
Transmigrated with Ethereal Emperor System

Born Alexander Von Gestar, the illegitimate son of James Von Gestar, King of Vikeria. Alex and his mother were alienated since his birth. When he was 10, she died under mysterious circumstances. Later during the coming of age at 15, he died and his body was occupied by someone else. This is his adventure in this new fantasy world. Support me with power stones, comments and reviews.

MS_Reddy · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 3

"What is this?"

[Quest was issued depending on the host's current predicament.]

"Wait, it can happen like that? Before that, I can do quests and earn things?"

[Yes the quests do depend on the host's predicament. The surroundings in which the host is located, and persons the host is conversing with or acquainted with can factor in when a quest is issued.]

"Oh, that's how it is. Then will the system issue quests whenever I want something?"

[No. The quest is issued only what the host needs but it won't be like that every time.]

"Can you consider it?"

[NO. Giving you easy access to items will only hinder your progress. You would grow lazy and die sooner than later.]

"Fine, fine, whatever you say."

'I should learn that Basic Sword Art. I wasted too much time already.'

"System, extract Basic Sword Art."

[Extracting the Basic Sword Art...]

[Integrating the Basic Sword Art...]

[Process Completed. The host you can now use Basic Sword Art.]


Basic Sword Art: Seriously, you need a description. The name itself implores that this contains information on how to use a sword. Here you can learn only Basic Sword movements.


"It hurts. Can't you make it painless?"

[No pain, no gain. This is the least bit of pain you can endure, after all, you are skipping the learning phase that everyone has to go through in order to gain any skill.]

'Hmph, whatever.'

'Huh, it seems my habit of giving up came with me. I should get rid of it. I shouldn't lack behind if someone said it is not possible. I should find a way, though it would be a hassle. If the final point is worth the hassle, I shouldn't back away.'

'For now, I have to hunt though. I'm hungry and also I should find a place to stay before night.'


It has been over a month. Alex hunted beasts every day. First, he needs to eat and has to level up as fast as he can. Though he was in a hurry, he didn't go against large animals which looked dangerous.

Mostly he hunted rabbit-type beasts for food and a few small beasts to gain experience. After hunting for a month, he finally reached Level 10. He might reach a higher level if he successfully hunted down big beasts.

He learned a few things while hunting.

As the level increases, the experience needed for reaching the next level is increased while the experience gained from low-level beasts decreases.

He also found something interesting about his origin skill.

The experience he gained and his attributes increased at night. This was accidental and happened on the seventh day, which turned out to be a Full Moon with the moon shining brightly in the sky.

He also observed that as the moon waned this increase decreased to zero on New Moon. When the waxing period started, there was again an increase.

Though he wasn't sure if the blessing is only exclusive to these two. So he made sure to observe his skills for the next month.

He also found a new thing about the system. It can upgrade using beast bodies and cores. The system said this only applies to this update, which made Alex think about how many upgrades are there still.

The system also said, the percentage filled by beast bodies is low compared to cores but still Alex used them. Since he doesn't have any means to carry them and they would be only wasted here he used them even if the percentage filled is only minute. [A/N: What do you mean by waste? there are living beasts in the forest that would feast on them.]

'Before starting I should check my progress.'



Name: Alexander {Von Gestar}

Age: 15

Level: 10

Bloodline: None

Bloodline Powers: None

Talent: Light and Darkness Affinity (Blocked by Water of Oblivion)

Origin Skill: Moon's Blessing

Rank: None

Skills: Basic Sword Art (Lvl. 4); Basic Cooking (Lvl. 2)


'From the memories, my status looks good.'

Even if it is a basic sword art, it would take a person more than a month to reach level 1 to level 2 but in less than the same time Alex was able to reach level 4 which is outrageous.

This should be possible only for people who are termed under the word called 'Monster'. Not even a genius can do that. They could only reach level 3 if they concentrate only on that.

If one thinks that there is only one level difference between level 4 and level 3, they are wrong. If it is only one level in name, it requires all the effort it took to reach level 3 and some more. As the level increases, the disparity between them increases.

'One month and I still didn't manage to find a human settlement. Where the hell did I wash up to?'

'I need to find some humans or else I may lose my sanity.'

"System, is there a quick way to get the map function or at least a way to the nearest settlement?"

[No host. I am already helping you. If I increase that without proper compensation, the world would cause you more trouble than necessary. Even without that, too much help would hinder your growth. As much I hate your whining, I do need you alive, so I can be alive too.]

"Uh, fine. You are right somewhat but I would go insane like this. Maybe it's normal for people of this world but I am not, remember?"

"Too much help might indeed help my growth but should I be sane when I grew powerful or I may become a madman who annihilates everything he sees just for fun."

[Don't worry much host. As you increase your level, your attributes increase automatically. This also includes your Intellect. This would prevent you from becoming insane, at least not so fast as common people. So my advice is to rise your levels faster.]

"So it all comes down to my level huh."

'I should stop going after low-level beasts and should increase the difficulty. It's time to hunt some big beasts.'