
Transmigrated with Ethereal Emperor System

Born Alexander Von Gestar, the illegitimate son of James Von Gestar, King of Vikeria. Alex and his mother were alienated since his birth. When he was 10, she died under mysterious circumstances. Later during the coming of age at 15, he died and his body was occupied by someone else. This is his adventure in this new fantasy world. Support me with power stones, comments and reviews.

MS_Reddy · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 19

"Oh, it looks like you are awake," a sweet voice interrupted Alex's discussion with the system. It would have been awkward if he was speaking out loud but he was thinking and narrowly escaped.

Alex turned on the bed to see who just spoke.

When he saw her, he was tranced by her beauty. She has purple hair and eyes, and her face looks like that of a goddess who descended from heaven. It's not just her facial features but the body curves that would make any man covet her.

Alex was dazed for a minute before breaking off the trance. When he saw the girl, she was blushing. he understood that she caught him staring at her for too long. He felt embarrassed.

Cough! Cough!

"Hello miss, how can I help you?"

The girl started blushing when she saw that Alex was staring at her. After that, she lost in her own thoughts that she didn't see him waking from the trance.

Only when he called her did she see that he was looking at her blushed face. She felt embarrassed and quickly got a grip on herself.

"Ahem, Sir Alex, it looks like you are in good health. We got afraid when you didn't wake for three days," the girl spoke with a bit of concern.

"Wait, three days...did you try to wake me?"

"Yes sir, you were asleep for three days. The healer said that you spent too much energy in the battle and your body needed to recuperate, but didn't think that you wouldn't wake up for three days," the girl replied.


Alex started to ponder why he didn't wake up sooner. Even after three months of forest life, he only slept for more than a day.

'Is it because I was too tired after such a battle or it is because of the dream I had.'

'Wait that man said he'll help...'

Seeing Alex frowning face the girl asked, "Sir Alex is everything good?"

"Yes, I'm good," Alex spoke looking at her, "Where are my manners? I didn't even ask your name and was lost in thoughts."

The girl got surprised when she heard that and blushed but quickly got back her senses and put on her non-embarrassing face.

"My name is Tara," the girl replied.

"Nice to meet you, Tara," Alex spoke with a smile, "Why are you here? Are you checking on me?"

Tara facepalmed and said, "Sorry sir I forgot. Lord Baron wants to meet you if you are awake and able to."

"Oh, no problem with that but I feel still stiff, so can give an hour or two."

"No problem sir. Good Day."

"Good day to you too and stop with the 'Sir'. I'm not a noble and probably the same age as you."

Tara nodded and stepped out closing the door.


After Tara left...

[Host, you should check the notifications.]

"Huh, what do you mean? They should be notifications when I killed the beasts, what's the point in that?"

[Most of them are yes but not all of them. You should check those. I'll clear the experience gained notifications.]

"Okay, but what is so important for me to see?"

[See for yourself. I already notified you, so stop asking me silly things.]

"Okay, no need to be mean."

(Then quickly check the notifications.)

Alex quickly checked the notifications and was surprised to see a few notifications regarding one particular person.


[Unusual energy detected.]

[Analyzing the energy.]

[Analyzing failed.]

[Data of source recorded.]

[Source: Tara Abel. Click the notification for more details.]


'Tara...is that the same girl? probably yes, it's the likelihood that the system behaved like that.'

"System, is that the same girl?"

[Yes, host.]

"When did you detect that? This notification is not of the present."

[You are right. It happened while in the battle against the beast tide.]

"She fought in that?"

[Yes and she is one of the people you saved. That moment is when I discovered this.]

"Does that mean she is special?"

[It's a definite yes but the only problem is whether she would a problem or not.]

"What do you mean by a problem?"

[Well, special people are destined for great things but that doesn't mean that everything would be handed down on a silver platter.]

"What does that have to do with the problem you mentioned?"

[As you know, there are only limited resources but many have to fight for them. It is the same for the special people, except in this case the resources would be replaced by... let's say power. They always fight each other.]


[In your journey to becoming an emperor, you may or may not clash with her.]

"Oh, what you are saying is that she might be vying for the same thing?"

[I can't say that for sure. There may be a different destiny for her, one that wouldn't clash with yours but it's just a wish.]

"Hmm," Alex scratched his chin, deep in thought before he spoke to the system, "How about bringing her to my side.]

[That could solve the problem but she has to be loyal to you, so it wouldn't cause trouble for you.]

"Kekeke...I have an Idea."

[Oh, tell me.]

"I'll make her a part of my harem."

[Say that again.]

"Don't get me wrong, I won't hinder her growth and also help her reach high. I would just alter the path in a way that it won't collide with mine."

[Nice plan, but host, seriously harem?]

"Yeah, I am not like those idiots who say to do one thing involving women and go in complete reverse way. I know what I want but that doesn't mean I would let any girl be part of my life. I would only choose them who truly love me."

[It's not like I can stop it but what makes you think that Tara would love you or would allow you to maintain a harem?]

"There is nothing wrong with trying. We wouldn't know without trying whether it would fail or not. If it didn't work then we could always be friends and there might not be any clashes."

[Not bad and could work. Now you should get ready for the baron. It wouldn't bode well if you keep baron waiting.]

"Oh, I forgot that..."