
The Election before the Transmigration

Its the year 2042 and since then countries from all over the world experienced an unprecedented change brought by Globalization, the opening of borders and economically restricting international laws.

And resolutions that further seeked to Improve the economy and development of the undeveloped countries. Trade between countries became easier especially in the technologies of the countries. The beginning of interstellar exploration as Earth has already brought people on Mars and Moon making this planets habitable for humans...

In the middle of the Pacific a country called Maharlika with a land measurement of 56,320 square miles, is currently holding its National Elections.

The 69th Electoral of Maharlika has been Initiated by the (MECH) Maharlikan electoral commission Holder.

The Country's Candidates for elections filled the streets of the Cities with bustling activity, Posters, billboards, Ads, and streams all featuring the faces of the candidates running for local and national positions. Every plazas held meetings hosted by partylists gathering the community to listen to their own platforms. There are those who speaks the truth, and there are those who speaks empty promises.

Weeks passed the time allocated for campaigning ended.

And the Day of voting came.

There are 5 candidates running for president and 3 vice-president each of which duoed with a running mate.

Ballots and Counting Machines were set in the Town halls and Schools with each stations being secured by the (MECH) as they ensure the citizens that there would be no sabotage and cheating happening in the election, and to make it transparent the (MECH) also aired the live results in TV, Social Media platforms, Radios and any other transmitters.

As the sun rose with its dazzling lights the personnels of (MECH) went to their stations and opened the voting time.

Citizens all over the country entered these stations and filled the ballots with the name of their slected Candidates.

Just before the sun sets the collection of votes was officially concluded by the MECH. At that night the computation of the votes were being tallied and the broadcasts also showed the votes of the running president

Alex Bersamina (10,230,192)

Sebastian Aglupyas (9,289,001)

August Valentine (8,291,213)

Vivian La porte (2,837,198)

Yohan Ulyysen (994,768)

Every Citizen watched on their screen as they keep track of the current tally.

Just before the day Begins the vote counter machines finished counting all the ballots and the tally Finalized... Citizens were anticipating their candidates victory as they wait for the announcement.

[Presdient: Yohan Ulyysen(24,978,120)

[Vice-president: Louie Bassemort]

The result of the Election after the finalization of the tally came out, completely surprising everyone.

The youngest candidate Yohan Ulyysen won as president. An unexperienced lad who ran without a party list and only Platforms.

With this results broadcasting networks made articles on the youngest president with the caption "The world's youngest President"

Some citizens doubting his ability to govern, feeling frustrated they even posted on social medias their own thoughts of how the country will operate in his time.

[Media Post; Our country is Doomed to have a president like this!!!]

{Comments; Shut the f*ck up sore loser!! Accept that your candidate lost the election!!}

{Comments; I'm stating facts here... Our country is doomed to have fallen in the hands of a Newbie!!}

The Ceremonial Passing of Authority*

3 days later the arrangements for the ceremony has been set.

The Ex-President Aurio Electra together with the newly elected President Yohan Ulyssen walked their way to the Maharlika Palace for the Exit of the former president and vesting of powers and authority to the newly elected president.

These scenes were broadcasted in every social media platforms for citizens all over the country to watch the process of the event.

In the stage a Bishop of the Romani factio headed the event, blessing and praying over the 2 presidents.

** With the powers and authority vested on me, I as an Instrument of him declare to the whole country and the world that Yohan, you who has been chosen shall rule the Country.***

The exiting president then step downed the president office and...