to ride a horse.

So I took a little horse riding training because it was to prepare for the advertisement, however,

All my training at that time was useless, because the producers would only use computers to edit to make it look good at riding a horse .

But now I am grateful because my training knowledge is being used in this new world

Because Adventurer Reinhard and I had fun chatting on the way, it didn't feel like it was getting late, indicating that the sun was about to set.

We stopped our journey and tried to build a tent, because I didn't have a tent and Reinhard's adventurer also only brought one.

So I decided to stay on guard all night again like last night I was escorting the noble's child.

Me and Reinhard divided the duties each where I prepared a campfire, while he prepared a tent for himself.

After tidying up the firewood, I then heated a little dry grass with dark fire.

After the black fire spread to burn the leaves, I then turned off the fire and turned it into ordinary fire.

Dark Fire cannot be possessed by an ordinary human, even in the game.

Especially level four wizards can use Dark Fire, while I am at Job Demon Valkyrie.

So I can still use magic, I might also have to question my own race.

This character was originally human, but after I gained power everything changed.

Maybe I I'm no longer human or anything, I don't really care about that either.

If I'm allowed to change characters, I want to move to my original account which is male.

Yes, because from the start I was man. So it was natural that I wanted to be a man again after being sent to this new world.

Not long after, finally the adventurer named Reinhard had finished tidying up his tent.

"Now, what will we do-" I stopped when I see what Reinhard will do afterwards.

"Reinhard? What do you want to do?"

"I want to make dinner, Miss, can you cook?" He replied while asking me something that was definitely impossible for me to do.

"I can, but... Just a little but a little, hehe," replied that I only have a little cooking knowledge.

Yes, if only noodles instant and fried eggs. I'm the best. Hehe,

"Oh, I see hahaha. Then, can you help me prepare hot water?"


At least cooking hot water is easy, but for some reason I feel a little underestimated by this adventurer Reinhard.

Looking at his body which is probably in his 20s, but his face still looks very young.

His appearance is fairly ordinary with normal brown hair and brown eyes too, but if we look from his nature. He's very mature compared to me in the previous world.

I feel a little jealous of his mature attitude, but for now I'll just ignore it.

I don't really care about that. What's important now is, I have to survive in this new world.

After I waited a long time for Reinhard to cook, I tasted a little of the taste of his cooking. And this...

"How is it Miss Luna? Does it taste a little salty, then I ask-"

"This is very delicious Reinhard, this is the first time I have eaten it."

Yes, just the first time time. Since I came to this world, I have never eaten the original food of the inhabitants of this new world.

And now my first food is boiled potatoes mixed with pure spices from the forest, plus slices of meat that I don't know what meat it is. , but this is really very tasty on the tongue.

The amount of salt and sugar, as well as the flavoring, is very nice to eat while it's still warm.

"Thank goodness if it's like that," he replied in a relieved tone.

Reinhard also ate it slowly, while the food on my plate was almost finished.

"It looks like something is missing," I said to Reinhard who was eating the food on his plate.

"What is that, Miss Luna? "

"Hm, Rice rice... Don't you cook the rice?"

That's right, rice is the most irreplaceable thing.

Rice is very suitable to eat with any dish, too If you mix this boiled potato with rice and eat it while it's still warm.

Uwa, just imagining it makes my stomach call again to fill it with rice, but the answer Reinhard gave to my statement immediately shattered my imagination. I've imagined it.

"Eh, Rice? What is that?"

"Eh, you don't know rice?"

That's right.

Even though this world is a little more modern because it has cell phones to be able to contact people who are far away. But it still exists. a clear deficiency for a modern person like me.

Even rice in this world has not been found, because of that answer I was a little shocked and returned to my usual poker face.

"Yes, I am completely don't know what Rice is?"

"Forget it Reinhard. "That's a typical food from my home country," I replied to him.

I confessed to him while on the way, that I come from this world. But the place is on a continent that is very, very far from this continent.

And like that, I spent my third day and second night in this new world with Reinhard.


-------- --------

"Look, look,"

A group of traders who were about to head towards the Emerald City, saw smoke in the sky coming from a campfire made by someone.

"Yeah, it looks like someone is camping around here. We'll wait here and let the guards check it out. "Are they bandits or not," said a person with a fat body and bald hair. the bandits.

Judging from the damage to the carriage and the number of horses being less than the number of carriages, this group of traders seemed to have been attacked by bandits.

Because of that, the bald man would always be alert about the possibility of being attacked by bandits again or not.