The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!
'Due to the increased Resistance with each Class Awakening, the effectiveness of a Healer can decrease considerably. While a First-Class Healer doesn't have any issues curing most Wanderers up to Level 50 of their ailments, once the Wanderer becomes a Second-Class Awakener, the efficiency of the healing skill drops below 50%. On the other hand, a Second Class Healer can use less than 25% of the Mana Resources needed to cure someone who has yet to complete their Second Class Awakening.'
And this is precisely why the Second Class Healer Beatrice would send over was invaluable to the Crane Tribe.
Barbarians, even their young, would have long become First Class Awakeners, while most of the older warriors are between Levels 50 and 75.
Taking that into consideration, except for the elite few - like probably the Chieftain - most wounds could be healed once the reinforcements arrive.
As for missing limbs, Michael found out after his first encounter with a World Event that it's very hard, if not close to impossible, to heal lost limbs.
'It kind of makes sense if you think about it. While magic is magic, even the Healing Potions only increase the body's natural regeneration speed while consuming energy in the process. But there's a huge difference between spending that energy to close a wound and speed up cell regeneration to the point where they recreate a lost arm, for example. It makes sense that only beings like Inarius can supplement that energy using their own Resources, therefore creating such miracles. However, that means Healers should be capable of similar feats, yet not even Mina is capable of that. She did say that she's in the process of completing her Third Class Awakening, so maybe we'll get some hints then.'
Calmly using Evade to move out of the range of a thrown hatchet, the Necromancer swiftly followed with a couple of Corpse Explosions.
He had already met the numbers for the Culling of Flesh Quest, but he was still going strong, trying to eradicate as many of these 'beasts' as possible.
Unexpectedly, he had already reached the heart of the Field of Broken Spears, and his second Quest finally reacted to one of the Barbarian corpses on the ground.
[ Side Quest update - Consumed by Pride
Objective: Investigate the Mutilated Barbarian
Description: You found the mutilated remains of a Crane Tribe warrior and an extinguished campfire. You should check their body to see if you can figure out what happened here. ]
Approaching the corpse while ordering his minions to stand guard around him, the Necromancer frowned deeply.
Upon moving closer, he noticed how the flesh was torn, and plenty of bitemarks riddled the body. The worst was the face of the man. Jaw agape, they had an expression of surprise mixed with pure terror.
Hearing something cut through the air and sensing impending doom, Michael immediately activated his Blood Mist, allowing two hatchets to safely pass through him.
The enemies surprised him, but it also made sense, given the nature of the corpse he just inspected.
Using his Golem's taunt to distract the attacking duo, he then piled Decrepify, Corpse Tendrils, and Corpse Explosion on them, immediately killing them.
Seeing the dead Barbarians, he shook his head and ordered his minions to dig two graves near the campfire.
After burying them, he stored the body of the third one, poised to bring it back to the camp for the Chieftain to decide what to do with it.
[ Side Quest update - Consumed by Pride
Objective: Return to Ealda with news of the Barbarians' fate
Description: You were attacked by bloodthirsty Crane Tribe warriors when you investigated their abandoned camp. It looks like they turned to cannibalism, consuming their kin.
You should return to Ealda and tell her of her warriors' grim fates. ]
Seeing the time, he chose an alternate route to return to the Hutmoot, clearing any cannibals that appeared on his way back.
It was almost 4 p.m. by the time he stood again in front of the siblings, both surprised to see him back so soon.
The familiar blood aura of those who engaged in slaughter was so thick that even the two young warriors were taken aback momentarily.
[It seems I chose the right person to ask for this favor.](Kaida)
"Your fallen warriors have been avenged. I slew as many cannibals as I saw through the Fields of Broken Spears."
[*Sigh* The outsider succeeded where I failed. I will wear this dishonor forever.](Kaidu)
[*SMACK* Don't be foolish. There is no shame in injury. Ugh, stop touching your wound!](Kaida)
[I can't help it! It's itching!](Kaidu)
Smiling at the antics of the duo, Michael bade them farewell after mentioning that he must meet with the Chieftain next.
It wasn't that he was necessarily in a hurry, but after seeing the hungry gaze Kaida was giving him, he decided it was better to avoid getting mauled once he returned to Kyovashad.
[ Side Quest complete - Culling of Flesh
Reward 1: 16,896 experience points
Reward 2: 2,080 gold coins
Reward 3: Herb Cache. ]
To his surprise, he saw Kaida chasing him from behind. Upon closer inspection, her brother seemed to have 'fainted' again.
Sweating for the poor lad, Michael smiled gently at the woman.
[Let me guide you. I'll tell the Chieftain of your achievements as well.](Kaida)
"I appreciate it. Would you mind answering some questions?"
"Why is the Crane Tribe settled here?"
[This is a painful tale. Before known history, the children of Bul-Kathos protected the steppes, all to be undone by one coward. The clans scattered after Arreat's destruction. Many of those clans do not exist anymore. I hope our deeds now help redeem us.](Kaida)
"I see. Your brave fight against the cannibals for such a long period would not go unnoticed by the other tribes. Speaking of, can you tell me what you know of the cannibals?"
[*Sigh* Some were Barbarians once. Long ago, before we lost our way. I hesitate to call them warriors now. Years of consuming flesh have rotted their minds. Nothing more than rabid beasts. Huh!? One of the lost warriors returned!](Kaida)
Michael frowned for a moment but swiftly relaxed upon seeing the scene ahead.
Ealda stood, sword in hand, before a bloodied Barbarian. Judging from how close to the cliff overseeing the canyon the man was standing, the Chieftain didn't appear to be satisfied with his 'performance.'
[You return with more blood on your lips than your blade. Explain yourself. Now! Wanderer? You didn't return at a good time, I'm afraid.](Ealda)
"I found the missing Barbarians at an abandoned campfire. They turned to cannibalism. I killed two that attacked me and brought back the body of one who fell to their... teeth."
Hearing the explanation, the warriors standing guard around the 'accused' were trembling with rage. Even the Chieftain appeared to barely control herself from slashing the man into two.
Seeing her glare, the Barbarian took it as his cue to explain himself.
[We watched them. Learned from them. They consume flesh to take the strength of those who are weak. To -- to carry them inside them. Their strength. Their honor~](?)
[Honor, Sgarn?](Ealda)
[Yes. As we carry our ancestors with --](Sgarn)
'Yup. He's dead. Can't he hear the anger in her voice? Plus, he's not making any excuses for himself.'
[But... by eating them, we honor~](Sgarn)
Watching the man kicked by the Chieftain fall from the tall cliff and splatter disgustingly on the ground below, Michael wondered if this was closer to a 'THIS IS SPARTA!' or a 'Long live the King!' reference since this was a canyon the man fell in.
[ Side Quest complete - Consumed by Pride
Reward 1: 16,896 experience points
Reward 2: 2,080 gold coins
Reward 3: Leather Cache. ]
[ Side Quest issued - Raising Spears
Objective: Speak with Ealda
Description: Ealda is sure to be hurting from the revelation that some of her kin are falling to fear and cannibalism in desperation.
You should speak with her to see what you can do to help them rise beyond this fate. ]
Cursing mentally at the type of cache the system rewarded him with given the type of Quest he did, Michael turned to a red-eyed Chieftain. She was like a hurt lioness, not knowing who to vent her anger and desperation on.
Taking out the coffin, he placed the recovered body of the warrior in; he let it stay on the ground at the feet of the woman.
[*Sigh* It seems we have lost more than flesh against the cannibals.](Ealda)
[Chieftain, what of Sgarn body? Should we recover it from below?](Kaida)
[No! Let the carrion feed off his corpse as atonement for his sins. Thank you for your help, Wanderer.](Ealda)
"The losses are not as great as you think them to be, Chieftain. I have already talked with Beatrice, and she'll send three Healers and twelve Wanderers of decent levels to the camp. The Healers can help your wounded, while the Wanderers can relieve your worries. They won't be able to go out and hunt, but they should be of help nevertheless."
[Just having them around means that we can send more people out to hunt the cannibals. Your help, the Crane Tribe won't forget it.](Ealda)
"I am a friend of the Bear Tribe and have friends in the Wolf Tribe. I won't look the other way when I see Barbarians in trouble. Beatrice will also send some craftsmen, such as a blacksmith and an alchemist. In the long term, I also plan to create a Waypoint in your camp."
"Yes. Through it, your Crane Tribe will be revitalized. You'll have access to better equipment and a place to sell your loot."
Seeing the pondering look on Ealda's face, Michael remained quiet. He had already offered to help.
If the Chieftain chose to remain independent, there was nothing more he could do.
As the saying goes, you can only help those willing to help themselves.
[Very well, Wanderer. I would agree to that. However, there is something we must do before the Waypoint can be constructed. We've forgotten who we are—forgotten our ancestors' sacrifices when faced with inevitable defeat—the pride of rising beyond yourself. If we are to have any chance against the cannibals and cleanse ourselves of our past shame, we must remember the glory of our ancestors. Those who died so that we may live.](Ealda)
[Chieftain! You mustn't!](Kaida)
[Enough, Kaida! Return and tend to your brother. As for you, Wanderer, when can you meet me at the burial grounds of our ancestors? I want to return the spears of the Crane Tribe to the hands of their children. The symbols of the honored dead will rally the strength of the living.](Ealda)
Hearing the worry and dread in Kaida's voice, Michael realized that the next part of the Quest should be quite difficult.
Seeing the updated Quest details, he pondered for a moment while preparing a timeline.
[ Side Quest issued - Raising Spears
Objective: Collect Blood-etched Spears from Champion's Demise with Ealda (0/6)
Description: Ealda believes the Crane Tribe has forgotten their ancestors and their sacrifices, allowing fear and doubt to make them vulnerable to the cannibals. She wishes to reclaim the spears of their ancestors to rally the spirits of her kin and return their pride.
You should join Ealda at Champion's Demise to collect the spears of Crane Tribe's honored dead. ]
It would be a Dungeon dive, no doubt, similar to what he encountered with the Bear Tribe.
Making a mental note to speak more with the Forgemaster in Ked Bardu, who was a member of the Oxen Tribe, the Necromancer turned to face Ealda once more.
"What do you mean by Ancestor's sacrifices?"
[Since the great betrayal, the Crane Tribe has only known hardship and sacrifice. I honor my kin through my strength. When a demon had my arm in its jaws, only my warriors mattered. I slammed its maw down and returned to my kin. Nothing would keep me from their side.](Ealda)
'That explains her missing arm and the demon cranium used as an ornament on her hut. To think she took down a demon that big...'
[I returned to take its skull as fair exchange but never to cover what I lost. No scar holds greater pride.](Ealda)
Judging by the starry-eyed Kaida, who looked at the Chieftain just like a fan looks at their idol, it seems her words hold true.
Opening the MAP and finding the location marked by the Quest, Michael confirmed it was indeed a Dungeon.
[ Dungeon: Champion's Demise (Level 50)
Description: Once beautiful homelands, now overrun with demons. ]
Since he still had more Quests to handle today, if he was to focus on a higher-difficulty Dungeon that might take him the entire day, he would have to lose tomorrow as well.
"Let's plan to go tomorrow. The reinforcements from Beatrice should arrive by nightfall. Focus on getting them settled in, and I'll come back tomorrow morning. Then, we can retrieve the proof of pride and sacrifice of your tribe."
With the main issue sorted out, the Necromancer realized he had two Quests in Jirandai that he could turn in and another one he could accept.
Not wasting any more time, he used quick travel to teleport to Jirandai.