
Transmigrated with Ethereal Emperor System

Born Alexander Von Gestar, the illegitimate son of James Von Gestar, King of Vikeria. Alex and his mother were alienated since his birth. When he was 10, she died under mysterious circumstances. Later during the coming of age at 15, he died and his body was occupied by someone else. This is his adventure in this new fantasy world. Support me with power stones, comments and reviews.

MS_Reddy · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 12

Two days later...Early in the morning...

The sound of horns filled the town, waking up everyone from their sleep. The time for battle has come.

Alex woke up from his sleep when he heard the horn sounds like everyone. He knew that now is the time for the battle of survival.

'Though I'm considered 1-star, I shouldn't go after enemies that are far more powerful than me.'

'There are many old geezers in this town for that very purpose.'

'I need to level up as much as I can but the killings shouldn't cross a threshold that may cause envy.'

'What am I even thinking about? Many might envy me and I shouldn't fear them but should always watch my back.'

'This is also an opportunity to get some subordinates. Impress them with your skills and they would follow you. After all, I do need to become a legend in order to create my bloodline and an empire in the future.'

With that, he quickly got ready for the battle.


On the top of the castle tower...overseeing the town...

"How is it?" the baron asked.

"My lord, there seem to be thousands of those beasts. Luckily there was no sight of flying beasts in this tide," the young page replied who was sent to deliver the message to the baron.

"Hmm, good. Have they determined the ranks?"

"It's estimated that they are 1-star and 2-star beasts. They are most likely led by one or two 3-star beasts."

"Hmph, a 3-star is not good, and having multiple 3-star beasts would doom the town. Tell them that when you sight the 3-star beast they should immediately inform me."

The young page bowed and left, leaving behind only the baron and his butler.

"My lord, those 3-star beasts can't beat you. Is there something else?" his butler James asked the baron after they were alone.

"You forgot about the ritual made by some secret organization. We don't know anything about them. If they can move 3-star beasts, they may have 4-star knights or mages in their ranks. Even if they don't directly come here, there is no guarantee that there are only two 3-star beasts. In addition, flying beasts though not spotted, can arrive later during the battle."

"I understand my lord."

With the baron being at peak 4-star and his three captains at 3-star, they can fair better unless unknown opposition factors are involved in the mess. Even if they defeat the leader beasts, this isn't a simple beast tide where a high-level beast controls the beast tide which would disperse in case of its death.

Here the beasts are not in control. They are controlled by some evil persons. Who they are and what their end goal is not known to the baron and his subordinates.

Are they trying to gain something here? No one is sure but nonetheless, they are now the enemies of the kingdom.


Alex stood beside other adventurers outside the walls. The troops would take the brunt of the attack as they form the vanguard of the force stationed outside. Behind them would be the adventurers eager to gain some merits.

Though all the troops were awakened, the adventurers aren't.

The adventurers consist of people both who are awakened and non-awakened as long as they can fight. In this world, not everyone would become a mage or knight but can gain power equal to that of 1-star or sometimes even 2-star as old age claims them.

They follow common methods of physique training to improve strength and stamina. With those improved, their agility increases a bit too. There are attributes such as intelligence or wisdom that can be increased in the same way you improve your physique.

The only problem is that they can't use any mana or aura to fight. So even if they have 1-star attributes they lose to them. This didn't deter them as many reverse the battles using battle experience.

A veteran 1-star warrior can beat a rookie 1-star mage or knight. There are many things that can decide the outcome of a battle. Strength may be the major factor but battle tactics also play a major role.

One can outsmart using the pride or stupidity of the opposite person to defeat them. Though this is viable only if the power difference is small.

Even with experience, strength still plays a major role in a battle. Of course, if the person has weapons that can obliterate the other without much power input, then also we can say that it's the strength of the weapon that played the major role.

Even though the non-awakened could only reach 1-star or in rare cases 2-star, the kingdom helped this path as this would reduce the burden on the troops of the kingdom.

Most of them can fight against 1-star beasts and can hunt resources in the periphery of the settlements. There is no need for kingdom soldiers to take the burden of killing low-level beasts. This can be done by commoners themselves.

As an unwritten rule, most jobs that don't involve going into deep territories of beasts would be handled by them. To maintain order, the adventurer guild was given the responsibility of this.

This way it would be easy to form teams in search of better resources. There are times when five to ten-member teams ventured into inner parts of the forests.

Though they can't fight 2-star beasts on their own, the teams could defeat even 3-star beasts.

Alex himself was stationed alongside them. Though he powerful than a low-level 2-star, he doesn't have their powers. With no powers, he can't be with those that stand at the forefront.

The order of standing is like this. 2-star knight troops and above are the vanguards, while 2-star adventurers who are awakened but not working as soldiers are behind. This was followed by 1-star troops and then 1-star adventurers.

The mages and archers cover the troops from the battlements. They are to engage in long-range attacks to reduce the strength of the beast tide. They are also responsible for any flying beasts that may appear.

At the sides of the gate, just inside the walls, healers are located. If any injured soldier was pulled here, they treat them. The first job is to buff them with extra protection before the battle.

This facility wouldn't be used as the battle progressed, as the healers themselves would be busy treating the injured.
