
Transmigrated Into The Joseon Era As The Powerful Demon King

[Warning: Mature content] Sunho is an average human who lives an averagely relaxing life, but one day after coming back from work, he confronts a group of gang members abducting a girl. He interrupts their mission as he occludes their devious schemes to save her, not realizing how dangerous they were and instead he falls into his death. The abductors put an end to him and he finds himself on the verge of death, the life fading from his eyes before the cloak of death finally wears on him. Sunho wakes up with a splitting headache only to find himself in an entirely foreign world, he soon realizes he's in the Joseon era but in a different body, he's in the body of a demon king. Bafflement and bewilderment strike him as he realizes another dimension of the world exists, a supernatural dimension in which his future as a demon King is unpredicted and obscure. He soon learns to cope with his new life as a demon King but when his demon starts to fight him to cave into his dark sides, will he be able to resist the tempting impulse of darkness or will he eventually surrender and become one with it?

Mel_goddess123 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Was I Fated To Die Or Was It A Stupid Mistake I Made That Caused My Death?

An average height average looking young man strolled through the walkway under the dim moon light in the silent streets, only the honking of cars passing by filled the silent night air.

A pair of thick glasses sat at the bridge of his nose, he was dressed in an average suit. A cellphone was pressed against his right ear as he spoke to the other person in the end of the line with a cheery voice and a huge grin on his face, grey eyes twinkling with excitement as he spoke.

"Yes mom, I'm on my way home, I'm almost at the bus stop." He said as he walked on the silent walkway, the street lamps lined up illuminated their light on him.

"Ahh really? You made my favourite?" His voice gleamed with excitement as he spoke until he heard the dark clouds growl loud threatening to emit rain from the clouds that crackled with lightning.

"It looks like it's about to rain, I should quickly head to the bus stop."

"Don't get drenched in the rain, so hurry home hm?" He heard his mother's hoarse rough voice on the other line and it dawned on him his mother was getting old, she was a ghost of her past self, her black hair had been dominated by her grey ones and she had shrunk down in size, her skin no longer radiated like the morning sun, he had noticed the wrinkles etched on her face and her dry lips, but still, the affection and warmth she held in her eyes since hewas little never faded.

"I'll make sure not to get drenched, I'll be..." He trailed off, leaving his sentence hanging in the air as he heard an ear piercing scream erupting from the dark ally he had just walked past.

"What's wrong?" He heard his mother's worried voice when he failed to complete his sentence.

"Nothing, I'll see you at home." He said hurriedly while ending the call, before she could give a reply.

His brows creased in wary as he pushed his glasses up slightly, he had heard a distressing scream which only meant someone was in danger and he couldn't just leave without tracking down who or offering his aid if it was needed.

He veered around and started walking back towards the direction he was coming from till he halted at the entrance of the dark alley that had not a hint of light to lead his path but he walked through anyway till he was at the end of the other side of the alley.

He heard a woman's muffled scream and rough male voices in the intersection of the alley.

"This one will be a good price, right?" He heard a male voice say as if he was about to bid the girl to the highest bidder. He peeked his head out quietly to steal a glance at the situation when he saw a burly man binding the girl's hands backward with a gag placed in her mouth which allowed her to let out only muffled faint sobs.

He could see two more average bodied men opening the door of a black van just beside them and the burly man ready to shove the girl inside.

There was no doubt they were dangerous men and they were apparently abducting the girl for illegal business but he couldn't just watch while an innocent girl was being kidnapped and left in the hands of dangerous men who would do God knows what to her.

He quickly took out his phone and dialed the police while memorizing their plate number in his head in case they escaped before the police could arrive as he couldn't fight three men bare handed.

He whispered to the police what he saw and gave them information on his whereabouts and thankfully they were on their way.

He peeked his head out again to see the men discussing something which delayed their exit after shoving the girl into the van, he hoped they would discuss until the police arrived.

His hands trembled a bit in anxiety as he awaited the arrival of the police, but then the ringing tone of his phone reverberated loudly in the alley.

His heart flew to his mouth as his trembling hands quickly switched the phone off but it was too late, the dangerous men had caught up to him even before he could take a step to escape.

His eyes widened in horror as his eyes locked with the burly man's that had skull tattoos inked on every skin on his neck not a hint of white was visible.

He gulped as he saw the man grin darkly with golden teeth revealed to his view.

Before he could process whatever was happening he felt the man's large hand squeeze his throat as he pulled him out to the intersection where the van was.

He whimpered in pain as the man shoved him to the floor and he wheezed for breath as he took in air into his lungs.

"Seems like we've got a rat." He heard one of the average sized men hiss in displeasure as he grabbed his phone from him violently and his eyes squinted in displeasure when it peered into his screen.

"He already contacted the police, let's get the fuck out before our asses gets busted."

He saw the others twisted face in obvious displeasure and anger at the news and his spine shivered when they all glared at him.

"Let's take care of this one first, he knows too much, we can't afford a mistake." He saw the average sized man roll his sleeves up to reveal a serpent tattoo inked on every skin in his arm there was no fiber of white skin visible, it looked worse than the burly man's.

He didn't need an explanation on what they meant by taking care of him, it was obvious that they wanted to get rid of him permanently and at that moment, he felt a bit of regret.

He should have been at home by now eating his favourite meal his mother had prepared but there he was, at the verge of death and it didn't look like any amount of pleading would shake their resolve to kill him, from their menacing looks, they had done it countless times and he would be nothing but another unlucky number added to their list.

"Please, spare me, I won't say a word I promise..." He pleaded with shaky voice even though he knew his pleads wouldn't do much but his instincts pushed him to beg for his life.

"Of course you won't." He heard the burly man say with a sadistic grin as he watched the average sized man unsheathe a dagger and moved towards him.

He reflexively got up on his feet and moved backward with widened eyes in horror and heart thumping hard against his rib cage, but there was no escape for him as they all surrounded him and he moved back till his back hit the wall, it was a dead end.

His breathing laboured as he saw the armed man coil the dagger tightly around his grip, he couldn't die like this, no!

"Help!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping someone would hear his cries and come to his rescue, preferably the police but as quickly as his words came out, the man plunged the dagger into his abdomen nastily.

He could feel the sharp blade piercing through his flesh and he grunted painfully as he felt the blade twisting deep into his flesh before being pulled out with cruel movements.

His head fell down as he looked at the red liquid quickly soiling his white shirt and as each seconds passed, it expanded till it dripped on the floor.

His legs wobbled as he lost a large amount of blood but before he could process what was happening, he could feel the blade plunged into his abdomen again at exactly the same area where he had been stabbed.

It burned like hell and his legs weakened like noodles as he came falling to the floor with a soft thud. He felt lightheaded, his eyes became heavy and everything became blurry and the next moment he could hear the revving engine of the van as it moved out.

The burning sensation and pain quickly spread throughout his whole body, his head banged like crazy with a splitting headache as every breath he took inflicted discomfort and his heart beat pumped faintly.

Was I fated to die or was it a stupid mistake I made that caused my death?

His eyes glistened with unshed tears as he thought of his mother and the unimaginable pain she'd go through if she got news of his death, it would break her.

The loud thundering of the lightning rumbled in the dark skies as his blood seeped from his wound, his blood dripped on the floor and it soon turned into a puddle where he lay.

He could feel the life quickly draining from his body but just before he closed his eyes to eternal slumber, he felt a cold liquid drizzling down on him which soon increased into a heavy downpour.

The cold hands of Death finally embraced him and his eyes closed as he travelled into another unknown dimension where life was void and filled with infinite darkness and nothingness.