Shawn is a guy addicted to WorldBuilding Games. Then he found a game called Creator Sim. After he had almost played the game he slept off and woke up right into the game world that he had almost started playing in real life and from then on he began his life as the creator of his game world. His adventures and watching of the lives, history of the mortals is what makes his job fun. But when he doesn't do any worldbuilding he lives his normal life with the other human beings and his family and friends. Discord Link -
"The Berserk crocodile Baro has now been made unconscious thus putting an end to the second match and now…"
As Ulmer continued to announce the matches and declaring the winner, Shawn continued to watch the tournament with its intense fights and occasionally betting on which fighter he had confidence in would win in a match.
"Doing this all alone is boring. I should have invited the others over," he scolded himself.
"Wait, the only thing they do is stay in their realm all day, watching lakes and the only thing I do is sit here all day,"
"I should summon them sometimes," he said before chuckling.
"Now what else remains?"
He still had some years left to pass before it hit the 1,500 years mark but he has technically watched every race in the world of Ornio.
"System, is there anything else that still remains for me to watch?"
[None is particular]
It was at that moment that he remembered one very important question that he had always wanted to ask
"What's the time difference in this room and the rest of the world?"
[Every one minute equals one whole year of events unless fast forwarding or slowing down time powers are used]
"Are these powers used unconsciously?"
[Yes, apparently during host's viewing, the timing was slowed down from one minute to three minutes for a year]
"So in other words, I've been experiencing fifteen hours of being awake for each 300 years I watch. That explains it all!"
Shawn then began laughing. It was no wonder that he was always tired when at home. The time difference between the white room he was in and the real world shouldn't have caused him so much stress like it was doing now.
Right now, he was not interested in knowing anymore than he had known. He just wanted to see what else he could watch to pass time.
It was at that moment that the screen which was showing a real time view map of Ornio suddenly changed.
"What's Tultul doing in the human territory?"
South west of the northern continent where a large patch of grasslands covered the region, a certain figure could be seen moving into the territory of a small town where the humans there had moved from using mud to bricks and wood.
Tultul had appeared in the vicinity and seemed to have disguised himself with a change in skin but not to the green eye color and had a straw hat covering his head.
He was currently heading through the wooden gates with a spear tied to his back when one of the guards stopped him.
"Who are you? Where are you coming from?" The guard questioned him.
Tultul simply replied with a smile and touched his throat.
The guard's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out what he meant.
Another guard smacked him from the head "Dummy, he's saying that he can't speak at the moment. He might be affected by the weather since it usually happens around times like this or maybe he just can't speak,"
The guard then faced Tultul "Sorry but unless we know what you are here for, we can't let you in. We know nearly everyone in the town but yours is too unfamiliar,"
Tultul then raised the basket that he was holding and the guards were surprised when they saw the contents.
"That's awfully a whole lot of herbs and some of them don't look like the ones the others carry. Are you from a distant land?"
Tultul nodded and affirmed the guard's guess.
"Since you are a healer, it would be very helpful for your presence to be here. We are sincerely honored" The guard said sincerely and allowed Tultul to pass.
The higher being in disguise was stunned at the level of closeness of the buildings.
"Talking might cause me trouble. I must keep mute," he said.
From what he had been told by the others, there's something in a higher being's voice that keeps others enthralled and interested and since he didn't want to do such, he could only resort to this.
"I'm curious about how the people in this region handle themselves,"
He shook and bumped with a human who was carrying a bag of tomatoes and vegetables that had been placed into a leather bag.
Their bump has caused the small human to fall and drop some of the leather bags contents.
Tultul kneeled down and helped to gather the scattered vegetables.
"Thank you sir"
As he looked up, she was shocked to see that the human was a young female that seemed to just have recently passed her early 20's (that's my info)
"These vegetables are supposed to help my mother to survive this year's outbreak of 'The Puffed face'"
She was just about to collect the last stacks of vegetables and wanted to thank Tultul for the kindness, but when she saw the raised eyebrow at the corners of the helper she smiled.
"It seems that you are not from here, must be somewhere far,"
Her response was a nod and she could only smile at that.
"Well, follow me now and I'll explain,"
Tultul held no objections and followed the stranger to a place where humans seemed to be running about and making loud noises.
"The market is as busy as usual,"
After a while of just standing and waiting, the female human returned back still the same leather bag that she was holding.
"Ahh sorry for keeping you waiting," She said as they both resumed walking.
"So where are you from?"
Tultul replied by hitting his throat and showing an imaginary zipping process.
The human quickly turned apologetic "My apologies, I didn't know,"
"Now I'll return back to explaining the Puffy face problem that always hits us at this time of the season,"
Tultul paid rapt attention the moment the word ''Season' was mentioned.
"Well according to the town's myth we believe that we are always cursed during this time. It is said that the lover of a Spearman once had a partner that instead left him the moment things became hard.
His heart was broken and he was saddened with grief, sometimes he would cry and ball his eyes out making them red. Word spread back then and reached the ears of his partner who still refused to return back to him.
And so he continued his practice of crying when he returned home and cried and cried on and soon he started coughing when the season changed he was put in bed rest.
It was unfortunate that even in this condition, his lover who had sworn to be with him refused to return back to him."
"What a stupid man?" Tultul scolded at the story with a low voice.
"Excuse me?" The human guide turned to him who could only shake his head allowing her to resume her story.
"Originally the town folk thought that there were some issues going on but it turned out not to be the case. She had stopped living with him because of his obsession which she claimed was what was weakening his health.
It was very unfortunate though that the moment her advice was delivered, the lover's spouse was already dead.
One day as she lay in her sleep, she encountered her now dead lover in her dream telling her that they would soon reunite together.
Not long after she woke up from what she called a nightmare, she contracted the disease and is known as 'The First Victim'"
"During this time, victims of the puffy face have red skin, red eyes and a pale face, they cannot avoid coughing and sometimes it gets bad that they sometimes cough blood,"
"Oh, I haven't even introduced myself," She said, trying to hide the embarrassment on her face.
"I'm Fer,"
"And I'm here in the market to gather herbs to prepare a tonic for my mother,"
She continued to chat with the figure she felt strange until she came to a stop.
"So, I guess this is where we part ways uhm," Fina stopped at a place where a large number of houses were, looking arranged and spaced out well and a good blend of wooden and stone materials which were used in building.
Just as she was about to go, she felt her arm being restrained and she turned to Tultul.
"I'm sorry but I can't take you to my home,"
Tultul showed her his basket of herbs and nodded, sending her signals that she caught on to. "Since you're a healer, I suppose I can make that exception,"
The duo continued to move house after house making the higher being wonder which of the houses was the real one.
Finally, they came to stop at a house with an oddly large compound surrounded by brick walls.
"Fiston, come open the door now!"
Footsteps could be heard from a distance followed by the sound of the doors slamming against one. The doors of the house gate slowly opened to reveal a young human face with black hair and blue eyes staring at the duo..
"Who is this?"
"Ohh Fiston meet…"