
transmigrating in a world...??

transmigrating without choice and receiving many things from items, abilities and powers. Our protagonist will have to live a new life with powers in a seemingly normal modern world. [the characters that will appear apart from my oc do not belong to me, all credits go to their respective authors]

MiguelCreative · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

-[chapter 18]-

"You're not going to participate?" – While I was relaxing I heard Gwen's voice.

"Nah… This time, I want to relax" – I responded while I settled more comfortably in my chair.

And while I was relaxing, Gwen was putting on sunscreen while Ben was training on a machine made by Max.

They had invited me, but I refused, politely of course, today I decided to relax or, rather, today I decided to take the opportunity to relax while the aliens sent by Vilgax come.

I'm not at all excited to fight tetrax, he's too strong for me, on the other hand, six-six and the other robot, I can't wait to fight them.

From what I remember from the series, those two were not that strong, at least six-six, they had strong weapons, yes, but physically they were not that strong, so I have a chance to fight against alien mercenaries.

The last two opportunities I had to fight went wrong. In the first, Mama Krakken was too strong for me and the second, against the aliens, although the first was not a challenge, but if I had let them fuse then the only chance I would have to defeat them would be to pour enough water to defeat them.

*Gwen scream* "BEWARE!!"

While I was relaxing and thinking, I heard Gwen scream followed by a warning, I opened my eyes and mentally punched myself in the face for forgetting about this. A series of diamondhead fragments were coming towards our direction, or well, the direction where Gwen was sitting.

I had mentally calculated the direction the fragments were heading and saw that none of them would hit me, so I just stared. Anyway, while Gwen was screaming and warning she was already hiding so I didn't have to do much.

The fragments fired hit the camper, the chair where Gwen was sitting, and the sunscreen. Gwen came out of her hiding place and the sunscreen cream fell on her head.

"Pff" – I almost accidentally laughed at that, but I stopped myself.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!!" – Gwen gave me an annoyed look while she yelled at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you okay, Gwen?" – I apologized while holding back my laughter when I saw Gwen's head full of cream.

"Yes I am… Thank you." – She said as she came out from under the table, I gave her a cloth to clean herself a little, she wiped her face a little and then started walking. – "I'll go wash my hair"

I nodded as I watched her leave, after she turned around, Max and Ben came to where she was.

"Ben you should be more careful." – I told Ben while I grabbed the sunscreen and took out the diamondhead crystal fragment. To keep it, it will be a memory.

"Sorry, sorry, that last one took me by surprise and I couldn't react." – Ben apologized while he scratched the back of his neck even though he was a diamondhead.

"Well, but I think you should go apologize to Gwen, she almost got hit with one of the shards." - I shrugged my shoulders, but I advised him and he nodded in agreement with what I said.

"Come on kids, we better be on our way." – Max said after removing the windows from the camper, Ben and I helped him carry the chairs and tables.

[Time after]

Already in the camper and continuing our trip, Ben apologized to Gwen, but she is still upset and Ben got upset with her because she kept talking about how she almost turned into Swiss cheese.

"What we want is for you to take the bracelet as something more serious Ben, it's not a toy. You have to think about when to use it." – Max said trying to advise Ben.

"Mr. Max is right, sometimes jumping directly is not the best option, always having an action plan, no matter how simple it may be, helps a lot." – I said trying to contribute something, but I realized that the two children were looking at me strangely.

"Since when do you make plans?" – Gwen said making me turn around to see her surprised.

"Huh? What do you mean?" – That's what I said, since I didn't think anyone would ever tell me that.

"I mean, usually like Ben, you usually jump right into the fight." – She tried to explain, but I still kept looking at her surprised by what she was telling me, I mean, she is indirectly calling me stupid, I am a lover of battles, but not stupid.

"Hey, that offends me… I always think about the things I'm going to do before doing them, it's just that my mental processing is faster than that of a normal person when I have [One for all] activated, that power that makes me physically stronger. Therefore, in those seconds that you see me jumping into battle I already have planned what I am going to do, although normally I never end up following it since I am facing beings stronger than me." – I responded as soon as I finished giving Gwen an offended face, making her or rather both of them give me a face of disbelief, they really offend.

"Huh? Really?" – Gwen said, looking truly surprised.

"Dah!" Of course." – I said, although I didn't say that my plan normally is to separate the civilians so I can fight the enemy without distractions.

"Why do you need a plan? If you just jump and hit the bad guys before they can do anything." – Ben said, seeming very sure of himself.

"If and in one of those the force does not work, you will not know what to do and they will kick your ass and I hope I can see it." – Gwen said as she gave Ben a smile.

"Dream, you brainless one" – she responded, returning the smile.

I just sighed as I shook my head and as I did so the camper started making sounds. Max said something and a few seconds later the camper stopped.

'Ok, it won't be long.' - I thought as he got up and left the camper following Max to see what happened to him.

[Time after]

We arrive at an abandoned town. Gwen started to talk about what she discovered. I honestly listened to her, but I only remembered about it being abandoned due to a collapse.

Anyway, the camper has a pipe punctured by one of the diamondhead fragments, Ben wanted to fix it, but Max said that he was going to do it alone.

And right now I'm accompanying gwen to make sure Ben doesn't get into trouble. I know where he is, I know what he will do, I know what he will cause, but I am not going to stop him, I will leave it to Tetrax, he will give Ben some development.

Just then the sound of the omnitrix being activated was heard making me give a tired sigh as I shook my head.

"Come on, Ben is up to something…again." – I told Gwen as we started walking towards the place.

"WHERE ARE YOU, BEN!?" – Gwen shouted after reaching the warehouse where we heard the sound of the omnitrix.

"What's the matter? Are you scared by the place?" – I asked her while she was looking at her face, I realized that after Gwen had a good look at the place she seemed a little scared.

"Of course not… (Shiver)." – She was going to say as she tried to act bravely, but then Ben being Ghostfreak ran through her, scaring her and making her shiver from the cold.

*Ghostfreak laugh*

"What's wrong Gwen, did she see a ghost, silly??" – Ben said as he appeared and approached Gwen.

"Get over it, you fool, you don't scare me" – she said as she crossed her arms, but then the ground started to shake.

We saw to the side how the ground began to rise, I took a quick look at them, I motioned to Ben to grab Gwen, he nodded and did so while I jumped to the side while making my trench coat appear.

Out of the ground came a yellow robot with a pincer arm and four legs.


Hello... I'm undecided.

I was thinking about rewriting the ff where the protagonist doesn't have as many abilities, at least at the beginning.

Since it bothers me that I'm forgetting what ability he can use and what he can't.

Or making him not use a skill and thus preventing him from being able to defeat the enemy on duty too easily.

So this is the possible last chapter of this ff while I decide if I do it or not.

see you.