

A bush shook wildly, and not long after, a head pops out from it. Then, following the first one, another came through. Both of them carefully brushed off the leaves, the sticks, and the burrs from their clothes.

Yep. It's me and the fighter. After our conversation and the small bet at the end of it, I decided it was time to show him the dungeon I made. After all, if he could glean something from it and decided to popularize it, I could gain more points, which in turn helps me reach my (the system's) goals.

"Brother Cho, are you sure there is an immortal's legacy near the beaten path here? Near the road? Like, right here?"

"Shush, just follow me, and don't ask questions."

"…But I've been here countless times and never saw anything of note though."

"It might've just sprouted up today for all you know."

"Even then, why didn't you take it for yourself?"

"Personal reasons."

"I still don't think that kind of legacy would be so easy to find, however."

"Well, prepare yourself then."

I guided him through the thicket, into a clearing. There, his eyes were taken in by the Torii. They were practically glued to the thing. Even though he scratched his head in disbelief countless times, he scoots over and observed it up close.

"Is this thing real?"

"As real as you want it to be."

"Based on its structure, I'm confident to say that it is a gate."

"And a gate's purpose is to be an entrance, don't you want to enter and see what's inside?" I said.

"I, I haven't prepared myself for this."

"As long as you persevere, whatever it is you needed will be inside."

"Well, if you phrase it like that, I can't help but enter, can I."

And off he goes, with confidence in his stride. I haven't even had the chance to say anything about the inside, and he just went straight in. The guy's a bit too earnest, I think. Kinda similar to my best friend back home. With nothing else to do but wait, I sat, resting my back on the gate's pillars, while using my shoes as a cushion for my butt. The wind blew gently, bringing the ticklish caress of the grass to the soles of my feet.

"It's a slow day today…" I yawned, drifting into sleep, dreaming of back then.

[Hey, I won't limit how many dungeons you wanted to create, that's on you. Just be careful of the consequences.]

That prompt disturbed my sleep.

"Tell me, why now? Why can't you say stuff like that when we started? What even is this consequence?"

[Your permission level is not enough to know. However, based on your current trajectory, you'll be met with some obstacles later on.]

"So that's why you reveal stuff to me like this?"

[Yep. Based on your permission level, this much is possible. Just think of me as that one annoying NPC that tells you where to go, and what to do, whilst limiting what you can actually do.]


Before said expletive came out, the fighter exited the gate.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Ahem, nothing much. So, how did you fare inside?"

True to his nature of show instead of tell, the fighter's psychic energy manifested behind him. It took on the form of a soldier whose face was masked by their helmet, with only the glint of their eyes visible from the outside. It was muscular, and far cry from an ordinary bodybuilder, its muscles were phenomenal, as if crafted by the Greek God Hephaestus himself. The spear-cum-banner it carried stood tall and true, likened to the world tree Yggdrasil. While its round shield shone in all of its splendour, mighty, akin to the walls of shields of Thermopylae.

"That's great," I commented.

Hearing my comment, the fighter seemed to remember something and knelt down.

"I, Wu Lin, will take you as my master. This is the oath I swore, with heaven as my witness. May lightning strike me when I desecrate this oath."

"Whoa, take it easy, Lin."

"We've agreed on that bet. And you're also the one who gave me a path to cultivate towards."

"I'm not looking for a servant. What I want is a travelling companion."

"Then I'll do just that."

Anyway, that avatar of his was an absolute unit! With squares for muscles instead of the usual flimsy round ones. You know, like J*J*. Which, made me want one myself.

[Don't waste your time, you won't be able to cultivate that technique.]

'Excuse me, why?'

[No space available.]


[That technique worked by cultivating and molding your astral self, but since I'm already assimilated to it, you will need tens to hundreds time more effort in order to match an ordinary person.]

'So I was right, it's not suitable for me.'

I let out a sigh and looked up at the sky.

'So, if I can't even cultivate that thing, I'll always depend on you for everything?'

[You can also say that I'm your avatar. You're part of me and I'm part of you. We're two peas in the same pod. We're partners, like the God of War and the talking head.]

A smile escaped from my lips because of that last bit.

'Figuratively speaking, a tip of my hat, and a sip of my wine, for my eternal partner.'

[Same here.]

It seems that seeing me sighing and then smiling made the fighter a little bit concerned.

"Are you okay, brother Cho?" asked the fighter. "You seem a little… displeased. Is it because of me?"

"I'm okay, there's a little problem with my talking head. Let's go back before they searched for us."

"Talking head?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Forget about it, the caravan's waiting." I quipped, briskly walking through the thicket.

"Ah, that's right, the Caravan!" He darted away, leaving me behind.

'You took me as your master and left me behind, what kind of retainer are you, my guy?'

Well, even though I can't get that kind of avatar, another PP was still added to my profile. It ain't much, but it's honest work. Now that I got the fighter as something more than an acquaintance, let's bombard him with lifehacks and stuff later to farm PPs.

Speaking of points, I wonder where did these 4 PPs come from?

My question was never answered, what arrived instead was the hustle and bustle of the caravans. Everyone had finished their breakfasts and were now busy packing up their stuff. On Mr Abdullah's caravan group, I could see the fighter helping out with a dumb smile pasted on his face.

I walked towards them, waving my hand. And they returned the gesture. With nothing to do except to wait, I went over to the nearest wagon.

"What were you and Lin doing in the forest by your lonesome?" The wagon's owner asked, implying something.

"Nothing you were thinking about. Martial arts and cultivation stuff."

She shrugged and went on with what she was doing. I looked over her shoulders and saw some kind of sketch. Her heavy breathing, the term sketch, and whatever it is she thought of me and the fighter, brought some things to mind.

"Ah, she's one of that crowd." I let it out quietly.

"Excuse me?"

It was unknown whether this reply came from her supernatural hearing ability, or if my comment was too loud.

"It's nothing." I don't really want to open that can of worms, that's why I retreated.

As luck would have it, the fighter came over.

"Mr Cho, I've received Mr Abdul's permission to be with you."

I took a deep breath. A single tear dropped from my eye.

"Why did you say something like that here…"

The fighter tilted his head in confusion. His eyes were pure and innocent. While the sound of a pencil that was turbo-ing paper could be heard from behind me. I peeked over, and could only see the eyes of a predator.

"A-anyway, let's just go over there." I pointed to the central campfire, which had been doused already.

"What for?" He still asked oafishly.

I sighed. With a shrug, I left him behind. Turning away, I overheard her say something about alpha, beta, gamma, sigma, and a bunch of words I knew nothing about. It made me shudder, even though the weather was temperate.

The wait was not long. Few moments after I sat in front of the now-doused central campfire, the ringing of a bell was heard, loud and clear. The merchants and wagon owners hastened their speed in packing up. The wagon owner from before took the fighter into her custody, commanding him to help her pack. Suave as he is, that lady was still overpowering him in terms of passion and forwardness.

Soon enough, the wagons were all packed and ready. The horses and mules started moving, all according to the caravan leader's controls, which showed how different this caravan I'm in, was. You see, the others, who also slept here on the side of the road, who woke up at the same time as us, weren't yet ready to move. They could only gaze in awe at the discipline this caravan exudes.

"What's our destination now?" I asked the fighter who had finished his greatest labour yet.

"Mr Abdul said we are to cross the Ironwoods, into Jia City. There, we'll stay for around a week before moving again towards the… Capital."

"What's wrong with the Capital?"

"It's nothing, you don't need to worry about it."

"Well, if you say so."

'Hey, system. Do you know why Lin is a bit distressed by the prospect of going to the Capital?'

[I do.]

'That's it? No big reveal?'

[Well, you will break the second tenet of our organization by doing so, that's why.]

'Our organization have tenets? Why is this the first time I heard of it?'

[Strange. It should've been transcribed directly into your soul when you're enhanced.]

'But I received nothing of the sort. So, what's this tenets thingy?'

[It's the three inviolable rules of our organization. First, fill the world with knowledge.]

'Okay, second?'

[Second, You may do no harm, except in self-defence of all things yours. The degree must not be excessive with the exception of threats that could lead to the demise of knowledge, or life.]

'So, if I were to know what made Lin so angy about the Capital…'

[You will bring him harm, based on your personality model, and his. I can't read the future, but I can infer it based on the infinite data I have available.]

'Alright, I'll concede. What's the third?'

[You must stay neutral, except in the advent of the loss or misuse of knowledge. Meaning, you must protect knowledge.]

'Like as much as possible, or something?'

[No, you MUST protect knowledge, for it is the basis of progress and the fuel for a better future. So, because you haven't got the transcription from the enhancement process, are you ready to be initiated?]

'Into what?'

[Becoming a part of the organization, though its name will still be hidden from you until the time is right.]

I took a look at the sky. It was clear, with no clouds in sight, with no doubt in mind.

'I'm ready.'

[Alright, take a look at this document, and sign here, here, here, and here.]

'… that's it? No grand procession? No zealous speeches? No invigorating display? You tell me, all of that build-up, just for fucking signing a document?'

[Yeap. That's right. We live in the age of convenience, and above-board transparency. Welcome to the organization!]

I sighed, deeply.

"What's wrong?" The fighter asked.

"It's nothing, thanks for your concern."

When he finally faced forward, I whispered quietly, to myself, "I swear to God, I will find a way to hit this thing. Once, once is enough. Please give me a chance, at least once."


My system is a troll, please send help.

Expect inconsistent updates, at least until I'm jobless.

Also, I had a lot of fun watching Dad of War: Ragnarok playthroughs on YT.

ZenByMoonlightcreators' thoughts