

Ugh, If only, if only the dungeon.......

F4eezy · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter One - Terrorist

Hey, Joey over here! Yeah yeah, I see you, Tobias. Aww, come on, liven up a little bit Joey. It's just a plane. A plane, JUST A PLANE, that's a steel demon that owns the sky..... just a plane. "Yeah, totally, a demon.." muttered Tobias. Tobias chuckles, "Joey, we gotta get you a date when we get back." "Hahaha, real funny....you know I can't communicate," whispered joey. "If you say so, anyway, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Tobi? We're out of the office now". "Ah, come on joe, it's time to board the plan- Wait, wait a minute, did you just call me Joe"? "Yeah, what of it?" "Nothing," joey muffled. "Let's just get on board Tobias."

"It's been 3 hours. Are we there yet Tobias". "No, no we're not. Now quit yelling across the plane. It's getting worse". "What's getting worse?" "You know...the tiny person". "The tiny what? OHHHH, You mean the baby?" "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL MY ANGEL" Bellowed an angry mother! "Mam, mam, I'm so sorry. Tobias isn't the best with words sometimes. He's truly sorry". "What else could I possibly call that thin- YOU JUST TRIED TO DO IT AGAIN!" "I can't do this. I'm on a giant steel demon that holds my life in its hands; Tobias, just shut up". "BUT THAT WOMAN- I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE. EVERYONE, ITS OVER." "JOEY, GET DOWN. IT'S A BOM- MY BABY BOY MOMMA IS SORRY."

Yeah, pretty rough start if I do say so myself, losing my best friend, seeing a mother with the fear of losing her child in her eyes, but what more can we do but mourn. But I've been given a chance, a chance to live again, not that I want it, but I got it. I'm stuck, stuck in this darkness with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I'm just here, in the dark, without anything or anyone. It's almost peaceful... Then it happened. I was awoken by the god of sorrow whose tears were flowing like a waterfall down a black marbled figure. The god had mourned over my story, the life I lived, the struggles I faced, and the death I was served; it mourned everything; it spoke, but no words came out; only tears kept flowing from its eyes. At that moment someone spoke not god nor me but someone, and the word was simple, welcome. A dim light was being made as that word rang through my body. I wanted to yell in pain, but my voice wouldn't go. I was silent, just as the god of sorrow was. Is this what it felt the pain, the agony of silence. But as the word continued to ring and the silence deep in me began to ring out, it all vanished. I started to fall, fall deep into the darkness, my eyes got heavy, and my thoughts went dim, I fell, and fell, and fell, until.

I hate to have this chapter so sort, But this is the foundation of what's to come.

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