
Transmigration into divinity: I am the sole controller of my future


It all began on a fateful morning; having quite a lot to do I had to think on my toes so as to meet the required target.

As a marketer just employed for promotional purposes I had to put a sale across to show my ability. The seminar for new recruits revealed that a single sale could actually be the needed push to achievement as different rewards are granted dependent on the nature of sale_ I was working for a real estate agancy.

Well, back to how I started, I was running to and from one individual to another, swift-footed_ I was quiet athletic so I wasn't very tired even though it was past twelve and I'd been on and about since 7a.m. that day_ I was yet to meet a single person with the potential of being a customer: Yeah, my day going downhill right from the start.

Things eventually came to a head when I approached a couple who seemed interested in the deal; as we were about to come to a conclusion, they noticed that their purses were gone ( they were originally checking their bags for a pen for I had convinced them, giving them an offer people of their Calibre can never reject). Probably in order to transfer aggression, they held me accountable formulating an instant hypothesis that I was cohort with the pickpocket; hence, while I was stalling for time the pickpocket was doing his job. I tried to talk my way out of it reasonably and as clear-headed as possible but it seemed that my calm deposition was proof enough against me. In the long run, the mob went mad with anger as they started crowding around me to teach me a lesson. Well that pretty much ended when I was struck with a stick on the head_ I can still hear myself screaming like an animal as I gave way to despair which led to my demise. The pickpocket having watched what had happened to me shook his head in pity to check his catch, only to notice that the purses were empty. They just bought them few moment ago and they came with a branded pen_ marketing strategy.

Unfortunately, there was no way for me to know that I was killed for an empty pen as I found my self in a large expanse. I was without my glasses but I could see everything perfectly. As I wandered how I got here_ I don't remember what happened before I found myself in this mysterious environment, one thing I know is that this place was awfully quiet ad kind of appealing as I found a kind of peace I never knew existed.

While I was trying hard to recall the cloud opened and a throne descended. The throne was decorated by every precious Ruby in existence. Before the beautiful throne could touch the bare ground, there was a shakening accompanied with thunderings which eventually ended when an utterly abnormal event happened: The cracks on the ground which was as a result of the shaking started spewing out melted gold which were supernaturally sculptured into a mountain high platform, then the throne which had seemingly taken a break continued it's descent as it landed softly on the raised platform. All these happened in the space of five minutes and I wasn't bored as I walked towards the throne to inspect the strangeness.

I had taken ten steps forward when the ground around me showed signed of cracking. That instant, I felt familiar emotion I never thought I could remember_ fear. I quickly assumed a postrate position, you know it's impossible to fall when you're already in a postrate position. Suddenly the portion around where I was lying levitated and floated to the top of the raised platform, just before the thronethen everything suddenly became still like it'd always been so. At that moment I made up my mind not to stand, I didn't know if putting extra weight on the levitating portion would make me fall back down_ I just wanted to avoid that possibility. I didn't want to die, even if it is a dream.

Next I heard a voice which shook the space and seems to make time pause. Immediately, it started thundering non stop, despite the clear sky. It seemed that if the being on the throne continued to talk this phenomenon would continue, as the thunder was like the space's effort to respond to time after time freezes at a result of it monstrous voice which seem able to touch the Genesis of any reality present_ even space and time.

I couldn't take it anymore and just fainted it would be a while before I regained my consciousness as even my fainted self wasn't ready to cope with the unaturalness around me.

This is my first novel please respond accordingly and I'll do my best to ensure a steady release

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