
Transmigration: Master Jiang's Hot Spy Wife

She was the government's deadliest secret weapon - a spy who lived by her wits and lethal skills. But when her little brother was kidnapped, even Bai Yunshu's training couldn't stop the shocking betrayal that cost her everything...including her life. Reborn into the body of bullied debutante Feng Ruoxi, Yunshu finds herself greeted by a cruel father, a venomous stepmother, and the last thing she ever expected - an elite fiancé from one of the nation's most powerful families! Jiang Yukang, her so-called husband-to-be, is as arrogant as he is gorgeous. But little does this prime catch realize his delicate doe-eyed bride is actually a fiery former spy with lethal skills and a whole new lease on life. What begins as a risky masquerade will soon become an unstoppable whirlwind of sizzling seduction, unraveling mysteries, and dark secrets best left untouched. Can Yunshu claim her rightful status as Master Jiang's hot spy wife while surviving the treacherous world of Kyoto's privileged elite? With her pulse-pounding survival skills and Jiang Yukang's mesmerizing talents in the bedchambers, this transmigrated soul is taking names and leaving a scorching trail of desire in her wake! No enemy can stop this reincarnated vixen from becoming the supreme don't-mess-with-me empress!

FlameWitch · Fantaisie
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115 Chs

The Engagement Debacle

The Feng household was bustling with activity on the day of the much-anticipated engagement ceremony. Feng Zhengzhi, the patriarch, sat in the living room alongside his two sons, Feng Guiri and Feng Zhaoxuan.

"With this marriage, we stand to gain so much," Feng Zhengzhi proclaimed, his eyes gleaming with barely contained excitement.

Feng Guiri chimed in, "That's why Young Master Jiang must take a good bride, someone who will be thinking of us, not someone we can't control, like Feng Ruoxi."

Feng Zhaoxuan, however, remained silent, a frown etching his features. "Brother, I see you are eager to get one of your daughters married off to Young Master Jiang, but have you forgotten that he specifically chose Feng Ruoxi?"

Feng Guiri scoffed, "Feng Ruoxi is your daughter, you know how she is. She will only embarrass us there."

Just then, Zhang Lihua and Qiao Yingyao joined the men, and Zhang Lihua spoke up. "No need to worry, Father-in-law. We have already discussed this with Feng Ruoxi. She will reject this marriage, and Young Master Jiang will have no choice but to pick at least one of the twins."

Feng Zhengzhi's brow furrowed. "Which one? We have to finalize everything and not look stupid in front of our guests."

Feng Guiri waved a dismissive hand. "We'll let Young Master Jiang make that decision. Making a choice between my girls will make them hate me or even each other."

"Now, the issue of the dowry," Feng Zhengzhi said, steering the conversation in a new direction.

"No daughter of mine will present a low dowry," Feng Guiri declared.

"I was thinking 5% shares of the Feng Group. This way, the Jiangs will know we are also serious about this marriage," Feng Zhengzhi suggested.

Zhang Lihua nodded in agreement. "5% is perfect, Father-in-law. That way, my daughter will also have some sort of respect."

Qiao Yingyao, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "As if 5% of the Feng Group will make a difference to the Jiangs."

Feng Guiri shot her a withering glare. "You have no say here. You don't have a child."

Feng Zhaoxuan frowned. "Watch your mouth, Guiri. She is my wife, and by marriage, Feng Ruoxi is her daughter."

Feng Guiri merely scoffed, but their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the family butler.

"Master, the Jiangs are here," the butler announced.

Feng Zhengzhi stood up, a fawning smile on his face. "Please, let them in."

Jiang Yukang entered the room, accompanied by his grandfather, Jiang Zhiming, and his right-hand man, Chang Wei. Jiang Zhiming greeted Feng Zhengzhi warmly.

"Feng Zhengzhi, we meet again."

The Feng patriarch shook Jiang Zhiming's hand enthusiastically. "Please, have a seat. Let us discuss the matter at hand."

As the discussions began, Feng Zhaoxuan sat silently, his brow furrowed. He was unsettled by the way his father seemed to be pushing Feng Guiri's daughters, even though he knew his own daughter could be troublesome. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but feel uneasy about the entire situation.

The Jiangs began presenting the betrothal gifts – exquisite jewelry and a check for 100 million yuan. Feng Guiri and his wife were overjoyed, unable to hide their excitement. Feng Zhengzhi, ever the gracious host, tried to downplay their own offerings.

"Oh, I feel like what we have to offer is nothing compared to what you have presented to us."

Jiang Zhiming waved a dismissive hand. "It's okay. You are not selling her. After today, we are a family."

Feng Zhengzhi then produced a share agreement, handing it over to Jiang Zhiming. "We hope with this, we can ensure our daughter lives a very happy, wealthy life."

Jiang Zhiming scanned the document, his brow furrowing. "Why is it not signed?"

Feng Zhengzhi smiled, "She will be signing right in front of everyone as witnesses."

Jiang Zhiming nodded, but both he and Jiang Yukang could sense the underlying tension. The way Feng Guiri and his wife were behaving had raised suspicions in their minds.

Finally, Jiang Yukang spoke up, his voice cool and aloof. "I will be taking my bride home today. We will go and register our marriage on Monday."

Feng Zhengzhi's smile faltered slightly. "Ah, yes, but there is another issue we have to discuss."

Jiang Yukang's eyes narrowed as he regarded the older man. "Hmm?"

Feng Zhengzhi turned to the butler and said, "Go and get the girls."

Jiang Yukang's expression hardened. "Are you planning on marrying off all your granddaughters to me?"

"No, no, that is not the case," Feng Zhengzhi hastened to reassure him.

"Good. I am not polygamous," Jiang Yukang stated firmly.

Soon, the butler returned, accompanied by Feng Airi, Feng Meiling, Feng Xiuying, and Feng Ruoxi. Feng Zhengzhi turned to Feng Ruoxi, a silent command in his eyes.

"Feng Ruoxi would like to say something," he said.

Feng Ruoxi stepped forward, her voice cold and unwavering. "I won't be marrying. Pick one of them."

Jiang Yukang and Jiang Zhiming exchanged a brief glance.

"And what might be the reason?" Jiang Zhiming asked.

Feng Ruoxi's gaze was steady as she responded, "I am 18. He is a stranger. Why should I be chosen for who to marry? I want to focus on my studies for now."

Jiang Yukang's brow furrowed slightly. "What makes you think you won't be able to when married?"

Feng Guiri interjected, his voice laced with false sincerity. "We tried talking to her, but she won't budge."

Zhang Lihua chimed in, "Yes, we did. Ever since her mother died, she had been rebellious. She has her own chain of thoughts."

Feng Zhengzhi nodded solemnly, painting Feng Ruoxi as the one who didn't want to marry Jiang Yukang. "Since it's already like this, we have decided that Young Master Jiang will have to pick another bride amongst the three girls here."

Feng Meiling and Feng Xiuying were both blushing, eagerly awaiting to be chosen. But Jiang Yukang simply eyed them with a subtle expression of disgust.

"It's Feng Ruoxi, or no one else," he stated firmly.

Jiang Zhiming's brow furrowed. "We came here to pay betrothal gifts for Feng Ruoxi, not anyone else. I thought we had already talked about this, Feng Zhengzhi."

The Feng patriarch's smile faltered, and he could feel the beads of sweat forming on his brow. The Jiangs' unwavering stance had thrown a wrench in his carefully crafted plan.

As the tension in the room thickened, Feng Zhaoxuan sat back, a faint glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. It seemed his father's scheme was about to unravel, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of vindication.

The stage was set for a confrontation, and the outcome remained uncertain. One thing was clear, however – the Jiangs were not going to be easily swayed, and Feng Ruoxi's rejection had thrown a significant curveball into the proceedings.

The tension in the room palpable as all eyes turned to Feng Ruoxi. Jiang Yukang's gaze, cool and calculating, bore into her, his lips pressed into a thin line.

"I believe we had an understanding, Feng Ruoxi," he said, his voice deceptively calm. "Or have you forgotten our arrangement?"

Feng Ruoxi met his stare unflinchingly, her own expression betraying no emotion. "I believe I made my position quite clear. I have no intention of marrying you, Jiang Yukang."

Jiang Yukang's brow arched slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "And since when do you have a say in who you marry? Last I checked, that decision lies with your family."

Feng Ruoxi's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Oh, I assure you, the decision is firmly in my hands. Unless, of course, you're willing to force me down the aisle against my will?"

Jiang Yukang's eyes narrowed, and a dangerous edge crept into his voice. "I am not a man to be trifled with, Feng Ruoxi. You would do well to remember your place."

"My place?" Feng Ruoxi scoffed. "I believe I've made it quite clear that I refuse to be a docile, obedient bride, simply waiting to be claimed by the highest bidder."

The older Jiangs watched the exchange with growing unease, while the Feng family members fidgeted uncomfortably, unsure of how to proceed.

Jiang Zhiming cleared his throat, attempting to diffuse the escalating tension. "Perhaps we can discuss this matter in a more civil manner. Surely, there must be a compromise to be found."

Feng Zhengzhi nodded eagerly, sensing an opportunity to regain control of the situation. "Yes, yes, of course. We are all reasonable people here. I'm sure we can come to an agreement that satisfies everyone."

Jiang Yukang's gaze never left Feng Ruoxi's as he spoke, his words laced with a subtle warning. "There is no compromise to be had. Feng Ruoxi is my intended bride, and I will not accept anyone else."

Feng Ruoxi's eyes narrowed, her voice dripping with disdain. "And what if I refuse to be your bride, Jiang Yukang? Have you considered that option?"

The room fell silent, the tense atmosphere palpable as everyone held their breath, waiting to see how the young man would respond.

Jiang Yukang's lips curved into a slow, predatory smile. "Oh, I assure you, Feng Ruoxi, I _have_ considered that option. And I can promise you, the consequences will be... unpleasant."