
Transmigrating Multiple Times to the Naruto World

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Kai as he immerses himself in the enchanting realm of Naruto. Adopting the guise of one character while wielding the remarkable powers of another, Kai's presence promises to reshape the narrative in unprecedented ways. Prepare to be captivated as you observe the profound impact of this unique fusion on the unfolding events.

MarSus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs


-Year 2050, In the City of Emerald-

A crowd was walking through the streets of a well-known crossroad with high-tower buildings surrounding the street. Almost everyone was holding a phone, fixated on the screen while walking across the busy road.

Throughout, you can hear whispers from multiple different parties.

"Hey, Have you read the most recent Shin release?"

"I would never imagine that could've happened"

"Imagine if this happened in the original content"

Authors were slowly running out of ideas, and readers were bored of the same old story that was slightly modified. However, one company took advantage of this. This company is called, 'Webnovel'. They were a fanfiction company that used this increasing demand and created the product 'What Ifs Simulation'.

This is the new trend of the world. The world of "What Ifs". In order to pique the interest of existing fanbase, along with satisfying the lack of author's ideas and boredom of readers for having too much similar looking manga, the What-If simulation was designed. 'Dreamers' can enter an existing world as a character via Virtual Reality of 100% Realism, to create a specific ending that they want.

The "What Ifs Simulation' was designed through an understanding that most readers know of famous mangas like Naruto, Dragon-Ball and others, and the fanbase is still retained despite the completion of said mangas. Some would re-read it, some would re-watch its anime, but sometimes... they wonder.. what if..!

Yes, that's right. 100%. If your character died in the world. You'd feel pain that is as hellish as death in the real world. You'll be fine after a week or two. However, that pain, is very traumatic and had caused many dreamer to quit this simulation.

Once you created a simulation with an ending, you could choose to upload it, and earn revenue based on the story, or potentially delete it to retain your reputation of a good story.

On top of the leaderboard, It is predominantly owned by Shin. Out of the top 10, he owned 4 of the positions.

This leaderboard is always restarted every month and many sought to be a part of this list.


"Ah, Damn it, why is life always so difficult" Kai said as he drank in a food tent near the city. With him was his best friend, Kevin, a D-Rated Dreamer that would always enter the virtual world to earn his fair value of money. These were a pair of friends that looked quite different to one another. The first, Kai, was a man aged around 23. He had a decently built body due to being a construction worker since day 1, with dark brown hair and a charming look. Although Kevin was as charming, he had more of a soft-boy look that would make people think that he would not harm a single mosquito.

Kai was recently sacked from the construction site and had no job, he had been searching for work for the last few days with no result in sight.

"Hey Kai, Come on let's just try the simulation, you never know you could get some spare money."

"Of course, you won't be as successful as me, a D-Rated Dreamer, but maybe you'll be able to increase to an E-Rated Dreamer."

Kai just chose to ignore him, but he knew without Kevin, he'd have a much tougher time reacting to this recent unemployment.

"Ah come on, let's just enjoy the night before I slave away to find new work tomorrow", Kai Replied. The two continued drinking away, enjoying their time together.


Drunken and tired, Kai had decided to go home. Rain began to pour as he was walking across the street and saw one of the centers for the 'What if Simulation'.

"Sigh... I don't get why people would do this"

He looked at the center. 'Should I go in? It's raining and maybe I should try it'

He started approaching the door before snapping out of it, "Ah, what am I doing.. That Kevin made me consider this" and started walking away.

Not too far away, he saw some workers that were heading down a ladder as they had to stop fixing the cables infrastructure due to the rain.

Lightning suddenly struck nearby.

"Oh God, that was loud" Kai said, before he heard from behind his back, "Hey! Watch out!"

He looked, and the next thing he knew, a cable was flying straight at him. Thankfully, it stopped right before him and the cable fell down.. into a puddle of water..

"Ah- SHIT!"

Lightning current started flowing from the water towards Kai. He was heavily electrocuted. He could smell a fried sensation before he passed out.


'Welcome to the What If Simulation'

Kai started waking up, before realising that surrounding him is a void with data stream lines around.

'The Character you have Chosen is... Minato Namikaze'





'Error. Character not found. Switching to A new Chhhhahaaa---rac-trerrr"

bzzt bzzzt.


'The Character You have chosen is Ita---chii *bzt* Uch-iha'


'Abilities and Emotion have been integrated to your body. bzzt Skills have been adjusted'


Kai's head started to hurt.

He started to understand... Itachi's Pain, Itachi's Ability, Everything. Yet He's still conscious that it's him, that He's Kai. He could simply sympathise with Itachi's feeling.

'Loading Completed 100%! Sending to Namikaze Minato's world'

Kai's eye went pitch dark before waking up once more.

"Lord Fourth! Are you alright?"