
Chapter 127: My Mutant Queen

Suddenly, Lilith glowed with dark magic surrounding both her and Lu Xie whose unconscious.

Maya and the others stepped back immediately.

Lilith was letting out a sorrowful cry, that the sky changed and rain poured down heavily. The surrounding was covered with black mist as if a barrier.

Sadness, and regret, swirled around her heart unable to vent it. Why? Why is the world unfair to her? Her parents didn't like her, she was bullied by her stepmother, she was sold, she was experimented on and now even the only person she loves was going to be taken away from her.

She can't!!! She can't accept this fate only she can control her fate.

As her eyes change color and her body made cracking sounds.



Slowly as the cracking sound slowly died down, a figure was then created. Lilith was hugging Lu Xie beside her whose body was now cold tears fell even more down her cheeks.

"AXXXIIIEEEE!!!!!" She shouted she didn't know her voice was heard by Maya and the others who are trying to look for them

She cried non stop wishing that Axie open her eyes again, she rubbed her head against her but felt something was wrong.

She immediately look down and saw that her body shrunk and noticed her hands and legs. She widened her eyes, and she finally turned back into a human.

But she was not as ecstatic as she wished for this for a long time. What's the use if her Axie can't even open her eyes and look at her?

"Axie" she called softly her voice was soft and a little waxy

"sniff...I finally...sob...turned...sniff...sob...into a human... sob...do you...sniff...like...sob...me now" She asked sobbing

But she got no answer from the person in her arms, the warmth on her body was slowly leaving her.

"Axie...sob...please...d...sob...don't...leave...sob...me alone" she begged pitifully

But no matter what she asks she was never going to get an answer from the person she was hugging tightly in her arms.

The rain fell heavily that Maya and the others had to stay in the car for shelter.

Lilith cried her heart out until she felt a slight movement from the person in her arms. She immediately looks at her carefully not missing a single thing.

She noticed that she was frowning slightly and her body was slightly trembling.

"AXIE!!" Lilith called hurriedly

Lu Xie groaned lightly but Lilith still heard it she instantly had hope, she hugged her and then pick her up easily on the ground.

Then run toward the black mists, she knew where she is going. When she got away, the rain stopped and the black mist slowly dispersed.

Maya and the others look around but saw no one in the place.

"May you both rest in peace" Maya said through the air

"*sigh* let's go," Glen said then they went to their destination


Lu Xie was again sighing hard she was floating in the dark space again. She knew she almost got killed by her carelessness.

Since she increases the difficulty some of her power were half or either sealed, but she is still strong the problem is that in each world her stats are randomly sealed until she goes to the next world.

"Hey Ali, how long have we been here"

[Hmm, according to my estimation about a month or so]

"But my body is still alive, right? My heart is still beating?"

[Yes host, don't worry ahm... But we have a slight problem host]


[The blackening of the heroine ahem is rising]

"*sigh* I knew it just let it be for now and concentrate on healing my body"

[*gulp* okay]

In the real world,

Lilith stroked the sleeping person's face gently, she had been taking care of her since they got here. Her wounds were slowly healing and the warmth in her body was also returning.

"Axie, when will you wake up I'm lonely," Lilith said softly but her eyes were crazy

It's been a few months since the accident happened, and she often feeds her the healing medicines she taught her when they were living here.

That's right, Lilith went back to their first-ever bungalow house.

"Arrkkk" Lilith clenched her clothes tightly and endure the feeling in her body

As she looks at Lu Xie, then trace down her finger on her face, to her neck down to her chest then her tummy. Her breathing got heavy and her eyes were covered in a layer of mist.

"Axie" she called softly

As she sat she put her hand under her shirt and caresses her beautiful body with her fingertips. She licked her lips and kissed her gently.

"Haa...haaa...Axie wake up soon or I'll really devour you" She threatened softly with a crazy giggled

Her fingers didn't stop moving from caressing her body, her body heat up, and was sweating buckets. She grinds her body against her to ease the heat and would kiss her occasionally.

Lu Xie had no idea her body was being raped by the heroine and was busy playing games with the phone she purchase.

Ali didn't have the guts to tell her host that the body was getting raped so she kept her mouth shut. She knew that her host would find out soon enough.

Then she glanced at the blackening and it was very high. She gulped and prayed early 'Please watch over my host' she said inwardly